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What is the story behind your avatar?

Mine is actually the glider I first soloed in back in the summer of 2004. Ah the good times at Debert....
Standing on the boneville in utah after riding there on the klr650. That year i sold my house, quit my job, lost 50 lbs, dumped the finace, and got on the bike and decided to take a three week ride. Been having a blast ever since.
Me on my AEV leveling a ruined building to make room for an MGB build, Bosnia 97.

Got stuck with Wookilar on my 3's. Still stuck. It's from some Don Knotts movie (I think). Like all good nick names, I didn't pick it.

As for the avatar, I ran a paintball field/proshop for awhile and machined some custom gear. That was my logo (it's even registered)!

My quotes change on a semi-irregular basis.

The Librarian said:
Geez BYT did you just call me a lady?  8)


Fishing for compliments?? What I meant by scary close-up was the right hook I could apply!!  ;)
With those limp noodles???
The Librarian said:

Excellent idea for an army.ca calendar there Rice; we army.ca girls can send in our 'historical re-enactment' pics of our fore-runners in the pin-up department to Mike. 
And the proceeds could go to either Mike for the upkeep of this site, or the Wounded Warrior Fund, or like others.
My 0.02 
Cheers  :army:
BYT Driver said:
And the proceeds could go to either Mike for the upkeep of this site, or the Wounded Warrior Fund, or like others.
...or towards your hospitalization, after referring to The Librarian's arms as "limp noodles." I know who I'm bettin' on  ;)
Journeyman said:
...or towards your hospitalization, after referring to The Librarian's arms as "limp noodles." I know who I'm bettin' on   ;)
Heehee, But I know I can run faster scared than she can mad...Oopps, just let out my tactical secret... ;D
Lots of Blue my first ship and one of my more memorable trips.  Thought the whole thing kinda fit the name.

Its a good picture of me and it reminds me of a good time. Here is the rest of the Picture:


Joint Thunder 06, down in South Dakota.
Hey I know that guy with the black square.. him and I go waaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy back.

A pic of the old EOD Centre #24 (CFB Chilliwack) sticker.

Thanks again Kat!
I just don't really have an imagination...well, that, or, I'd keep changing it around.
Originally, when I was navymich, I had this avatar:

It came about because I was told by a friend that my ship was "just a tugboat".  When I transferred to Air Force, I decided to stay on the same cartoonish theme and thus came up with Budgie.

I also change things around temporarily for holidays and special occasions.
airmich said:
Originally, when I was navymich, I had this avatar:

It came about because I was told by a friend that my ship was "just a tugboat".  When I transferred to Air Force, I decided to stay on the same cartoonish theme and thus came up with Budgie.

I also change things around temporarily for holidays and special occasions.

Hey Mich did you see that Denny Doherty...ex Mama and Papa and former Harbour Master on Theodore Tugboat passed away?? His funeral was yesterday here in Halifax...RIP :salute:
airmich said:
Originally, when I was navymich, I had this avatar:

It came about because I was told by a friend that my ship was "just a tugboat".  When I transferred to Air Force, I decided to stay on the same cartoonish theme and thus came up with Budgie.

I also change things around temporarily for holidays and special occasions.
And what would it be if you were army?  :D Michael laughs at the possible images that came to mind