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What do you guys think. Tattoo Idea.

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This is a little off topic just wondering what you guys think about this.

I was thinking when I get sworn in I will start my tattoo http://bcoy1cpb.pacdat.net/Crest_-_Canadian_Army_QC.jpg

Step one) Get the maple leafs and stems.

Step two) After completing BMQ one sword.

Step three) After SQ get the second sword.

Step four) If I get to go over seas get the crown on top of the whole thing.

I am thinking of it as a motivation thing, not that I need it but everything thing helps.

And it will be hidden and not showing thinking on the shoulder blade.


Just curious, but what will you do if you get injured and medically released after tattooing only one sword?
Why not a single, complete tattoo after completing training and posting to a unit to mark that achievement. By then, you may have a very different idea of what ink you want to celebrate that success.
Yea that is very true.  Thanks for the input, that's why I posted the idea to get some ideas on what people thought. :cdn:
I just got my first tat, not too long ago, I'm getting another done before I go back to the forces. But the military one, I'm waiting until I find out what regiment etc I will belong to. And then I will incorporate the pride of my corps and my service into that tattoo. I think that your idea is very cool by the way. need idea.  8)
Umm, until things are final, don't get anything inked. You'll regret it. Anything at all could happen, then you have this meaningless or crapola tattoo.

Tattoos are contagious though, I have have two, and plan on getting 3 more, maybe before basic... definately after basic.
gotta agree with fry about waiting until things are final, but not about meaningless, okay so you are forced out or forced to quit (because you CANT hack it) well now you have a tattoo of your failure and that could be used as motivation to retry and make it a symbol of pride and honour again, or as a symbol to never give up on something else again.
Well I don't see myself not being able to hack it, I think the only way I won't be able to is if I fall on my bayonet!  Kidding aside I understand what you're saying.  :cdn:
Well Bad, it all may seem cool right now, but just remember, it does NOT washoff. BTW, I have three tats, chest, upper right arm and on my back, so I think I have earned the right to be critical on LCF tats.

Thats the old Army post war army emblem which I prefer to the new one.

Wes hammered that one home.

Most definately, you can't wash a tattoo off. Also, if you are infact able to go through the crappy process of getting the laser lined up for the job, and infact get all of the ink removed(Doesn't usually happen), you're left with a patch of skin which isn't the same tone as the rest, so it's just as well if you had to have the tattoo there. However,

There is one way you could remove it without having it's outline in your skin. I'm not sure if this is done anymore >:D but nitric acid used to be 'tattooed' under the skin where removal was requested, and it would burn and cause the skin to 'pus the ink out' and scab over. I think it was a zinc stick or some kind of stick would be rubbed over to cause some kind of reaction... A rather painful process...

Either way, wait and choose wisely.

edit: Typo
Tattoos are like, so yesterday, man.  Corneal carvings are the way to go.  You get one of those laser eye surgeons to carve the word ARMY right into your cornea.  It lights up in the dark and everything.
Tattoos are like, so yesterday, man.  Corneal carvings are the way to go.  You get one of those laser eye surgeons to carve the word ARMY right into your cornea.  It lights up in the dark and everything.

ddduuuddeee... Now I know what I'm spending my tour money on when I get home...
wait. Complete your training. Wait some more. Then get it done. Your viewpoint is going to change drastically once you've actually accomplished your goals. Wait. Then, wait some more. I have several tattoos, and regret none of them (even the comedy one) because I waited a year or more each time, until I was sure that I would be happy with each for the Rest Of My Life.
I've seen way to many youngsters get stupid tats that they regret a few years later.
Yep. I can't see how people can't think out things like tattoos first. A fellow I know just walks into a parlor and picks out things out of a book, after only skimming the book for 5 minutes....  HOW?!
Also since no one else has mentioned it shop around a bit.  Since you have the design already the prices quoted to you should be fairly similar, if you find places that have wildly different prices be very cautious, especially if it is a low quote.  Cheaper is NOT better with most things, and this especially holds true with tattoos.  It could very well mean they are skipping on something important (like brand new sterile needles).  While you are getting price quotes, check out the portfolios of the artists at each studio, the whole process is a little more involved than just a stencil.  If they are a really good artist they may offer suggestions about little things you could add to your design to make it more individual to you.  Once you have your price quote get it in writing. 

Also important health safety info, not every jurisdiction has regulations on tattoo shops (in fact most don't).  Contact you local health department and find out if your municipality has any bylaws/enforcement/inspections WRT to Tattoo shops.  If they don't be cautious, while a lot of shops may be very safe in these locales some won't so here are the health and safety things to look for. 

1)Stick to "hard" shops, as finding out info on the place will be much easier, avoid tattoo artists in places like flea markets and other places where they can come and go overnight.
2)Overall does the shop look clean? First impressions count, so if they don't take time to keep the non-tattoo areas clean what assurance is there that the area you will get the tattoo be any better.
3)If the shop is located in a place that does inspections (like Toronto, which btw is one of the strictest in world when it comes to tattoo shops), ask for their report.  If they hesitate or refuse, RUN don't walk out the door.
4)Some tattoo shops will also provide info on who disposes of the used needles, if they do read it.
5)All reputable and responsible shops have an autoclave (uses high pressure steam to sterilze equipment), and should have a yearly inspection report from an independant lab.  Agian if they are hesitant/refuse to show you it, or have trouble saying the word "autoclave" get the hell out.
6)The Flooring and all countertops should be made of hard no porous material (like ceramic). They only carpet should be in the recepetion area, not in the back
7)The area where you get the tattoo should not be in a high traffic area
8)The sterile needle package MUST be opened infront of you.  If you did not see them open the package, do not let them use those needles.  Also they must/should (depending on the jurisdiction) dispose of the needles in an appropriate sharps container, with you as a witness.  same goes for any razor that they used to shave the area
9)The area to be tattooed MUST be disinfected prior to work being done (the means you, the counter tops, chair)
10)The artist MUST wear gloves, if he doesn't he is risking his own health.,
11)The machine that holds the needles, and the cord to power it should/must (jursidiction dependant), be cover in plastic.
12)Ink MUST be poured into small  one time use cups, so there is no cross contamination.
13)When finished the area is bandaged.

The "MUST" in capital letters is something that good do regardless of whether or not the local authorities say they have to or not.  If they don't they are putting your safety in jeopardy and you should walk out.

Also most good shops will provide you with after care instructions, which you should follow if you want you tattoo to last and to prevent infections.

Good luck, and start planning your next ones! I have six, and have several more I want done.
Just my two cents. Knew a lot of fellows when I joined (in Pet when it was the Special Service Force) who went out and got "army" tattoos and they washed out of training. So you had guys running around with SSF tats who hadn't even completed QL3. Anyway I waited until I was 40 before I got my first tattoo (mid-life crisis) and it didn't have anything to do with the army or CF, I'm hooked and my tats are in places that can be covered by a t-shirt. Try and stay away from putting stuff on your lower arms (you may want a normal job someday) Hatchet has excellent advice, shop around for a good artist, ask to see examples of his or her work. Does the shop cater to custom designs or is it a cookie cutter joint, visit a few shops before you get your work done, remember it's on for life.
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