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What trades are fighting units, and what aren't?


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Hey all, good to see this site around. It's answered a lot of my questions, and it's been an invaluable resource in my decision to join the Reserve. I have a question on what trades are "fighting" trades, and what aren't.

Like many civilians probably think, when I think "Army" I think getting dirty in the field, humping packs and slinging rifles. The only problem is, at my local CFB I've heard they're full to the brim of Infantry and aren't taking any more at the moment. The main reason I'm joining is that I want a physical challenge, and I've always been enthralled with the idea of Infantry. I have a friend who's a Supply Tech, and I don't want to end up like him - preparing kits and what not. I want to be out in the field, getting dirty infantry style. I want to fight, learn tactics, and crawl in the mud. I don't want to be a technician of some sort, stuck in a garage somewhere while the grunts are having fun.

My question is this - what other trades are hands-on, in the field? I'm not joining to learn a trade, I'm joining to be a part-time soldier - to be called upon when my country needs it. What other trades get to train with weaponry, and get to use them as part of their regular work? Don't get me wrong, I have respect for all jobs, trades, and positions within the Army, and realize that they're all essential, but I am set on joining to help fight in the most direct manner possible. My idea of helping in the fight is not behind the lines. As far as I know, the only combat trades are Infantry, Armour, Artillery, and Engineers. Am I limited to these choices?

Most if not all trades:

1. Go to the field
2. Get trained on different weapons
3. Get dirty.

All trades are hands on.

jarude87 said:
As far as I know, the only combat trades are Infantry, Armour, Artillery, and Engineers. Am I limited to these choices?

That would be the COMBAT ARMS there is also COMBAT SERVICE SUPPORT and they are comprised of the Service Battalions (any thing from MSE OPS to Supply Techs) and the Field Ambulance Units (your Medics). The is also the Signals Squadrons.
Nfld Sapper said:
The is also the Signals Squadrons.
I'll stick up for my Jimmie brethren.
There are also Signals Regiments.  Comms have sqdns.  ;D
Does your city / town have a Service Battalion? A Communications Squadron? There is also Air Reserve and Naval Reserve.  But they don't "go to combat".
My 0.02, hope it helps.
BYT Driver said:
I'll stick up for my Jimmie brethren.
There are also Signals Regiments.  Comms have sqdns.   ;D
Does your city / town have a Service Battalion? A Communications Squadron? There is also Air Reserve and Naval Reserve.  But they don't "go to combat".
My 0.02, hope it helps.

I stand corrected, thanks BYT  :salute:

<edited to add>

Just ask the guys in the sandbox, many of them are from the reserves not sure of the extent of the air and naval reserves but the army reserves are there in large numbers.
SVC BN's are fun.. you get to play Infantry but then drive off like a bugger without humping the kit. Basically Poop maker on wheels...
This doesn't answer your question, but if you really want infantry, go do it.  If there is no space now, something is sure to open up sooner or later. It sounds like you know what you want already, you only live once and if being a foot soldier is something you think that you might like and be good at, do it. Full Stop.  While you are waiting, train train and train more.  
Again, not a direct answer to your question but my two cents.  
Have I betrayed my bias..... ;)

Not a problem, me son.


jarude, why so hot and bothered to get dirty with the grunts?  There are other options open to you if you want a reserve job. If you want actual combat, then, sure, go Cbt Arms.  If you want a job with possibilities, then look to CSS {combat service support} Logistics are everywhere, Sigs people go TONS of places, Construction Engineers are away alot too!  But don't just join up and expect to go immediately, there's a ton of training to do first. 
I've been deployed a number of times: Desert Storm for 4 months; Alert for 6 months; Israel for 6 months; and off to the middle east again for 6 months.  No combat,{except Desert Storm} always in support.
One of my favoutie sayings: "If you can't be an athelete, you can at least be an atheletic supporter"    :rofl:
Cheers, BYTD
Sapper is  a fun way too. Not trying to blow sunshine up my Chimo friend's butt.. but it is pretty neat trade and the stuff you learn.
First step - determine what Primary Reserve units are close by. Them go talk to them, if they say they are full then ask if you can apply and be put on a waiting list. Units usually get vacancies for summer training so now is the time to apply. If you follow your heart then when things are great you will be happy. When things are bad you will remember the great times and stick with it. If you settle for something you don't really want then you will part ways sooner than later. One point of  consideration is that Combat Engineers can be used in a secondary role as Infantry so they learn lots of Infantry tactics and get into the mud quite often.  Good Luck.
BYT Driver said:
I'll stick up for my Jimmie brethren.
There are also Signals Regiments.  Comms have sqdns.   ;D
Does your city / town have a Service Battalion? A Communications Squadron? There is also Air Reserve and Naval Reserve.  But they don't "go to combat".
My 0.02, hope it helps.

