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What does Arty do in A-stan?

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I just finished my BMQ and SQ this summer and I had a lot of Artillery staff. THey told us many stories about stuff they did in Afganistan but they didn't really tell us what they did. THat's why I'm writting this. WHat does the artillery do in Afganistan. I mean are there any oppenents out there that they need to use arty support against? So they even get to shoot the guns when they're not practicing with them?
I just finished my BMQ and SQ this summer and I had a lot of Artillery staff.

You were no doubt trained to a very high standard!  ;)

THey told us many stories about stuff they did in Afganistan but they didn't really tell us what they did. THat's why I'm writting this. WHat does the artillery do in Afganistan.

I wasn't deployed on the recent Roto 0 and Roto 1 deployments but artillery can:  conduct observation and surveillance, provide illumination, smoke and general purpose high explosive engagements, various force protection aspects (ie deterrence), the M577 provides precision capability to limit collateral damage, etc.  The artillery is one of the only weapons systems that can deploy overseas and provide an almost immediate indirect counter battery/counter mortar capability to the tactical level commander.  Ask some of the RCR about their counter battery capability during while in a assembly area during UNPROFOR....

I mean are there any oppenents out there that they need to use arty support against?

Afghani's, US and other NATO troops are dying all the time in Afghanistan as a result of insurgent activity. 

So they even get to shoot the guns when they're not practicing with them?

I'm not sure how much the artillery deployed on Roto 0 and Roto 1 was used.  Remember they were deployed in an urban environment and their deployment was mainly (in my mind) for CB/CM purposes.

Hope this helps.
Think of the Artillery deployed in Afghanistan as having a boxer with you in the schoolyard. If the bullies see the boxer they will tend to not pick on you. The guns on Roto 0 were airmobiled across Kabul afew times and driven through the streets to the ranges. We put on firepower demos for the ANA and more than once our illumination rounds lit up small villages.

The observation parties deployed often to conduct overwatch on several areas of the city and the guns were fired at the ranges within 500 meters of a main civillian highway so our presence there was shown quite often.

In addition every artilleryman is also an infantryman so gunners could be employed in any other security tasking required as well as qualifications such as surveyor could be used in placement of HLS or even local infrastructure projects.

The thought that launching a rocket attack on Allied nations could result in a quick and precise retaliation from 105mm guns is usually enough to make terrorists think twice.
Wow, what a loaded question! ;D
But remembering advice I recieved as a young fella, "If you don't have anything nice to say about someone, keep your mouth shut!" :o
On that note,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :-X
In addition every artilleryman is also an infantryman

Sorry - gotta call you on that one.  Every artilleryman has rudimentary soldier skills - sure.  Infantrymen?  Nope.

Are mortarmen also artillerymen?  Are medics also doctors?  Are you a pilot if you made a paper airplane once?
Engineers / Sappers will fight as Infantry when required
not sure I've ever seen Gunners on an advance to contact ;)
(guess it could be done though, maybe, sometimes  ???)

JK firends

So what most of you are saying here is that you don't like the Guns and you don't need the Guns? good to now that hmmmm. its good to see that troops now a days only think of themselves and they can do it all by themself's. i guess they should really look at what the word Army means and why they are in it.
Rocky it's called joking. Note the smiley faces. Maybe it's time to go to QM and see if they have any "sense of humour" in stock, you seem to be running a little low! ;D ;D
2 Cdo, maybe i should!! and hopefully they have some ;D, thanks for bringing me back down off my horse :threat: sorry about that i get on the defence when certain people talk the talk but have not walked in a Gunners Boots and don't have a any idea on what we do or have done,this was not directed to/at you,
geo said:
Engineers / Sappers will fight as Infantry when required
not sure I've ever seen Gunners on an advance to contact ;)
(guess it could be done though, maybe, sometimes   ???)

Historical note, the FOOs during the Falklands had to do a fair amount of "section attacks" to establish OPs.  The Argentinian observers liked the same high features.  Before deploying to the Balkans I ran through said drills with my party until we had them cold as we may have had to do the same.  Then the BSM "shook up" the battery, depriving me of my trained party...but that is another story for the mess. :)
No problem Rocky! Spent a few years in 2 VP mortar platoon and did a few Limber Gunner exercises in Shilo, mainly with B Battery! :warstory:
Arty is needed now more than 10 years ago. I talked to a few Roto 0 athena arty guys and was very much enlightened as to why we still need big guns that go boom and land rounds many kilo away.
Just to let you know that the Sapper has been on the receiving end of bad jokes for eons.

It took the infantry and the Armd a long time to recognise the fact that Sappers (yes - and gunners too) are force multipliers. The building block Taskforces we have been shipping out these last couple of years have included, as necessary, lots of Sappers and Gunners.


Hey GEO why is it that whenever somebody has something to say an engineer has to mention that he is an engineer? We're all proud of ya!! As for not doing the old up he sees me down? You're not in Shilo so what do you know about our training? You may think you're trained and can pull off the old infantry thang,you can't,I can't,only the infantry can.
started off in the infantry some 35 yrs ago.
Been there, done that.... and moved on to bigger better things (IMHO)

I stated that Sappers fight as infantry - when required (not by choice)
and that's part of our doctrine and mission statement... yours?

I was not dissing the guns - just stating the fact that gunners are best when working in their element; working his piece (and that's not with a rifle in his hands).
goatrodeo said:
Hey GEO why is it that whenever somebody has something to say an engineer has to mention that he is an engineer? We're all proud of ya!! As for not doing the old up he sees me down? You're not in Shilo so what do you know about our training? You may think you're trained and can pull off the old infantry thang,you can't,I can't,only the infantry can.


When you are in the mess, how do you know that you are sitting next to an engineer?

They will tell you.

Was one for 16 years and loved most of it.