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Recce By Death said:
I was on my Leo D&M course with C Sqn RCD in Gagetown.


With who??  ;D  That wasn't a few years ago RBD!
I was in High School in Montreal, My cousin was with the CGG and first got me thinking Infantry as a job....Come to think of it this is all his damn fault! :rage:

EDIT: Ok I blame him and my grades after missing a word or 2 in that above sentence
Staff check after staff check on our newly arrived AEVs and AVLBs. Oh, and getting my CD a year after the fact.
Feb '93 I was in Grade 12, a Pte in 11 Med Coy, all a twitter about my first big ex coming up in March in Yakima   :warstory:
Me was just came into Canada, and me sa English not gooder as now.  ;)
Grade 5 when this topic was made

1 and 4 months old when the site was made.

The internet is that old???
Rocketryan said:
Grade 5 when this topic was made

1 and 4 months old when the site was made.

The internet is that old???

insert Homer Simpson voice

"Hey I see they have the internet on computers now!"


And further to my last...some Internet UFI......info was current as of...1998ish...so ya the Internet was "around" in 1993... ;D

In 1973, the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) initiated a research program to investigate techniques and technologies for interlinking packet networks of different kinds. The object was to develop communication protocols which would allow networked computers to communicate across multiple, linked packet networks. This was called the Internetting project and the system of networks that emerged from all this research was known as the "Internet". The system of protocols which was developed during this research is known as the TCP/IP Protocol Suite, after the two initial protocols developed: Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP).

In 1986, the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) initiated the development of the NSFNET which, today, provides a major backbone communication service for the Internet. The NSFNET carries about 12 billion packets per month between the networks it links. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the U.S. Department of Energy contributed additional backbone facilities in the form of the NSINET and ESNET. In Europe, major international backbones such as NORDUnet and others provide connectivity to over one hundred thousand computers on a large number of networks. Commercial network providers in the U.S. and Europe are beginning to offer Internet backbone and access support on a competitive basis to any interested parties.

Regional support for the Internet is provided by various consortium networks and local support is provided through each of the research and educational institutions. Within the U.S., much of this support has come from the federal and state governments, but a considerable contribution has been made by industry. In Europe and elsewhere, support arises from cooperative international efforts and through national research organizations. During the course of its development, especially after 1989, the Internet system began to integrate support for other protocol suites into its basic networking fabric.

Both public domain and commercial implementations of the roughly 100 protocols of TCP/IP protocol suite became available in the 1980's. During the early 1990's, OSI protocol implementations also became available and by the end of 1991, the Internet had grown to include 5,000 networks in over 36 countries, serving over 700,000 host computers used by over 4,000,000 people.

A great deal of support for the Internet has come from the U.S. Federal Government, since the Internet was originally part of a federally-funded research program and has become a major part of the U.S. research infastructure. During the late 1980's the population of Internet users and network constituents expanded internationally and began to include commercial facilities. The bulk of the system today is made up of private networking facilities in educational and research institutions, businesses and in government organizations across the globe.

The Coordinating Committee for International Networks (CCIRN), which was organized by the U.S. Federal Networking Council (FNC) and the European Associees por la Recherche Europeenne (RARE), plays an important role in the coordination of plans for government-sponsored reseach networking. CCIRN efforts have been a stimulus for the support of international cooperation in the Internet environment.
Feb 93........bumming around Cape Breton island, working at 45 FES ( Sydney) as a sapper (private). Man those were the days...little did I know I would be in the RCR Battle school one year after that. OH the memories.
Heh... in 93?.... I was umm ... 1 year short of receiving 1st clasp on CD! and MWO
My 14 yr old was just......... Yr 0
Ugh, I feel old....(er)
In Feb. 1993 I was 2 years and 9 months.
When this topic was made I was in grade 6.
Mike Bobbitt said:
Thanks, way to make me feel old!

So the real question is... what were you doing in February '93 when Army.ca first came online?

I had been out for almost 10 years at that point and still using Commodore C-64 and C 128 with no internet access.

Didn't get a "real" computer until early 2000 and enrolled here in Nov 2000.

Feb, 1993. I was 2 years, 5 months old. So in other words, not much to be doing  ;)
In Feb 93, I was listening to C+C Music Factory, hanging around the local hockey rink, losing my virginity and failing Gr. 12 physics a year early.

I was also rebelling against my daddy, the preacher. hahahah

When this thread was made I was mondo preggo and getting ready to send the hubster off to Basic.


Topic started June 17, 2001 (daughter's 10th birthday).  I was possibly probably doing med coverage for LFCA ATC Reserve JLC courses in Pet.
In Feb of 93 (creation of army.ca), I was working as a ARAF Tfc Tech at Base Traffic in Gagetown.  Daughter was not even 2 years old yet.
I was out freezing my tookass off in the Sarcee Training area in 0A, LdSh with no junctioning heater or generator.  :crybaby:  Way to cold and not hot coffee.