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What is the story behind your avatar?

Mine represents my somewhat cynical nature.

If you choose to support or protest a cause, you might actually want to know something about it.  Otherwise, you just end up looking like an asshat.
Mine has little explanation.

Its a pic of me with the Iraqi flag which flew over Saddam's trial, at the Courthouse in the IZ, and was flying for his sentance date on 05 Nov 06. It just happened to fall into Aussie hands. Not a bad souvenir for the guy who has it (not me).

Cheers from a warm day (19C and sunny) in Baghdad,

niner domestic said:
Mine is in protest of it being winter and having to wear socks. 

I hear you, I only like to wear socks when I have to go outisde! Never been a big fan of them either!

Well, for me sometimes I have a landscape picture for my avitar but when I changed it recently I could not resist to have Calvin and Hobbes. As for the "quote" section at the bottom here, I like poetry, and inspirational stuff so I usually put one of those on there  ;D

Just changed mine today! Was using the TAC sign for sigs but that did not fix! Now its the RLC (Royal Logistics Corps) with  crossed signal flags! I am presently in the RLC (V) my trade is rad op and I am at the top of my trade as a RSI (Regimental Signals Instructor)!
As for the nickname I got it way back in 1986 when on Milcon in Meford as a new Pte in the 48th. The Sgt I was carrying the 25set for could not remember my name but I reminded him of Groucho Marx so it stuck ! The Sgt has just  finnished as the RSM of the 48th!
Geez BYT did you just call me a lady?  8)


Fishing for compliments?? What I meant by scary close-up was the right hook I could apply!!  ;)

Excellent idea for an army.ca calendar there Rice; we army.ca girls can send in our 'historical re-enactment' pics of our fore-runners in the pin-up department to Mike. 
I love my regiment, so pro pat and all that good stuff!
that and I just haven't found a sweet pic of me, my shots usually turn out like crap.
The Librarian said:
Excellent idea for an army.ca calendar there Rice; we army.ca girls can send in our 'historical re-enactment' pics of our fore-runners in the pin-up department to Mike.

I'm looking forward to it!  >:D

..Uhh... Leave me out of this one!  >:D (Vern, my camera is broken...sorry  ;) )

As for my avatar, it changes regularly. Lately it's a beautiful lily because they are my fave and I severely have cabin fever. My name, well that's a nickname I've had since high school since I was 4'11" for sooooooo long. When I finally broke the 5' mark I accepted I was doomed to be a shortass forever.  ;)
I change my avatar like whenever the mood strikes me....Borat is a funny guy, high five.

As for the name....just the old way of how Recce was done years ago.

kincanucks said:
Mine indicates that I drink too much Dark Rum and Scotch and cheer for the best hockey team in Canada. The Calgary Flames.
There I fixed it up for you kincanucks, you forgot to add the team name.
Mine is obviously the badge of my regiment when I was in.

As for my name, I have been three different kinds of rangers: Rocky Mountain Ranger, park ranger and forest officer (aka forest ranger).