Off topic perhaps, but there are Sig Sqns, Sig Regts, Comm Sqns, and Comm Regts.  Whether something is called a Sqn or a Regt is not about what it does, but what size it is.  A Regt is bigger than and contains Sqns as sub-units.

We get to play infantry, play with the infantry  ::), and the big selling point; we blow stuff up  ;D. Engineer can be a hard job, as our job is never done; and is not for the week of hart.

My father was Infantry, after a few stories of living like a turtle (carrying your home on your back) for weeks on end and being on the bad end of danger close missions, I became a Gunner. You want a physical challenge? Try feeding a 155mm Howitzer 100lb shells all day. You want to be the deadliest soldier on the modern battle field? Join the artillery.

We all have our biases, no?
Gunnerlove said:
My father was Infantry, after a few stories of living like a turtle (carrying your home on your back) for weeks on end and being on the bad end of danger close missions, I became a Gunner. You want a physical challenge? Try feeding a 155mm Howitzer 100lb shells all day. You want to be the deadliest soldier on the modern battle field? Join the artillery.

We all have our biases, no?


Hubby called me once during a training session. He had 5 minutes free and just wanted to say g'nite. He told me "if you hear a big bang...the guns are about to fire" well sure enough I heard the order called out in the background followed by a BIG BOOM! At that moment I asked hubby where to go to sign up...just the rush of hearing the guns fire was almost orgasmic.  ;) Funny thing is...he's AD and if I joined I would surely go Field...hahah hard to be posted together though.

So, biases aside...humpin shells all day is a pretty cool job if you ask me. LOL

Catamaran22 said:
FYI, you can see some trade lessons at - http://www3.telus.net/helper33/#_TRADE_LESSON_PLANS

are you going to post anthing other than plugs for your site ?
Doesn't look like it from the other posts he has made. Also he refuses to fill in any profile info  ;D
While theres a topic about it does anyone know how much field work the reserve MP's do? I'm kinda the same but kind of opposite of Jarude I want to get out and do all the fun field stuff but at the same time I'de rather drive a truck with my kit in the back then carrying it all on my back!  ;D
you have not bothered to provide any details as to where you live or who you are so it is impossible for us to recommend a unit or trade for you without knowing what is available in the area you live in.

Pick up the phone book, look up the blue pages, under national defence
you can either go to the recruiting centre and they will provide you with a list of the units that are in your area and, probably, the trades for which there are openings.

However, I have heard that the reserve enrollment has been slowed down as CFRC continues to "blitz" the enrollment of regular recruits.
Thanks for all the help, everyone. Geo: I'm in London, Ontario and I know the 4th RCR is stationed here at Wolsley Barracks. I've been researching some of the other jobs and it seems Signals Operator would be pretty interesting; I'm a bit of a computer nerd so it seems right up my alley. As far as the non-Combat arms trades go, how much field time do they see? I'm assuming Infantry spend most of the time out there, learning tactics and whatnot... with the other trades, how much time is spent doing Infantry stuff?
most of the time in the field...
Armoured crewmen, Artillery gunners, Engineer Sappers & Infantrymen are considered the "combat arms" & all keep their hands dirty (though some (sappers) more than others).

The logistics people in the service battalions, the signallers, the medics are all part of the Combat support units.... they ensure that the "fab four" CAN stay in the field... but they can only do that from.... the field.