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we need bigger navy ?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Chris101
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Don't you guys think we need a bigger navy ..yes i understand we are a peacekeeping army ..but still we got both Atlantic and Pacific to watch out for .i think we should start investing money in our military .because i got a feeling countrys are going to start something soon .we should start mobalising now what do you guys think ?
Chris101 said:
.because i got a feeling countrys are going to start something soon .we should start mobalising now what do you guys think ?

Please provide a short synopsis of your analysis which led to this conclusion, discussion of overall force increases should be based on a commonly understood premise of the justification for doing so in the first place.

Thank you.
While I would like a MUCh larger Navy- i understand that its not happening anytime soon. We need a smarter Navy. perhaps a list of priorities for our Navy in the current world climate and then a catering of our resources accordingly. I would really like to see a proper coast guard set up. Maybe one joined to the American Coast Guard. A north American coast guard if you will. EX what do you think?
Chris101 said:
Don't you guys think we need a bigger navy ..yes i understand we are a peacekeeping army ..but still we got both Atlantic and Pacific to watch out for .i think we should start investing money in our military .because i got a feeling countrys are going to start something soon .we should start mobalising now what do you guys think ?

Sigh...while peacekeeping is a big part of our job thats not our prime role. Defence of Canada and Canadian interest abroad is our main missions. You also left out the Arctic as part of our territorial waters.
Look through this forum and you will find many peoples thoughts and opinions on the navy.
Before we get a bigger Navy, we have to be able to provide manning for what we have now.  This, in itself, has proven to be difficult.  Anyone that has served on a Navy vessel knows the dread of coming to work to a "Critical Manning" message.  This, unfortunately, can happen a few times a week for some trades.  Until we get those that are capable of sailing, and not just wearing the Navy DEU, we'll continue with shortages.  JMHO

The problem is they have to make people want to stay in the navy. We see good operators leave every year because they had enough of the bull crap, the senior NCOs and Officers are aware they just don't want to do anything about it.
We need a smarter Navy
Whats wrong with the people we have now?
Alex252 said:
We need a smarter Navy
Whats wrong with the people we have now?

i dont mean "we" are dumb- I mean we have to accept the fact that we will never have the funding(unless theres another huge conflict) to make a massive Navy presence. SO I believe that we should prioritize and have our Navy specialize according to what we can do well wilth the money we have. But Im a one hook so my opinion doesnt matter LOL. If we did this we could make us world leaders in certain areas and form a symbiotic relationship with other Navies.....not so we depend on them but because we dpend on each other....maybe its pie in the sky but it would be nice.

There is also a retention problem as well as Ex. pointed out.
It is difficult to keep the manning in the Navy as we speak.

Yes it would be nice to see a larger Navy with expanded capabilities, but when 80% of your countries population doesn't live near the ocean, they don't tend to join because they don't understand what the Navy is all about.

The majority of the personnel that are in the Navy come from Atlantic Canada and BC.

We are definitely a smart Navy. There are many complex systems onboard and quite a few trades complete cross training. Like a Company has to evolve with the times, the Navy has evolved with less manpower and equipment in order to provide the best possible force.
Bigger Navy? ..with the longest coastline in the world, I would say the answer would be yes, however as long as the growth starts with personnel and the boys can stop jumping from one ship to another just to fill the bunks and as long as the training standards don't slip. We are the best because we train to be the best. After 9 years in a Naval uniform I'll take 1 Cdn Killick over a bunch of sailors from another country any day.   True proffesionals, mind you what else would one expect from the senior service.. HA HA
The senior service ????  I beleive that the artillery own that title, A & B batteries were the first canadian military units
Senior Service is the Navy.. with regards to a service, not soo much just in Canada....just ask any old salt...however Army pers always try to use logic, history..etc.. to debate it.  I believe the term comes from our British childhood..       

For e.g.
Royal Canadian Navy - 1910
the Militia Act of Canada - 1890ish
IIRC, the navy being the senior service stems from the Royal Navy, remember there was a time that the British ruled the seas. Since we technically weren't our own country until 1965 (prior to that we were a Dominion in the Commonwealth), most if not all of the RCN/military traditions came from the British system, thus the RN is the senior service in the UK so that meant that the RCN was the senior service in Canada. I think that whole senior service thing became a moot point after Unification.
Yes the Senior Service is the Navy,  followed by the Army then then finally the Air Force.
aesop081 said:
The senior service ????   I beleive that the artillery own that title, A & B batteries were the first canadian military units

As others have said, navy gets to lead on parade. Artillery gets seniority within the army, which comes second.
Aaron White said:
While I would like a MUCh larger Navy- i understand that its not happening anytime soon. We need a smarter Navy. perhaps a list of priorities for our Navy in the current world climate and then a catering of our resources accordingly. I would really like to see a proper coast guard set up. Maybe one joined to the American Coast Guard. A north American coast guard if you will. EX what do you think?

We need an independent coast guard--joint means American, they love to dominate.
Maybe one joined to the American Coast Guard. A north American coast guard if you will.
An excellent idea.

We need an independent coast guard--joint means American, they love to dominate.
Only it they knew we were just "hitching a free ride" if you will.

Ex-Dragoon or Navy personnel, what would be your ideal Canadian Navy?
Disillusioned said:
We need an independent coast guard--joint means American, they love to dominate.

We have to much coastline and not enough money- its this basically or nothing.