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***Warning *** York University Protest

"This may cause more of a problem with the end result of Canadian Soldiers bringing home "War Brides"."

- That's the whole idea George.  You see, the blonde und blau eyed young ripe maidens from the Rhine Valley and the North German Plain were brought back in such large numbers that they had two effects on Canadian culture:

1. Sent the Federal Liberals into a tizzy, as they were not prepared for white immigration; and

2. Sent the legions of young Canadian 'knockmeups' from their husband hunting stations at a table at 'Da Ranks' onto the couches of their therapists, where they complained about the competition from "Aryan Goddesses."

Probably the REAL reason we were pulled from Germany!

TCBF said:
"This may cause more of a problem with the end result of Canadian Soldiers bringing home "War Brides"."
Thats why when the units deployed for their R&R they would all be issued VanDoo course shirts and practice crude French accents.  No tracing back!!  It's flawless!! ;D
To all the folks interested in trying to get into the protestors heads, wanting to know why they protest against the very same organization that allowed them their freedom of speech in the first place, I say, don't bother.  You'll NEVER understand why they do it.  Could be it's the cool thing to do, could be nothing better going on, heard one too many stories of the life changing experiences of protesting in the Vietnam era, could be ignorance of whats going on in the world around them and have no clue why we're even there in the first place - so out of ignorance they're against us. Could be any reason in the world really, so don't try to understand them - let them do their thing and get it out of their systems, as said before, soon enough, they'll have responsibilities of their own, be out in the real world and hopefully, better educated to whats going on in the world.  It works in reverse, they don't understand us, never will and probably don't want to.  All of us in uniform are a special breed.  We took an oath that is sacred to us and have a devotion to our duty that they simply cannot comprehend.  We do our job that is asked of us because we love our Country and have bonds to the men and women who are right there beside us through all our struggles.  Could these radicals ever understand this?;

In the First World War, during a retreat from a wooded area, a Company that had taken very heavy casualties fell back into shell holes seeking refuge from murderous German machine gun fire coming from the wood.  In one particular shell hole was a young Lt. with a handful of his men and one said he was going back for his friend who had been seen falling.  His platoon leader told him not to go, it was suicide and considered the matter closed.  The young soldier nevertheless scrambled up and out of the protected shell hole and disappeared to go find his chum.  He returned sometime later, with his friend dead on his shoulders and a few holes in his own abdomen to show for his effort to get his friend.  His Lt., recognizing that his wounds were fatal simply said, "I told you it was suicide to go back there, now, I've lost both of you instead of just one - what a waste"  the young soldier replied "No Sir, it wasn't a waste, when I found him, he was alive and as I bent down to pick him up he said 'Frank, I knew you'd come back for me' ".

I read this in an article about the bonds between soldiers in combat and found it to be a very moving and poignant account of the brotherhood of men who share in the fear, terror and horror of battle.  These radical leftists could never comprehend our behavior, just as we can't comprehend theirs.  So, don't get bent out of joint by the ignorant, just take their foolish, naive comments, rallies and behaviors with a grain of salt, take it for what its worth and hold your head up proud.  The moral highground is ours - we know what we do and why we do it.  Isn't it nice to go through life with clear direction and purpose and not be hindered by insecurity, uncertainty, ignorance and doubt? I certainly think so.

Regards noble servicemen/servicewomen
Well I found an article about this rally at York. No coverage about the military as we might of thought. Oh well, makes for a good read while you wait for the microwave popcorn.


