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Supporting research into blowing s**t up underwater....
.... Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC) - Suffield, Medicine Hat, Alberta, has a requirement for the provision of engineering and technical services in support of experimental research in Underwater Explosion (UNDEX)effects on an "as and when requested" task authorization basis. Support is required for UNDEX pond maintenance and repair, specialized design of underwater experiments, assistance in conducting field trials, and data reduction and analysis ....

..... and building "Protected Military Satellite Communications Facilit(ies at) ... Leitrim and Shirley’s Bay":
.... DEFENCE CONSTRUCTION CANADA (DCC) – #IE100684– Protected Military Satellite Communications Facility (PMSCF) at CRC Leitrim and Shirley’s Bay, Ottawa, Ontario.

The work includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the supply of labour, material, supervision and equipment necessary for the protected military satellite communications facilities (PMSCF) at CRC Leitrim and Shirley’s Bay.


A site meeting will be held at the following date, time and location. It is highly recommended that bidders attend this site meeting.

Date: October 13, 2010

Time: 9:00 hours, local time.

Location: 3545 Leitrim Road, Guard House

The estimated cost for this opportunity is in the order of $1,806,942.00 ....
.... The objective of this solicitation is for the purchase of one hundred at thirteen (113) Command Wire Detectors (CWD).

Explosive hazards are major threats to CF personnel in current operational theatres. These explosive threats include landmines, Unexploded Ordnance (UXO), and Improvised Explosive Devices (IED). In this environment, Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Operators and Combat Engineer teams are frequently called upon to conduct short notice searches for explosive hazards.

The CF require capability to detect the presence of electrical wires buried underground which are part of the system to initiate an Explosive Device (ED) at will from a command position. These wires are often referred to as "command wire" and normally serve to activate command detonated ordnance or IED.

An effective yet simple, robust and compact handheld CWD will reduce the risk of casualties from explosive hazards on operations. The CWD would also be used to detect any shallowly buried low voltage signal cables of interest. The CWD is intended to detect or locate relatively short lengths of non-energized small gauge wires attached to an explosive device, via a "pipe or cable" locator as used in the Petroleum or Power Utility industries to "track" underground pipelines and utility cables and/or to detect ruptures or breaks. The CWD will be employed in a variety of climatic conditions and harsh physical environments. It will be subject to repeated periods of sustained and rugged use followed by extended inactivity, storage or transport. The CWD is to be useable and maintainable for a minimum of ten (10) years after delivery and acceptance ....
More here or in attached excerpt from Statement of Work.

.... The Statement of Work (SOW) describes the services required by Defence R&D Canada - Valcartier (DRDC Valcartier) aim at carrying out the following objectives :

To conduct a comprehensive study of Visual Analytics functions applied to MDA (Maritime Domain Awareness) and a preliminary design of the Visual Analytics for Maritime Domain  Awareness (VAMDA) prototype.


Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) is the effective  understanding of everything on, under, related to, adjacent to, or bordering a sea, ocean or other navigable waterway, including all maritime-related activities, infrastructure, people, cargo, vessels, or other conveyances" [NSPD, 2004]. Maritime domain operators/analysts around the world typically have a mandate to be aware of all that is happening in maritime approaches. This mandate is based on the need to protect from attack, defend sovereignty, detect illegal activities, and support search and rescue activities.

In Canada, the Regional Joint Operational Centers (RJOCs), through the production and exploitation of the Recognized Maritime Picture (RMP), need to rapidly process a variety of sources of information in order to develop shared situational awareness (understand how a situation has developed and is expected to develop); rapidly develop shared understandings of the operational environment; and work in a collaborative setting (JIMP – Joint, Inter-agency, Multi-lateral, Public). In modern operations, this becomes a challenging task because of: the large number and diversity of data, information and knowledge types and sources; significant information overload; the incomplete / uncertain nature of the information; and the timeliness of the information and of the resulting RMP ....
More here.
Wanted:  Someone to install, take off extra CF truck armour at Longue-Pointe:
.... Nature of Requirements:  Installation and Removal of Protective Armour Systems for vatious trucks

Request for Regional individual standing offer (RISO) for the installation and removal of protective armour systems from various trucks operated by the Department of National Defence (DND), including 1 1/2 ton military pattern LSVW trucks, 2 1/2 ton military pattern MLVW trucks and 10 ton military pattern HLVW trucks.

