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Westboro Church Protest Mega-thread

Yea, cause everything I KNOW, I learned from a blog....................... :rofl:
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Yea, cause everything I KNOW, I learned from a blog....................... :rofl:
And if the blog is false, then this whole situation never happened and this whole debate is pointless and you threw a temper tantrum for no reason.

Although we won't discover whether it's true or not, you were debating just as aggressively as everyone else.

Oh well. This turned from an intelligent, professional debate based on civil rights to a disgraceful orgy of sarcasm, name-calling, and hissy fits.

I'm out.
Nauticus said:
We also know that they were knowingly denied that right.

I know nothing of the sort, and neither do you as we were not there.  As recce pointed out succinctly. 
Gimpy said:
So then are you fine with saying the same thing to the people supporting the actions of the police officers without all of the facts and it being an incident that no one here knows nothing about? If this is the case then I'm not certain why this thread remains open because there is nothing to discuss and this was really just an exercise in futility from the get go due to the weakness of the original posting.

There has been a tone of threads where people have gone on the defence of "the system" and were told to wait for the facts. Generally any thread that comes from a CF member being charged gets a warning about any comments about the persons guilt or innocence.

I also think it was pointed out several times how futile the threads comments are- it basically boils down to we dont know enough.

The article is written right Hollywood- and suggests that the clever cops kept the bad WBC from the funeral by being clever. Wink Wink nudge nudge. I would suggest that if this is indeed the case then the police will be liable. But in reality  suspect something else went on.

This is really similar to the story of the Marines and the Christmas gifts:

"Shoplifter injured in Atlanta
          Orville Smith, a store manager for Best Buy in Augusta , Georgia , told police he observed
          a male customer, later identified as Tyrone Jackson of Augusta , on surveillance cameras
          putting a laptop computer under his jacket... When confronted the man became irate,      knocked
          down an employee, drew a knife and ran for the door.

Outside on the sidewalk were four Marines, collecting toys for the "Toys for Tots" program. Smith
said the Marines stopped the man, but he stabbed one of the Marines, Cpl. Phillip Duggan, in the
back; the injury however, did not appear to be severe.

After Police and an ambulance arrived at the scene, Cpl. Duggan was transported for treatment.
The subject was also transported to the local hospital with two broken arms, a broken ankle, a
broken leg, several missing teeth, possible broken ribs, multiple contusions, assorted lacerations,
a broken nose and a broken jaw... injuries he sustained when he slipped and fell off of the curb
after stabbing the Marine.

Now, that is what I would call an exceptionally well written Police report."

Which is actually only kinda what happened: http://www.snopes.com/politics/military/stabbedmarine.asp

I think the suggestion of "wink wink nudge nudge" is intentional and is meant to entertain more than inform. The reality would be very different.
Eventually, some VERY distraught family member in the States WILL confront them with a wall of hot lead. That is, unless ways can be found to prevent these "Protests" from happening. The Patriot Guard Riders are definitetly onto something, but unfortunately, when they can't make it, the police must do their best to keep a handle on things, and try to do it within the confines of their own set of laws. I'll be very upset if the soon-to-be headline reads "Multiple police officers Killed in WBC protest shooting". VERY upset.

Yes, these creatures have rights. But they seemingly shrug off any and all responsibility for their  misuse of said rights, and exploit the consequences of their actions to the best of their ability, and personal gain. Sounds like very civilized, respectable, non-barbaric, and above all, Christian-like behaviour to me. Permitting these kinds of people to flourish and prosper is why we're now faced with the halting, and in some cases, reversal, of the Flynn Effect.
Couldn't find a topic dedicated to these clowns, so I choose this necro thred to bump with more pwnage of the Westboro Church, this time by the Foo Fighters..


(CNN)– Rock stars the Foo Fighters played an impromptu show for a group of protesters from Westboro Baptist Church who had come to protest outside the band's show Friday night in Kansas City, Kansas.

Band members jumped onto a flatbed truck, sporting costumes they wore in a recent video parody, parked across the street from the protest, and sang "Hot Buns," CNN affiliate KSHB reported.
I don't know what they expected trying to protest there.  But good on the counter prote--- ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNO-TOAD :P
Der Panzerkommandant.... said:
All hail the hypno-toad!


That show has gone down hill since season three.
owa said:
It's too bad religious groups have to deal with these types of nimrods.  There's always a few idiots.  I may be atheist, but I support organized religion, and it's too bad there are idiots like this, haha.

But it does make me happy to know that their level of support is so low in the larger population.  I think that's a good sign for humanity :P
Huh? Are you saying it's too bad the Westboro Baptist Church group had to deal with nimrods like the Comic people?
ballz said:
Huh? Are you saying it's too bad the Westboro Baptist Church group had to deal with nimrods like the Comic people?