Students challenge York policy

    Students gathered in Vari Hall on Monday in clear defiance of York University president Lorna Marsden, to protest and commemorate the anniversary of the controversial events on Jan. 20, 2005.
    Nearly a year ago, students protesting Israeli policies in the Middle East were assaulted when campus security and Toronto police broke up a demonstration in Vari Hall.
    The event resulted in a sustained outrage from students, organizations and even some faculty arguing that York suppresses free speech. Conflict erupted in other quarters, with senators denouncing the violence on campus and Marsden fighting off criticism in a three-hour-long senate meeting.
    York claims that the demonstration had been disrupting class in nearby lecture halls with some protestors using megaphones to speak to the crowd.
    "Her administration's security personnel were joined by police in violently assaulting a student demonstration in the Vari Hall rotunda," said a press release from the Grass Roots Anti-Imperialist Network (GRAIN), also one of the main organizers of the protest last year on Jan. 20.
    York security has also come under scrutiny. Critics allege they were responsible for calling the police to intrude on campus.
    Since then, commissions and various committees have developed and reviewed policies for the use of campus space for activities and events.
    On Jan. 13, the administration published "Message from president Marsden". The press release was designed to report on progress from the committees looking into student space issues.
    In response to the protest, the President commissioned the Working Group on the Temporary Use of University Space. It defined three goals for establishing a policy: The student space must be provided based on any effects to academics and the purpose of the university as a place for learning, the right to free speech and the safety of the York community.
    "GRAIN rejects Marsden's spin on fact," said the press release from GRAIN, responding to the president's message.
    "Despite continued efforts by the administration to erect bureaucratic barriers to anti-imperialist and other dissident activities, students have organized many successful events, and more are in the works . . . her administration's authority on these is extremely weak."
    Concurrently, an Office of Temporary Use of University Space has been created to examine applications for space by different organizations and assesses their viability.
    "We've raised the standard. Things were quite chaotic before we had these regulations in place," says Richard Fischer, chief marketing and communications officer at York.
"Ninety-nine per cent of event bookings have been done without any problems," he says.
    Many have criticized this process, however.
    "This is disastrous . . . there has been a major push to erect bureaucratic barriers for progressive events," says Dan Freeman-Maloy, a member of GRAIN. "It's very clearly politically-driven and not based on anti-disruption."
    Maloy states that many barriers hold smaller organizations from having protests and other events. Generally, groups have to submit their requests one month ahead of time and provide a list of speakers and volunteers that will be present at the event.
    High security fees sometimes required by York are also a barrier to running events.
    "It's becoming increasingly difficult to book spaces. Most spaces are booked and overwhelmed because there are so many student clubs," says Omari Mason, president of the York Federation of Students (YFS).
    "I think most organizations have to book space that is ‘unbookable' so to speak," he adds.
    The YFS is doing just that this week. Most of the events in Vari Hall are not permitted by the Temporary Use of University Space policy because the area is designated as a learning space, yet they have set up tables and commemoration events everyday from Monday until today.
    The York administration has submitted a draft of the report on use of space.
    "We're getting mixed signals from the administration . . . the draft report really did not reflect our priorities," says Mason.
    The final version of the report was to be presented at the senate meeting tomorrow, but the meeting is now cancelled and the committee will likely be reporting in February.
    Meanwhile, York has engaged in talks with police services chief Bill Blair to discuss the events of Jan. 20, 2005
    "The recent message takes pride in a conversation she had with the police chief, as if the administration was somehow protecting us from police violence," said the GRAIN press release.

-GRAIN plans to launch another protest today to commemorate the events last year
Not at all surprising from a TO establishment
The region has been a leftist hotbed for decades now (i live here)
just look at the last election, i dont mind when conservatives do badly in a riding,
but not winning a single seat in Canadas largest city is just ridiculous.
These Peaceniks have no comprehension of sacrifice, although I am not yet a soldier, I have many friends and mentors in the Army whom I stand in awe at their willingness to, at a moments notice, grab their gear and risk their lives so that I may live the life I do.
The situation at York U is disgusting and I assure you does not reflect the attitude of all students
York has more of this going on as it is a second level institute and not the premier UofT.
The leftist actions to me are outrageos
-Though I am somewhat biased, In mock school elections I stenciled on the ballot "Imperialist Party of Canada"
Turks and Caicos here we come
To be devils advocate (please dont flame me, I'm just saying a few things here and I dont support that protest to be honest) But did our veterns of ages ago not fight for our freedoms and rights, one of which is to protest, even protest against the goverment and its organs? and Do you soliders not stand ready to defend these same freedoms? Even if it is a stupid cause or idea, they do have the right, and it was thanks to all you women and men that every canadian has that right.

As for the left wing bashing, I guess it all depends on what you call left wing, left and right is too  simple, you need at least a four pole compass to try to put policy into a catagory. Since you can be Social right wing and economic left wing (like Communist China) or economic right wing and social left wing (like most of europe) So I would say I am left centre (not a radical hippie, but I do favour rights and freedoms for people, all people) and I am hoping to join the force so I can protect the rights of people, not oppress them. (like protecting them in Afghanistan from the Taliban, which I support, but I also support peoples right to protest things, anything peacefully)

