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What do you do overseas


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This question is directed to infantry soldiers that have been overseas before.  After your daily patrols what does your unit usually do in your spare time.  Do you guys tell stories of back home, do you guys play card games, do you guys talk about tomorrows patrols etc.  I was just wondering what soldiers do in spare time overseas.
You mean other then eat, sleep, work out, and hit on any or all the female medics in the camp?  ;D
Armymedic said:
hit on any or all the female medics in the camp?  ;D

Only if your Belgian or JTF will you get any though...... :P
Depending on what roto you are on will help you decide what to do when not on patrol.If you are on roto 0 per say a lot of time will be spent on setting up and fortifying your camp. Not a lot time for anything else at first. The further along in rotos you go the more time you will have for yourself. Also the further along you go the more creature comforts you will have. An example might be a satellite for wathching T.V. a kitchen set up for fresh rats, gym eqipment sent by PSP for working out.All these things come after the security and the safety of the unit is kooked after.

  The Canadian military is quite quick to ensure thing are set up and running quickly.As time goes on in a misssion things get better and better.
kincanucks said:
Well I had these two sisters I used to take everywhere.
Did they ever get jealous of each other, or did you put a 'sock' over one to keep her from knowing what the other was up to?  Some times people tend to inflate their egos on Exercise or Tour.  Always an amusing story when the balloon pops.
What kind of activities do you do in spare time.  Can anyone give me an example?

Sorry to jack this... but when you are over seas.. is there like a fitness sylte store around? Say if you need supplements.. ie Protein drinks... stuff long those line? Or Am I better having it mailed to me from home?

I don't know if that sounds dumb.. but it is something I always wanted to know.  ::)
TN2IC said:
Sorry to jack this... but when you are over seas.. is there like a fitness sylte store around?

Just go to the local Walmart.  They are everywhere now....  :blotto:
exactly what you do on your spare time right now.

The only thing that would not permit you to do everything depends on the area of operation, and the availability of resources. i.e power, type of accommodations.

On my tour the main camp had a gym, mess with a pooltable, T.V rooms with sattalite t.v, video games...

Let your imagination run wild.


Wherever you are, odds are there's a AAFES PX nearby.  I'm near CFC-A and it's PX has all kinds of stuff, power bars, creatine, whey protien, supps, etc...

can you have like dirtbikes and stuff while overseas?? I know in the American military some soldiers bought cheap dirtbikes and stuff and whent rippin around in their spare time. are things like this permitted in the CF???
The PSP staff bring in all the stuff!
Magazines, newspapers, Playstation2, DVD movies (let's say 100-200 titles), In Haiti we got swimming pools, like the boys were saying you go to the gym...

Of course there is lots to do at first to set everything up, but then they bring in the sat phones, internet...

Lots of time to chat with your buddies,play cards,  you get to know new people from diff. units.

On OP Halo the Americans had a PX (CANEX type) and lots of people bought those portable DVD players, lawn chairs, treats. I brought in my PS2, bought a little TV down there.

Like 48TH said, name it...

ChopperHead, forget about dirt bikes... the stuff brought in theater is limited to mission oriented gear/morale... it would be pretty hard to justify loading up a motorcycle on a Herc for your personal use don't you think?
Duey said:
Wherever you are, odds are there's a AAFES PX nearby.  I'm near CFC-A and it's PX has all kinds of stuff, power bars, creatine, whey protien, supps, etc...


Hey...cool... thank you so much on that info! I was a bit lost on that.
ChopperHead said:
can you have like dirtbikes and stuff while overseas?? I know in the American military some soldiers bought cheap dirtbikes and stuff and whent rippin around in their spare time. are things like this permitted in the CF???