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***Warning *** York University Protest


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There is going to be a protest at York University this coming wednesday at 13:00 as many of you already know, to protest the deployment of more Canadian soldiers to Afghanistan. I have heard a number of reservists are planning to attend, but I caution the ones who do attend to behave - this means no items that may identify you with the CF, no speaking on behalf of the CF, no inflamatory acts, and noone is to engage in any type of civil disobedience. There will be media on hand apparently, and thier pressence could be catastrophic for the CF given the current political situation. Use your heads for something other than you brain-buckets!!!
I have a feeling this protest has something to do with the recent casualties and number of close calls in Afghanistan. If not well then sorry for the comments  directly below because they will be completly misdirected.

Soliders die in battle. Soldiers get injured in battle. Soldiers accept these risks from Day 1 and do a damn fine job defending this country and its beliefs.
Deal with it.

York University is a bed of ultra-left wing nutjobs. I have heard of a incident at York where protestors booed and spit on veterans who came to speak there. Can't they at least show some respect for our veterans who fought for our peace and for our nation?

Edit: Sorry if I sound a little strong here, but if anyone attacks our troops and disrepects them infront of me, they answer to me. Our troops and veterans made sacrifices and some of their collegues made the ultimate sacrifice that should be respected.
For the record, I am in full support of our troops overseas. I will keep my thoughts on the morality of the mission to myself, but I support the men and women who have gone there. Being a veteran peacekeeper myself, I know what they are about to go through, whether they agree with it or not, but the job needs doing.
".. I have heard a number of reservists are planning to attend, ... "

I have some advice for them:  we don't choose our missions.  If you feel that strongly, then get out of the military.

"Being a veteran peacekeeper myself, .."

- I don't know what that is.  I am a Soldier.  I have been on a 'peacekeeping' tour.  I have also dug 'sh_tholes'.  I no more think of myself as a peacekeeper than I think of myself as a sh_thole digger.

I am a Soldier.

No doubt it'll be the same old bunch of yahoos.  The issue of abandoning Iraqi women to the tender mercies of the taliban isn't something they see as a concern.  
A reminder: CDS Directive 120  states "CF members and DND employees speaking in their official capacity, including designated subject matters experts and PAOs, shall not:

    * respond to media queries that fall outside of their personal areas of experience or expertise, unless authorized to do so;

    * undermine the safety of personnel involved in, or the potential success of, a CF operation;

    * provide comments that could undermine the integrity of an investigation currently in progress;

    * speculate about events, incidents, issues or future policy decisions;

    * offer personal opinion on government, DND or CF policy; or

    * discuss advice given to the Minister, Cabinet or the chain of command."
"I have heard a number of reservists are planning to attend"
I read that to be they were going there in support of the CF and not to protest against our involvment.
Hey can I bring some signs that say god hates fags and thank god for IEDs?
York has always been such an open minded bastion of free thought.

I will keep my thoughts on the morality of the mission to myself

I won't.

I think Afghan civilians deserve to be free from oppression and deserve to live life out from under the heel of the taliban.

If I actually thought these people believed in what their protesting I'd be supportive.  My opinion from personal exposure to these guys is that it's all whatever the issue of the week is.
TCBF said:
".. I have heard a number of reservists are planning to attend, ... "

I have some advice for them:  we don't choose our missions.  If you feel that strongly, then get out of the military.

I'm sure you misunderstood.  I would imagine any reservists who attend would not be there in support of the protestors, but rather in opposition.

Seems like a good opportunity for ProtestWarrior ;D

Armymatters said:
York University is a bed of ultra-left wing nutjobs. I have heard of a incident at York where protestors booed and spit on veterans who came to speak there. Can't they at least show some respect for our veterans who fought for our peace and for our nation?

Just to add some balance - I've also heard of the ultra-left wing nutjobs getting booed and almost assaulted when one of their protests impeeded students from getting to class and/or Tim Hortons  :P  I don't think the whole place is ultra-left-wing, I think they just have a very small but very vocal minority.
CFL said:
"I have heard a number of reservists are planning to attend"
I read that to be they were going there in support of the CF and not to protest against our involvment.
48Highlander is right... my bad for not clarifying.
"48Highlander is right... my bad for not clarifying."