Will, there are my thoughs, and I hope I dont get flamed. :P
Agreed.  No flame out. 
Everyone has the right to make peaceful assembly and protest whatever suits their fancy.  The problem is that these days, with professional protest groups and things getting more and more out of hand at these rallies, it is more of just a donkey show.  In any given group, there are a bunch of people putting out the messages, a bunch more who want to hear them, more that are curious, more that are disinterested and looking to see if there are any decent chicks in the crowd (low incidence of shower and shaving) and usually a group of jackasses that are there to see a fight.  It is likely the last group that gets bored, and rather than wait, they start the problems.  Once things start spinning out, even the most granola tree hugging bunch can get intoxicated by mob mentality.  There is an actual science to mob control (the Brits do it the best) and once an individual(s) are identified as actual agitators of violence, they need to be taken out of the group. 
Once things go to a dump, the officers on location are first compelled to protect themselves, then to sort out the mess.  I have countless times dealt with some kid who is all ramped up in a group, and as soon as you drag him away, he switches back and almost always ends up saying something like "I don't know what I was thinking".  Also remember, it is to the advantage of the protest group for some violent cluster to occur, because for the most part, no one gives a shit about what they are talking about, but the violence will guarantee them media coverage.  And nothing is more important than bringing the message. 

I also completely agree that these tools will eventually grow up, have bills and end up part of main stream society.  It would be great if some dedicated film maker would go to these rallies, do short interviews with these dinks and then sit on them for 20 years, only to track them down in their suburban lives and re interview them.
And no flaming from me, as I said, let them have their little moments here and there - our forefathers did give them that right to protest which is why I find it much more rewarding to not get my blood pressure up over their juvenile naive protests.  I'm sure there's a fair number of those protestors grandfathers and great grandfathers who helped guarentee their rights too.  Nothing like sh*tting on your grandfathers medals then wiping your a** with the flag he fought (and possibly died for) Knowing how modest and giving as most of our Vets are, I'm sure the ghosts of our World War Vets show up at these rallies and simply smile and say "Your welcome"
...Still, for any CF member planning to attend this (or any) protest there should be some big warning bells going off in your head right about now.

If there aren't I would be wondering if you're in the right place?!
Absolutely, there really is no need for CF pers to be present at such a place.  It's only asking for trouble to have two groups like this in such close proximity.
rz350 said:
To be devils advocate (please dont flame me, I'm just saying a few things here and I dont support that protest to be honest) But did our veterns of ages ago not fight for our freedoms and rights, one of which is to protest, even protest against the goverment and its organs? and Do you soliders not stand ready to defend these same freedoms? Even if it is a stupid cause or idea, they do have the right, and it was thanks to all you women and men that every canadian has that right.
We have, and we do.  That is why this country is the way it is today, for better or worse.

Think about it.
reccecrewman said:
Absolutely, there really is no need for CF pers to be present at such a place.  It's only asking for trouble to have two groups like this in such close proximity.

You're assuming that

a)  The CF pers will gathers as a formed, distinct body
b)  The CF pers will make their presence known
c)  The CF pers will allow themselves to succumb to the same mob-mentality.

Assuming that all of the above occured, yes, it would be a bad scene and a potential disaster for the CF.  However, I'd expect a little more common sense from the average CF soldier than I do from the fools who regularily attend these protests.

Just for the record, I've attended several protests of this type before, mainly out of curiosity.  At some I was in the presence of other CF personnel.  At no time did we make our "employment" known to anyone.  We stayed on the outskirts of the mob, engaged people in discussion, and withdrew if the discourse became overly aggressive.  I would hope that any other CF personnel attending these events would conduct themselves in a similar manner.
In my continuing attempt to expand the grammatical knowledge of some site members:

College Campus: A place where pitiful apostles of political correctness outnumber men of principle and honor. 2) A place for liberals to congregate, complain, and remain in the useless, noncontributing, waste of oxygen section of society.

Source: Warrior Culture of the U.S. Marines

3rd Herd said:
In my continuing attempt to expand the grammatical knowledge of some site members:

College Campus: A place where pitiful apostles of political correctness outnumber men of principle and honor. 2) A place for liberals to congregate, complain, and remain in the useless, noncontributing, waste of oxygen section of society.

Source: Warrior Culture of the U.S. Marines


I'm going to use that somewhere - I have a paper about the place of media in Canadian Politics coming up!
I say let them protest. If this means they sleep better at night then hey I'm all for it. We all know they only see one side and you'll never correct them or change their views. If you look on most of these protest websites and you read the comments made...you almost want to slam your head into a wall.... but hey do have the right....so I say go with it folks..Protest your little hearts out!!! :salute:
A bunch of people got together and bitched about how unfair the world is. The end.