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What is your start time in the morning?

MCpl Burtoo

Jr. Member
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I have a question for all of those who are at other Army bases in Canada.......What time do you start work in the AM at your base? I am with 2PPCLI in Shilo we start at 0730 hrs (10 min early to mark my map) so I am at work for 0720 parade and then I don't want to be late so I am at work for 0710. Now for as long as I have been with 2PPCLI (11 yrs) it has always been so. 0730 - 1600 hrs daily. Moving to Shilo, we find out the Guns don't start work till 0800 hrs. I believe it is the same at the Edmonton Garrison as well, but please correct me if I am wrong. The reason for asking is that we have a Comd Hour coming up and it is a question that I want to ask......would make it easier for the guys driving from Brandon and most Day Cares do not open till after 0700 hrs. ANYWAY, WHAT TIME TO YOU PARADE IN THE AM AT YOUR BASE?????
around 0745 in most cases in 1 RCR depending on wether or not there's a battalion parade or not.
but in most cases, I try to be there for 0730 each day. we usually go till I'd say 15 or 1600.
You barely show up prior to the parade starting and its not like you have the parts to address it to the CO anyway. :)
I'm in an HQ environment in a large city, so you might find this slightly different ...
(and, I'd caution against mixing "apples and oranges" - both battalion and higher HQ routines have their own demands ... so let's just keep this a non-judgemental comparison, okay?)

HQ "core hours" are roughly 0800-1600, however ... there are quite a few variables
(i.e. union members are usually the only people guaranteed guaranteed to work "normal" hours ...).

Unit P.T. mornings you're there at 0720 hrs (and, yes - older people with older children sometimes forget the fact that getting to daycare can mean reveille for an infant at 0600 hrs, and afternoon rush hour can mean a long duty day for a five-year-old with only one or two hours of "quality time" ... and an even longer day for the parent).

On "normal" workdays some people start earlier or stay much longer, both in order to beat traffic and in order to get some work done while it's still quiet ...

Much work is "modular" or individual, therefore quitting time is also extremely varied ...
(i.e. deadlines mean quitting time is "only when the work is finished" ...).
Thus, it's not uncommon to see 10 hour days or longer when it's "crunch time".

Having said all of the above ... it can be a warning sign when somebody starts showing up routinely at 0600 ... and stays until 1800 ... or works weekends voluntarily (i.e. sometimes their workload has exceeded their workday ... or a combination of meetings and TD/conferences makes it difficult to find time to sit down long enough to "get some work done", or other times they're avoiding problems at home ...)
However, this is sometimes not immediately or correctly recognised in an HQ since people can get pre-occupied with their own work, or they mistakenly believe that somebody is "keen" as opposed to burning themselves out ...
In Petawawa,

2 Fd Amb (the actual unit, not the UMS or BMC) works from 0700-1500

Most other units work 0730 - 1600, everyone including civies are open for "business" by 0800 or right after pt @ 0900.
CFL said:
You barely show up prior to the parade starting and its not like you have the parts to address it to the CO anyway. :)

oooh, must be checking this between letting your dogs out and going to MIR.....
At the job I'm doing right now in Afgh, I make my own schedule. I hit the gym or the pavement at about 0430, then shower and change and into the ops centre by about 0630 to review the night's incidents with the US duty staff. I have a quick telecon to update my own HQ at 0730, then at 0800 we have the AM shift change briefing.

Back at the HQ in Winnipeg, I like to be in by about 0700 at the latest. I find the hour from 0700 to 0800 (by the time staff are at their desks) to be just about my most productive time, and a great time to plan events for the day. I do my PT at lunch so I don't have the same time pressure that foks in a field unit face. Cheers.
As I am another early rising member of 2PPCLI, I agree with both Butoo and CFL and ask this:

"What happened to 08:00hrs on Fridays?"

I'll be backing you up tommorow Burtoo.

Pot this is Kettle.  Message over.  Between your own MO and plumber appointments I'm surprised you come in at all.  Nothing like knowing your DVA rep on a first name basis. ;)
hey wassup guys, at 2 CER we start at 0730 for parade/pt in the winter and the day drags up until 1600hrs (on paper). Most of the time we're there until 1700, 1730. It's not too fun when you have a 30 min drive to Pembroke, but we also have summer hours, 0700hrs until 1430,1500hrs. But our lunch our is 30 min.

but i asked the question once, there is different timings for units because they wanna stop the clog up of car in the cities (as far as i know it doesn't work in Pet)

My day...

0800-0900 PT
0920-1200 work
1300-1600 work

0800-1200 work
1300-1500 work
1500-1600 PT (sometimes the same as Monday if the weather says its gonna be hot)

0800-1200 work
1300-1600 work

0800-1200 work
1300-1600 work or on occasion sports (organised sprots: games etc such as  cricket and golf ( 9 holes)

Same as Mon


1 SVC BN forms up at 0730 hrs, before PT. But I tend to be here at 0710 hrs. We do PT till 0830-0900 hrs and return to the BN lines 1 hr after PT is finished. My Coy's OC's Sop's are that nobody can leave before 1200 hrs or before 1600 hrs Mon-Fri. Oh and when they say that we are being stood down early on a Fri, we all plan on being here till 1600 hrs.

I was a lot like pbi when I was serving and the habits (not just earlyâ “to-rise and being prompt) I acquired in the Army continue to serve me well in semi-retirement.

I have a nice, well paid, part time job managing an organization of less than a dozen people.   I still get up very early (lots of people my age do .... especially if we don't want to wet the bed!) and I am in the office hours before anyone else.   In that super-productive 'quiet' period I get most of my real work done - that leaves most of the morning 'free' to check, help, advise, counsel, etc ... all of which is appreciated by the staff (most of whom are still graduate students).

Most days I am finished by noon, and while don't I enforce the old rule of â Å“if you have nothing to do then don't do it hereâ ? (because many of the staff switch, all day long, between school work and our organization's work and they like having a quiet, private office in which to work) I do not hang around every day â “ it's 'part time' after all.
Now take into consideration, I work class "B" for the Central Region Cadet Headquarters. 0800-1600, 1130-1300 is PT/lunch time. I do my PT on my own time, so i just take a nice long 1.5 hour lunch every day. Now some days I will be in alot earlier, especially with some crap that need sorting out recently with blackdown. Normally, I am in at about 0745-0750.
when i was in 2 CER ist was 0730 in summer and 0745 in winter ( petawawa).  In 1 CER it was , as far as i remember, 0800 year round.  At CFSME in gagetown PT was at 0700.  Here at CFANS (winnipeg) school starts at 0800 until whenever.  Flying days are different because of "crew-day" rules, so if i fly at 1600 i dont go to work until 1550.
Quick question regarding each respective unit's work week. Which units out there have Sport morning or afternoon? 1 SVC BN usually has a sports afternoon. But only when pre and post ex drills have been completed.

