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What do career managers look for in terms of posting after 3's?


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I'm currently on my QL3s for Fire Fighting and apparently the career manager is coming down in December to talk to us about what postings we want. I'd really like to goto Trenton but I don't know how to sell it to him/her.

I'm from Ontario, and all of my family is near Trenton but from what I've heard career managers don't use that as a reason. Basically the reasons I want to bo posted there is;

Family lives near by
Worked with a few guys at the hall and got along really good with them
Want to stay in Ontario
and want to eventually join the DART team.

Again, from what i've been told only me wanting to join the DART team would have any weight on they're decision.

What are they looking for on reasons for postings?
danteh said:
What are they looking for on reasons for postings?

Where you're needed, plain and simple...they take where you'd like to go into some consideration, but needs of the Service come first, and if all the spots in Trenton are spoken for, well tough tiddly winks, you're going somewhere else.

danteh said:
Want to stay in Ontario

Career managers love that one.............

You will not likely stay in Ontario for your entire career (i.e. you are moving again a few years after your first posting) so i would start warming up to the idea of living somewhere else.

Family lives near by

See my previous response.

Worked with a few guys at the hall and got along really good with them

The CM won't be overly concerned with that. You will be expected to do the same no matter where you go.

The career manager will care about where hes got positions, what the maning priorities are and other CF needs. What you want is at the bottom of a long list of coniderations.
Best advice is that if asked your preferences give them in the order you would prefer.
You may get lucky and get one of your choices but don't get upset if it doesn't work out that way.
Another factor that is uncontrollable about career managers is their personal feelings on career progression.

For example we had a CM that looked at what your second language profile was. He idea was that if you english deficient you went west or if you were french deficient you went to PQ, if available, and did you SLT at your posting. If you were a DE you were posted to the opposite end of the country, if you where a OT you went to somewhere you have not been. He start the briefing with "If you do not like what you are told or given, get out"

Year later there was another CM and his take on career progression was totally different.

With FF I think one of your milestones for career progression is service on HMC ships. So maybe you may find yourself on either coast. Maybe after your QL5.

As for your list of reasons to be posted to Trenton, They fall at the bottom of a CM posting considerations.

For QL3's, in my opinion, is usually determined by the three posting preferences that you give. Pick three place in Canada you would like to go. If you give three different units at Trenton and they are not available you may find yourself in Inuvik, NWT. Yes there are FF there.

If your single, use this to explore the world and have new experiences you can always go home at holidays!
Grunt_031 said:
If your single, use this to explore the world and have new experiences you can always go home at holidays!

and that is great advice that I wish someone had given me when I started.