No, he's saying that organized mainstream religions have to deal with these nutjobs who try to skew their message and ruin their credibility.
I like it. :nod:


Zombies descend on Westboro protest

Zombies outnumbered Westboro Baptist Church members 300 to eight at a military base protest in Washington on Friday.
The small but vocal Kansas-based church announced plans to picket the Joint Base Lewis-McChord in DuPont last week.

The reason for the protest was unclear, but the infamous group has made a habit of protesting funerals — including those of children, murder victims and U.S. soldiers — claiming God killed them because of America's tolerance of homosexuality.

More on link.
Too bad that if the zombies went there in search of brains to eat they would have gone hungry with the Westboro crowd.  I love to see the counter protests.  A peaceful way to shut those assholes down.

Westboro Baptist Church protesters will soon be severely limited in their ability to disrupt military funerals, after Congress passed a sweeping veterans bill this week that includes restrictions on such demonstrations.

According to "The Honoring America’s Veterans and Caring for Camp Lejeune Families Act of 2012," which is now headed to President Barack Obama's desk, demonstrators will no longer be allowed to picket military funerals two hours before or after a service. The bill also requires protestors to be at least 300 feet away from grieving family members.

More on link.

One part of me hates the thought of any restrictions on peaceful protest, the rest of me says its about damn time. I don't mind being called a hypocrite for supporting this at all.
Sythen said:

More on link.

One part of me hates the thought of any restrictions on peaceful protest, the rest of me says its about damn time. I don't mind being called a hypocrite for supporting this at all.

Protesting a funeral has nothing to do with freedom of speech or making a political stand.  All it's intended to do is cause emotional pain and suffering while using death to grab air time.
Yup. 'Reasonable limitations'. It's inherently part of our constitutional law up here; a lot murkier down in the U.S. I'll be curious just in the academic sense to see where this one goes legally.

Anyway, sorry, law nerd off. Speaking just as a dude, these folks are total friggin' dirtbags, and I hope this law can be allowed to stand. I'm with Sythen in being willing to accept accusations of hypocrisy on this one.
Brihard said:
Yup. 'Reasonable limitations'. It's inherently part of our constitutional law up here; a lot murkier down in the U.S. I'll be curious just in the academic sense to see where this one goes legally.

Anyway, sorry, law nerd off. Speaking just as a dude, these folks are total friggin' dirtbags, and I hope this law can be allowed to stand. I'm with Sythen in being willing to accept accusations of hypocrisy on this one.

But you hit the nail on the head with Section 1 of our own Charter of Rights and Freedoms as this would apply in Canada:

1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.

I would say that if anything like that were attempted in Canada, that such "free speech" could be considered criminal harassment under Section 264 of the Canadian Criminal Code:


    264 (1) No person shall, without lawful authority and knowing that another person is harassed or recklessly as to whether the other person is harassed, engage in conduct referred to in subsection (2) that causes that other person reasonably, in all the circumstances, to fear for their safety or the safety of anyone known to them.

Prohibited Conduct

    (2)  The conduct mentioned in subsection (1) consists of
        (a) repeatedly following from place to place the other person or anyone known to them;
        (b) repeatedly communicating with, either directly or indirectly, the other person or anyone known to them;
        (c) besetting or watching the dwelling-house, or place where the other person, or anyone known to them, resides, works, carries on business or happens to be; or
        (d) engaging in threatening conduct directed at the other person or any member of their family.

As a member of a democratic society, I would not lose a single second of sleep if such similar conduct were to be considered "reasonably limited" IAW the Charter of Rights and Freedoms (by the Criminal Code).

Yup, Section 1 was exactly what I had in mind and why I chose that wording.

I'm not sure a 264 could stick- the key there being 'to fear for their safety or the safety of others'. WBC have, for all their myriad despicable actions, proven to be rather harmless in any real sense.

Section 1 could, however, be at least argued to protect a law along the lines of that passed by our neighbours to the south.
These a-holes now plan to visit the site and praise God for his judgment.  If there is a God, it would please me to no end to see him smite them publicly and permanently.

Outrage as Westboro Baptist plans praise gathering outside Sandy Hook Elementary school to celebrate God 'executing his judgement' in horrific shooting rampage that killed 20 children and 6 adults

By Leslie Larson
PUBLISHED: 05:46 GMT, 16 December 2012 | UPDATED: 10:46 GMT, 16 December 2012

The tight-knit community of Newtown, Connecticut is numb in the aftermath of the heart-wrenching massacre at the Sandy Hook Elementary school on Friday when a gunman killed 20 young students, all aged six and seven, in addition to six adults.  As families mourn the lives that were cut short in this unspeakable horror, an extremist group has announced they plan to congregate at the scene of the tragedy and offer praise to God for 'executing his judgement' - an unthinkable act amidst the sorrow overwhelming the quiet town.

