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Fallen Comrade
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Hey guys I was talkin to the cfrc today and they told me that my medical file just came back from bordon, everything looks good. She said now they are sendin my name up for a job offer. on average how long does this take? is this the shortest part of the whole recuriting process? thanks in advance....by the way I am applying for 031 reg infantry hoping to be gone to basic in july hopefully or at least sometime this summer.
Benoit, this is more of a question than an answer. How long did you have to wait from the time your completed your medical interview to being told that your medical file has come back from Borden? I am trying to determine whether I will make it for summer training. Thanks.
I‘m waiting for my paperwork to come back from Borden, and talking with the recruiter yesterday, there is still plenty of time to the summer....
I‘m waiting now pushing 8 weeks....so in all likelihood probably by 8-10 weeks mark
dependant on what your joining and when your paperwork got in

*note, mine is for reserve, not sure if alot diff for reg
It took about a month to get my medical back from bordon.
My application was sent to borden March 31 and when I called the recruiting center and asked where my file currently stood he told me it was in borden and that was all he could tell me.

I am applying for field engineer reserve. I am hoping to make it to summer BMQ and SQ. Does any one have a rough idea of how much longer I will have to wait, and what I should do in the meanwhile other than call them?

I was also wondering if my mother nad little brother were any concern to me. My mom is Manic Depressant and my little brother has Asthma, I have neither, but will it effect me getting into the forces?
I can tell you my medical (for Reg force) was sent on March 1st and as of last week (April 15th) it was still in Borden.

I doubt that means much, because I‘m certain that they do not get reviewed in the order they are received. From what I gather, they are split into piles on different peoples desks, and if the person who‘s desk yours is on, gets sick, goes on vacation, is a slow typer, or whatever, then your file just takes that much longer.

That being said, there was a guy (Dehahaha) who posted that his ENTIRE PROCESS was completed in about 6 weeks or so, so obviously it can really depend.

As for your families medical history, I doubt (just total speculation here) that it will factor into your recruitment.
The fact that your parent suffers from a psychiatric disorder may or may not be something they look at, but your little brothers asthma would be totally insignificant I would think.
RJG, I don‘t think the fact that your mother has bi-polar will have any impact on your application. During my medical interview, I had to reveal that my mother, which may or may had a mental disorder, committed suicide, but the medical officer never assumed that I had the same or any other mental disorder. I think the key is that as long as you are not dependent on lithium to control any manic episodes that might impair your judgment, you should be OK.