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Wanted to know if there is female who's going for Infantry trade????


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Hi, well just wanted to know if there is any female like me who's joining the Infantry trade (Regular Forces)....  I'm starting my BMQ on the 23rd of Aug.  I can't wait to start my battle school though, woohoo!!!!  Dam it's almost 32 weeks of training, but will probably go pretty fast, I will miss my bf a lot though :-\
Would be very cool to know before I leave if there is enough crazy women like me to join this fantastic trade that is the Infantry :threat:, HOUAH!!!  Let me know and we can get in touch before we leave....
Cheers all :cdn:
RGR OUT :salute:
I always thought that females werent allowed to join the combat arms trades, or is this just the US?
I thought there was some law that prevents women from entering direct combat?

All the power to you though >:D
SeanPaul_031 said:
I always thought that females werent allowed to join the combat arms trades, or is this just the US?
I thought there was some law that prevents women from entering direct combat?

All the power to you though >:D

Dude, that is totally an American thing. Get with the program!!  ::) As for you heavy duty...be prepared to be put extremely to the test by all that male testosterone BS.  I'm in infantry reserves but have heard stories from females who've done reg force infantry.  Kick some serious a*s!!!  :salute:
Best of luck to you

Any idea what regiment you want to join?
As well as an Australian thing. Best of luck to you on the infantry course, hope all goes well.  :salute:
SeanPaul_031 said:
I always thought that females werent allowed to join the combat arms trades, or is this just the US?
I thought there was some law that prevents women from entering direct combat?
Do some reaserch.  You look like a fool when spouting such absoulutely backwards information (especially while still on C&P).  For this subject, you can start with the site's 5th larges thread: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/27970.0.html
I have a female friend that decided to join the infantry trade but she ended up getting released as she tore her back up badly and was stuck in a wheelchair for a few months till she recovered. 
Roger that Shadow Cat...I too have a good friend who started out wanting to be in the Infantry but tore half of her lower back muscles and right shoulder blade a year and a half ago and is still recovering...This is of-course in no way a discouragement to any females wanting to join the infantry. We need physically fit, tactically trained and regimentally sound pers for the infantry and that includes both males and females! Cheers :cdn:
Nicely said, Paladin. I, on the other hand, actively discourage females from joining the Infantry. Or the Engineers, for that matter.
Best of luck to you, Heavy.
Good luck Heavy_Duty!!


I'm not going infantry, I'm going engineers, but I am sure at some point we will meet, and definitely have to have a couple brews and chat.
Quick history lesson see below:

did u think u would see the day that Canadian Naval Females would be wearing Submarnier Dolphins.

Looks good on them, I am sure purists would not agree.
No, I'm quite serious. I've posted this before. It just never works out well for females in the Infantry. And since the Engineers do just as much (more, actually) intensive physical stuff, it doesn't work out well for them there, either (at least according to my Engineer friends. Not being one, I have no first-hand knowledge). They usually end up leaving with a very sour taste in their mouths, and it ends up being a waste of a good soldier.
I've known a few women Infanteers. Most are capable, intelligent (usually a little more so than their male counter-parts), and motivated. But their frames fail them. Very few handle the physical strain this trade demands for long. They all OT, re-muster, or release. Including the ones who cross over from the Reserves. Women are capable of tolerating more pain than males, but their bodies aren't meant to do the sort of silliness that Infantrymen, especially Light Infantrymen, have to do. This is an opinion formed after talking with females in the Infantry. We have two in my BN, both have their OTs in. 
I don't think women "have no place on the battlefield", but I do think they can serve better in another trade. Armour, I would think would be a good place (I may be wrong, I'm not Armour). Arty, Tpt, most other trades I would think. But not Infantry or Engineer. Not knowing much about the Air force or Navy, I have no idea if they have trades where a woman's (generally) smaller stature and lighter frame would work against them. (HFXCrow, I would think that these would be assets in a submarine, wouldn't they?)
It doesn't work out for a lot of smaller framed guys as well. Not all of course, because you know there are some hard core smaller guys out there. But if you are 130-140lbs, and your trying to luck a fuck*n rucksack that is almost as heavy as you are, well, it doesn't always work out so well.
CFL said:
There is one in our BN that just finished the Mod 6.
One in mine, too. Has her OT in.
I don't say this because there's any misogyny in me. I'm just stating facts as I've seen them. I hate to see people get their hopes crushed. And I hate to see the Infantry lose good troops, especially to see them leave so bitter (and injured).
Oh well. There's bound to be an exception, and maybe our thread-starter is it.
You have a point but there are plenty of broken guys as well who have put OT's in or have been thrown to the wolves by BN who were very good troops.  Why not get a trade before you get out (is the way a lot of guys look at it).
CFL said:
You have a point but there are plenty of broken guys as well who have put OT's in or have been thrown to the wolves by BN who were very good troops.   Why not get a trade before you get out (is the way a lot of guys look at it).
and I'm all for it! I intend to do the same very shortly. Another year or two, and I'll be useless to the infantry. A liability, rather than an asset.
But, from my own personal experiences (and if yours are different from mine, speak right up) females's bodies fail them sooner, and with greater frequency, doing Infantry stuff. Especially Light Infantry stuff.
However, considering the low numbers of women who actually want to this for a living, the ratio is rather skewed.