A member from the Westboro Baptist Church, an unaffiliated religious group that self-identifies as a church, said on Saturday the group will picket the school in a so-called praise service, while the rest of the nation struggles to move forward after the tragedy.  Westboro, which has been widely described as a hate group, has often courted controversy by promoting an anti-homosexual agenda and picketing military funerals and high profile events to gain publicity.  The organization is led by Fred Phelps and is headquartered in Topeka, Kansas but representatives travel around the U.S. picketing events.

Shirley Phelps-Roper, who describes herself as a 'thankful member' of the group, wrote the words to Psalm 104:24 on her Twitter profile: 'O LORD, how manifold are thy works! in wisdom hast thou made them all: the earth is full of thy riches.'  In a message, hours after the tragedy in Newtown she tweeted, 'Westboro will picket Sandy Hook Elementary School to sing praise to God for the glory of his work in executing his judgment.'  On the group's website, GodHatesFags.com, the organization states their mission is to conduct peaceful demonstrations against 'soul-damning, nation-destroying filth.'

WBC is not affiliated with a recognized Baptist denomination and the U.S. evangelical community has denounced the actions of the group.  News that the organization was going to descend on the community in mourning sparked outrage.  'Stay away from those poor children's funerals. You are SICK, sad, & desperate people,' one angry Twitter user wrote in response.  'Disgusting. Unfathomable. Lack of words at my anger,' another wrote, and more adding their disgust.  'The Westboro Baptist "church" makes me sick. I've never seen such pure hatred and evil like that in my life.'

Two area residents decided to take matters into their own hands and started a Facebook effort to mobilize volunteers to block the Westboro representatives from gaining access to community  Taylor Starr and Kelly Shannon have proposed having supporters of the families don angel wings to block the unwelcome protests with the Angel Action - Sandy Hook movement.

The Angel Action movement was started by Romaine Patterson in response to Westboro Baptist protestors who gathered outside the funeral for Matthew Shepard in 1998, to mourn the gay teenager who was brutally tortured and murdered in Laramie, Wyoming.  The group organizes counter-demonstrators to dress in flowing white angel costumes with 10-foot wingspans rising seven feet high that aim to block the hateful messages written by the Westboro members.

'Westboro Baptist Church is planning another attack of hateful words, protesting the funerals of the 20 children and 7 adults who died yesterday at Sandy Hook elementary school. You can not fight hate with hate so continuing in Romaine Patterson's footsteps, if they do come here and try to protest we are going to put forth Angel Action,' the two young women wrote in a posting.  'Let's not let more hate and sadness attack the already devastated family and friends of those who were lost,' they added.
In support of the victims

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2248892/Sandy-Hook-shooting-Outrage-Westboro-Baptist-plans-praise-gathering-outside-school.html#ixzz2FFGmAwP2
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This may help, Jollyjactar,
I'm not a fan of the hacking group "Anonymous" but I'll just have to live with being a hypocrite this time............. :nod:

December 16, 2012 

Anonymous targets Westboro Church for planning Newtown picket
By QMI Agency
The infamous hacker group Anonymous has struck again.

On Sunday, it posted the names and addresses of members of the extremist Westboro Baptist Church after the hate group announced plans to picket Sandy Hook Elementary school in Newtown, Conn., where 26 people were gunned down Friday.
Anonymous posted the following two messages on Twitter on the weekend: "Dear WBC Site Admin, you should really work on securing your personal infos. Er, too late..."

Earlier, it tweeted: "It's so nice of #WBC to provide the internet with a list of their twitter handles.."
The list of the church members, which also includes email addresses and work numbers, can be easily accessed on sites like armywtfmoments.com.

At the bottom of a story that appeared on now.msn.com, one reader posted: "Good for you Anonymous....These are not people....They are sub-human trash....For them to target ANY of these innocent victims and their families, is just further proof of that....There should be a petition passed around to have people like this ARRESTED and PROCECUTED for planning and/or disrupting ANY funerals, vigils, etc.....If there is a hell, everyone associated with this 'church' would have a first-class ticket to it."

Media reports say that hours after the tragedy, the group's Shirley Phelps-Roper tweeted: "Westboro will picket Sandy Hook Elementary School to sing praise to God for the glory of his work in executing his judgment."
On its website, GodHatesFags.com, the organization states its mission is to conduct peaceful demonstrations against "soul-damning, nation-destroying filth."
In the past, the vicious anti-gay group has picketed the funerals of U.S. soldiers and AIDS victims as well as the funerals of those who were killed in a shooting in Arizona.

Anonymous is also petitioning the U.S. government to recognize the Westboro Baptist Church as a hate group.
"Their actions have been directed at many groups, including homosexuals, military, Jewish people and even other Christians. They pose a threat to the welfare and treatment of others and will  not improve without some form of imposed regulation," the petition reads.