- Well now THAT changes things, doesen't it?


anyone know if the Universities in Alberta have radical right wing nut jobs?

lol just thought it would only be fair. If there is Radical lefts there has to be radical rights as well, somewhere.
If this is true that Reservist will be there, I have three words for them.  QUIT RIGHT NOW.  And they want to be treated like Regular Forces members, bit me. 
Anyone else wanna bet that York won't be putting in a proposal to replace or participate in CFUP, now that the program has been cancelled?

I read a funny story the other day, it chronicled the (wasted) life of a young woman who protested everything - wore black spot clothes, got crappy marks and graduated with a 2.4GPA in music. She lived downtown post university, got mugged, had her bike stolen, and washed dishes for a few years, until she met a guy with a brain. Then she got sick from living in smoggy TO, and they moved to the 'burbs. She now drives a Denali and lives in a bungalow, and pushes her kids around in a Jeep stroller.

The moral of the story was that mindless protests, like the ones you see at York are the product of people with nothing at stake, who have no real vested interest in our society, so it is easy for them to rail against it. Me? I have a mortgage, a car payment, RRSP's, some investments and a job that matters. Someday these morons will too, and then they will make the transition to the right.
Yes, York does have a reputation for its "left-wing nutjobs." That doesn't seem to stop them from taking DND money, as one of the 12 universities funded by the Security & Defence Forum. I wonder if any of those people will be out to offer alternative, perhaps even informed, views to the protestors?

No, I didn't think so.
In reply to comments on Reservists attending this event, likely out of morbid curiosity, I would like to make a request.  Could it be passed to them, to take cameras and get some good 'mug shots' of these twits.  We can then make up one of those posters with all their 'mug shots' and post them up, much like those "Have you seen this Terrorist" or "Missing Child" posters you will find in Post Offices and storefronts. 

Perhaps, it would feed their egos if such posters were posted in their Student Union Buildings.  ;D
All I gotta say is...thank God I'm outta there. The freedom initiative tends to get out of hand more than often on such protests at York...simply because the rent-a-cops like to stand around politely say "Please stop you are hurting him" or "Please stop, you are killing him" especially when blows start flying at an anti-war or a holocaust rally. Heck last year when there was a Palestinian rally, sh*t really hit the fan, there were 2 news choppers, an ETF team and 22 cop cars (which is a record at York regardless of it being pretty much right smack near the infamous Jane & Finch area) and lets just say that all that were missing were rocks and molotovs...heck even a cop got his sidearm swiped from his holster and pointed at him. Was it a good time? Not really unless one was Jason Bourne and found an escape route out of York within the first hour of the protest. Some of us would like to attend school to gain the formalities of an education and be able to walk from pt. A to Z without being handed a copy of the "Socialist Vanguard" by a shady looking so-called proletariat or being hailed by some flower-child yelling "Stop the killing, embrace the love."
York sounds alot like King's, such a bastion of free thought, as long as you agree with everyone else.

Two of my favourites include
(After a reminder about rememberance day ceremonies)
"YEAH LETS CELEBRATE WAR, WOO HOO" (Sarcastically said of course)
Even that one got a few looks from the majority of the lecture hall.

A summary of what happened when a protest organiser who had commandeered the lecture hall before class started talking:

"Canadians should not be in Iraq"
"Canadians aren't in Iraq"
"We have to protest Canada's involvement in this illegal war."
The entire back row of professors yells out: "CANADA IS NOT IN IRAQ"
"Let the government know, we don't want Canada to go to war for oil."
The Prof standing behind him said something to effect of: "Probably not going to find much of that in downtown Kabul"

The majority of the lecture hall was in tears laughing with the exception of this guy and his groupies,
I think he dropped out actually.
"If this is true that Reservist will be there, I have three words for them.  QUIT RIGHT NOW.  And they want to be treated like Regular Forces members, bit me.  "

Not really understanding this comment? So they dont have the right to go check it out??? You can if you want to...seeing as your a combat clerk you might have alot of time on your hands!!!!