These services are required for the Canadian Forces 202 Workshop Depot (Longue-Pointe facility) at 6769 Notre-Dame Street East, Montreal, Quebec.


The work will be carried out in the offeror facility. This facility cannot be further than in a radius of 50 km from ASU Montreal.


Work capacity:
- The offeror must be able to work on several vehicles at the same time in order to meet deadlines.


It is expected that two (2) standing offers with an estimated total value of $900,000.00 GST or HST included may result from this call. The first RISO representing 60% of the allocated budget will be awarded to the bidder with the lowest overall bid, and the second RISO representing 40% of the allocated budget will be awarded to the bidder with the second-lowest overall bid.

Period two years from the date of award plus one additional optional year.

This request is for the Afghanistan and Haiti operational needs.


Closing:  2010-11-02 02:00 PM Eastern Daylight Saving Time EDT ....
Air-powered weapons (C7's, AK-47s, etc.) for training at Farnham:
.... Nature of Requirements:  Required for the Department of National Defence at Farnham, P. Quebec a variety of fire arm that work with compressed air.

Details in the Request for Proposal.

Number of items: 14

Quantity: Various

Required by December 01, 2010, if possible ....

More details in attached excerpt from bid documents.
.... TITLE: Antiviral Drug Testing in a Ferret Animal Infection Model of Influenza A Virus

All work is unclassified and contractor will not have access to any classified information. The contractor will be escorted at all times while on site.

DEFENCE Research and Development Canada (DRDC) - Suffield, Medicine Hat, Alberta, requires a contract to develop and validate the ferret model of infection for influenza A virus, and to use this model to test the efficacy of nasally delivered LE Poly ICLC against the influenza A virus. In consultation with the Technical Authority from DRDC Suffield, the Contractor shall: a) Procure and house the ferrets in the appropriately Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC)- approved housing facilities, b) use the ferrets to develop and validate an infection model for influenza A virus using a strain to be provided by DRDC Suffield, and c) use the model to carry out efficacy testing of nasally and intranasally delivered LE Poly ICLC and Poly ICLC.

To qualify, a bid will have to consist of no less than 80% of goods and/or services of Canadian origin.

Experience: experience in handling and housing ferrets

( .... )

7. ESTIMATED FUNDING: The estimated budget for this contract
is $45,000.00 (Goods and Services Tax or Harmonized Sales Tax
extra, as appropriate).

It is anticipated that any contract will be effective from date of Contract Award to August 31, 2011 ....
More here and in attached Statement of Work.
This, from MERX:

The objectives of the work are:

The identification of intelligence analysis requirements to use Social Network Analysis (SNA) techniques and methods in a counter-insurgency (COIN) context.

The production of a Reasoning Requirements (RR) Inventory for Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield/Intelligence Preparation of the Operational Environment (IPB/IPOE).

The production of a State-of-the-Art (SOTA) study of:
SNA technology and tools
Visualization technology and tools to support SNA
Visualization technology and tools to support IPB/IPOE
The production/gathering of relevant scenario and datasets relevant to automated reason-ing in IPB/IPOE


The period of the Contract is from date of Contract to July 29th, 2011 inclusive ....
More in Statement of Work from bid document, downloadable here (PDF)

My favourite verb from the bid documents:  "sensemaking" (what analysts appear to do re:  environments)
The Department of National DEFENCE (DND) is looking to establish an indoor firing range system to be located at or near Canadian Forces Base Kingston. There is a possibility that this firing range system would need to be relocated to another site within three to five years so any acquisition would have to be suitable for relocation (disassembly, transport, and re-assembly).

The intent of this Letter of Interest (LOI) is to solicit market information on product availability of a system to meet the preliminary set of requirements, as well as to determine industry interest in submitting a bid proposal. Respondents are requested to submit information which would demonstrate how their product might meet or exceed requirements as detailed in the LOI.

