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War 1812-14


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Posted by "dave" <davidwillard@home.com> on Fri, 3 Mar 2000 12:43:35 -0500
This is always a great topic to get the hackles rising. God bless our
cousins to the south, we really do love them, but about some things they can
be gullible. They only learn or are taught what will allow for a more
glory concious state of mind. The 1812 thing really stunned them and still
does for those that have taken the time to learn about it. Even the famed
U.S. Marines turned back when they learned what had happened at Queenston
Heights. Given the numbers involved on both sides it cannot be argued that
they received a proper trouncing, although officially we refer to it as a
stalmate with a negotiated settlement. There was one aspect of it though
that we, and Mother England should take shame in, and thats how we literally
screwed our Indian allies in the settlement. Without Tecumseh and his
followers, we would have been up the proverbial creek in this conflict. All
the reasons they had for aiding us were paid no mind in the end and of
course the hero Tecumseh, made the ultimate sacrifice.
Interesting note:
While visiting a National Guard unit in South Carolina I was really made
to feel welcome. The Yanks are good at hospitality. I was viewing prints
they had on display of which one depicted Kentucky Horsemen ravaging the
Thames river valley. My host and guide went on and on about those dirty,
*******ly redcoats who were nothing less than the vile of the earth. After
he paused slightly I asked if he knew who Canadians really were. He looked
at me questioningly and I replied, we are the redcoats. The tone suddenly
changed somewhat.
Dave Willard
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