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***Warning *** York University Protest

48th regulator what an awesome site, thanks.  We need to invite those guys to york.

The point mentioned about green day releasing their anti-war albulm was a good one.  They release that and here come the protesters.  Same way with Avril lavinge videos. She releases a few and all of a sudden girls are walking around with ugly ties around their neck.  Jackass comes out to the theater and there is a 500% increase in stupid people trying to mimic the show- like some guys breaking a drive thru tellers arm.

It's great to see how easily our youth are swayed in whichever direction the wind blows.

I agree having the "cf" pop up at these things is a dumb idea and it would easily be spun into something sinister.

I just feel that I would rather a soldier decide who he is and what side he is on at a university campus (with a view to quitting the army) instread of something like happened in Iraq, where a US soldier threw a grenade into a tent full of fellow soldiers.
Ghost778 said:
I just feel that I would rather a soldier decide who he is and what side he is on at a university campus (with a view to quitting the army) instread of something like happened in Iraq, where a US soldier threw a grenade into a tent full of fellow soldiers.
Agreed. I would encourage anyone who differs with the pinkos on campus to jump in on any organized debates. If someone asks your opinion, give it. What I would not recommend is jumping into the middle of a full-on commie wing-nut politico-orgy (ie-protest rally). The ones out here in Lotusland tend to be quite extreme left. They are OVERTLY communist, or at least socialist. They are hell-bent against ANY military involvement in any nation, period.

An anecdote:

When I was a security guard, (sad, I know) many moons ago, I was at the US consulate. I heard an argument between a level-headed fellow and the lunatics during one of the regular protests against the imperialist swine. The nutter was actually contending that soldiers are inherantly evil, and that all military conflict is evil, including both world wars. The level-headed fellow tried to reason with him, but it was pointless. It was quite a sight.

Swaying these fruits is not going to happen. The middle ground is still up for grabs, however, which is why I encourage anyone who feels passionately about this to join debates, conversations, and pro-cf rallies.
Ghost778 said:
I agree having the "cf" pop up at these things is a dumb idea and it would easily be spun into something sinister.
I can see the headlines now: '2 off duty soldiers crash a peaceful anti war protest at York University. 3 people were arrested while peace groups acuse the government of spying on its own citizens. More protests are planed for next week.'

Don't get caught video tapping anything. Haircuts are a dead giveaway.
Never argue with a nutjob.  From a distance you can't tell how the nut is.  (or something to that effect)
Or how about, Arguing with a Nutjob is like trying to teach a pig to dance.  You look like an idiot and it annoys the pig.
I kind of want to go to the protest with my uniform on, get a lawn chair, a keg of Alexander Keiths and sit across the street from these fine young people. I would never do it because of obvious consequences and um... "problems that would arise" while doing this. However, it would be funny.
Thats my stupid little post, you can pretty much gather what I think about the protest.
My best friend leaves in a week for pre-deployment training and is scheduled to go to Afghanistan in August. I myself am pretty new to the CF, however, i take offence when stuff like this happens; I could just imagine what our friends in Afghanistan would have to say about this protest. Especially when they could use the support and resources over there. Anyways, It's just my opinion, no facts or anything.
Have a nice day  :warstory:
SuperTrooper said:
Go to this site http://www.protestwarrior.com/
lots of good stories and videos.
the 48th regulator Beat you to it like 10 posts ago, read the whole thread
Piper said:
many students are getting fed up with a student union that spends more time being stupid then it does helping students (not like they have any good ideas there either, but at least they'd be acting stupid while doing their job, instead of being stupid and not doing their job).

Unless the university you are at Piper has been declared a absolute dictatorship why haven't you voted these folks out. Not voted them in a second time, shown up at SU forums and impeach them( not many students do show up so with a little organization you can constitute a majority). Take a look at your SU constitution all sorts of neat ideas of parliamentary procedure. We had a bunch of duds and used the constitution to get rid of them. If there not doing there job get rid of them, we did and for a number of years had quite the successful student union.
Here there our has past.  Two many personal hear clam too have a heather education.  Aime shore that is sew.  This Inglis of mine is of the current calibre of Univ grads today.
Not really a surprise George.  19 years ago in University, I found that most of my profs couldn't spell "Phd".
3rd Herd

    They tend to be self-culling.  The positions are only for a one year term and some of that is typically spent bickering among themselves :argument:

    Positions on the Student Union Executive are actually kinda useful; they can't really do much harm and the entertainment value is priceless.  There's a bunch of full-time staff to make sure the things that actually impact on students are taken care of.

Pretty soon Piper's nemesis will wander off into the murk.
George Wallace said:
Here there our has past.  Two many personal hear clam too have a heather education.  Aime shore that is sew.  This Inglis of mine is of the current calibre of Univ grads today.

George, glad you qualified that at the end - was beginning to wonder if you'd had a stroke or something dude  ;D

Re: Entertainment value of the Student Union meetings.

Absolutely priceless, if you can go to an open meeting of the student union, do it, if you have any sense of the world outside of University you may very well die giggling uncontrollably.
There's infighting, snipes, comedy, pompous blowhards, theatrical decisions made which impact nothing but the ego's of the executive.

And in case you start to lose all faith in the system, there is always one person at the meeting who stands up and actually makes perfect sense.

If you think Ontario universities are bad, come to Dalhousie, this is where all the kids from Toronto with lots of money come to live out fantasies that they're bohemian poets and politicans who aren't getting a free ride from Dad while they get tossed around the residences and arrested for being Drunk and Disorderly at the Palace.
Priceless, I can't wait to go back, it's going to be so much fun having some real perspective on it all.
I've got a couple of buddies from 723, and they loathe the so-called "bohemian poets".

Visited them in the res, and these kids just made me laugh.
It was today. I left 30min into it. Same old crap, soldiers are killers, blah blah, Canada should have no diplomatic power in the international community, blah blah, please pay attention to us, we're oh so outspoken. Don't know why I even bothered.