Note that at this time, there is no firm requirement for procurement ....
More here and in attached excerpt from bid documents.
.... The Department of National Defence, Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC), has a requirement for access to a psychophysiological data collection facility along with technical support to assist in the data collection and analysis.  The services will be performed as and when requested by DRDC.  The facilities will include the following;
- 3T Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanner
- Sleep lab facilities
- EEG system
- Equipment to collect eye movement data
- Equipment to collect and analyse salivary melatonin
- Equipment to collect and analyse salivary cortisol
- A room with at least four electrical outlets and four desks and/or tables where laptop computers can be installed for data collection


The period of work is from date of contract award for a period of two years and will include the irrevocable option to extend the term of the Contract by up to 2 additional one year period(s) under the same conditions.

The estimated limitation of expenditure is $339,000.00 (HSTI) from the date of award for a period of two years, and $56,500.00 (HSTI) for each of the option periods. The minimum work guarantee is $20,000.00 from the date of award for a period of two years and $10,000.00 for each of the option periods ....
More details on the call here.  How are they using the data they're collecting?  This from attached Statement of Work:
.... Sustained operations in adverse conditions (e.g. the arctic) can give rise to a wide range of stressors (e.g., fatigue, social isolation, and circadian dysregulation) that can impair the effectiveness of Canadian Forces (CF) personnel.  To develop countermeasures to mitigate the deleterious effects of stressors, it is necessary to first develop a scientifically validated framework that can quantify the effects of stressors across a wide range of psychological and physiological measures.  Furthermore, many of the physiological and psychological measures that are also used quantify brain function among neurologically healthy adults are also used to measure functional and structural integrity in populations with head injury, including those with mild-to-moderate brain trauma.  As such, given the overlap in the required facilities for data collection for <different studies> currently active in <the Individual Readiness section of DRDC Toronto>, we propose to secure access to a comprehensive and configurable suite of psychophysiological data collection facilities for the lifetime of <a major project> (i.e., up to four years) .... 

Tony's Plain Language Version:  DRDC's running a series of studies on how to deal with stress factors faced by CF members in tough climes and situations (fatigue, feeling isolated and screwed up sleep patterns).  Before you can figure out how to deal with the stress-causing factors, you need to know exactly what effects they have on the body.  Since the things we measure to do this are the same as things we measure to see how brain injured patients are recovering, we're looking for a lab where all these measurements can be taken and shared among the different studies we're working on.
.... The Department of National Defence (DND) has a requirement for the provision of Combat Support (CS) training services to the Canadian Navy, Army and Air Force under the Contracted Airborne Training Services (CATS) Project. These services include the provision of aircraft, equipment and personnel, to the Canadian Forces (CF) in order to meet operational training and readiness requirements in a "live fly" environment, on an "as and when requested" basis, under a Task Authorization Contract, for a period of ten (10) years plus two (2) irrevocable five (5) year option extensions. The majority of the services will be delivered in the main CF Bases across Canada. However, aircraft may be deployed elsewhere within the continental North America to include an area extending 100 nautical miles seaward from the coastline of North America (excluding Hawaii), Mexico, Bermuda, the Bahamas and Puerto Rico.

CS training services will provide the following mission categories:

·    Target Support (TS): Target Support (TS) missions provide representative adversary airborne targets for the purpose of operator training and weapon system validation in the areas of detection, tracking and targeting.

·    Electronic Warfare (EW): Electronic Warfare (EW) missions train land, maritime and air forces in the operation of their systems in a live-fly electromagnetic environment using Electronic Attack (EA), Electronic Protection (EP) and Electronic Counter Measures (ECM).

·    Target Tow (TT): Target Tow (TT) missions provide training to radar, electro-optical and infrared-guided weapons system operators in a live fire environment.

CATS mission categories of TS, EW, and TT are partitioned into mission sub-categories to address the extensive scope of CS training requirements ....
More in NPP here (posting also attached if link doesn't work), and in Instructions to Bidders (also attached).