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Wanted: Jubilee Medal..will pay $$$$

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I'm still looking for a 2002 Queen's Golden Jubilee Medal Original. It's the last Canadian commemorative medal I need for my collection.

I'll pay upwards to $250-$300 for a mint original.
If anyone is wondering what the noise is, it's me shaking my head in bewilderment.  ??? Who on earth would give up a medal, no matter what the price?  And you certainly wouldn't find it mint either, not if someone has been wearing it for 4 years.  I certainly know that I won't give mine up.  Still shaking my head, you've actually made me speechless (congratulations lol).
I know that i have one in the house for sure, it is my father's and im sure he wouldent give it up...nice thought and good luck
Personnaly, I find this medal doesn't mean much...  A tour medal, CD or anything else means something but I personnally think that the jubilee medal is candy..


navymich said:
If anyone is wondering what the noise is, it's me shaking my head in bewilderment.  ??? Who on earth would give up a medal, no matter what the price?  And you certainly wouldn't find it mint either, not if someone has been wearing it for 4 years.  I certainly know that I won't give mine up.  Still shaking my head, you've actually made me speechless (congratulations lol).
SupersonicMax said:
Personally, I find this medal doesn't mean much...  A tour medal, CD or anything else means something but I personally think that the jubilee medal is candy..


I believe Max, it means out of the 10 (approximately) that each regiment had to give you, the individual who received it
was highly regarded by the unit for their commitment, hard work and dedication to be bestowed the dishonour honour
of wearing this medal.  Of which, 98% of the regiment didn't get.  So, at the very least, the person was recognized for being
better than most.

Now yes, there are some retards that sucked up and got one or even wrote their MP for one and got one that way and wear it
in the military.  I know someone with 2 gimme medals that way (writing an MP).
Trinity said:
I believe Max, it means out of the 10 (approximately) that each regiment had to give you, the individual who received it
was highly regarded by the unit for their commitment, hard work and dedication to be bestowed the dishonour honour
of wearing this medal.  Of which, 98% of the regiment didn't get.  So, at the very least, the person was recognized for being
better than most.

Now yes, there are some retards that sucked up and got one or even wrote their MP for one and got one that way and wear it
in the military.  I know someone with 2 gimme medals that way (writing an MP).
I have the QGJM, but I don't see myself as getting it for hard work, commitment, etc.  But I also know that I didn't write any MPs.  I did that once, then I got a reply saying to, and I quote "Write yer friggin MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT, not yer fricken MILITARY POLICEMAN!".  So, stupid me, I guess writing the "cherry-berries" just didnt' do me any justice :D

But, seriously, I'm not selling that or ANY OTHER medal I have

OT here, I have my great uncle's WWI medals: Victory Medal, War Medal and MM.  And, yes, he was an RCR during WWI. 
So, at the very least, the person was recognized for being better than most.

Alas, this was not the case, as has been discussed on previous threads on this subject.  The Jubilee Medal was doled out to a "representative" sampling of CF members based on a computer selection of weighted criteria, the prime criteria being time in, with the bulk of the awards being directed at the Cpl rank.  Thus a 25 year Cpl stood a much, much better chance of being awarded the medal than a "fast mover" MCpl.

Commander LFWA found it necessary to explain this in a letter to the Area back when the awards were made.  The QGJM is not "recognition" of any sort, rumour to the contrary.
QGJM was a little bit "controversial" in LFQA
some really sad sacks got em for having hung around a long time without having done much with themselves.  As "senior" representatives of the rank & branch, they got em.

my thoughts and comments on this matter are published on earlier threads.
Although it was not given on the basis of merit within the military, there were many Canadians who received it for excellence in business, academia, and community service.  Be careful who you scoff at wearing one.
Gunner said:
Although it was not given on the basis of merit within the military, there were many Canadians who received it for excellence in business, academia, and community service.  Be careful who you scoff at wearing one.

Yes, very true.  My comments were in the military context.
Teddy, ack.  Just making a general comment.  As was pointed out, the QGJM generally did not go to the best and the brightest in the military....  :P
Gunner said:
Teddy, ack.  Just making a general comment.  As was pointed out, the QGJM generally did not go to the best and the brightest in the military....   :P

And unfortunately, the ones that did receive on merit etc, are not able to be recognized for that due to the fact of so many others receiving it "because".  I'm sure that you've figured out from my previous post that I have a QGJM.  It isn't something that I always admit to, because of the controversy around it.  And the looks when I wear it are unbelievable.  I am usually proud of having it, because I honestly feel that I earned it.  I saw the letter that my CO wrote recommending me for it.  But I agree wholeheartedly with most of the comments here on how and why most members came to get it.  If it sounds like I am tooting my own horn, well, it's probably because I am.  However I will admit that I would much rather have a medal that I can stand proud to wear and not be as embarassed about.
navymich said:
And unfortunately, the ones that did receive on merit etc, are not able to be recognized for that due to the fact of so many others receiving it "because".  I'm sure that you've figured out from my previous post that I have a QGJM.  It isn't something that I always admit to, because of the controversy around it.  And the looks when I wear it are unbelievable.  I am usually proud of having it, because I honestly feel that I earned it.  I saw the letter that my CO wrote recommending me for it.  But I agree wholeheartedly with most of the comments here on how and why most members came to get it.  If it sounds like I am tooting my own horn, well, it's probably because I am.  However I will admit that I would much rather have a medal that I can stand proud to wear and not be as embarassed about.
Navy: since you and I both have this medal, let's form a club of QGJM: NL (NL="Not Losers").  And, of course, for forming said club, that makes us losers, and ineligible for entry :D
navymich said:
And unfortunately, the ones that did receive on merit etc, are not able to be recognized for that due to the fact of so many others receiving it "because".  I'm sure that you've figured out from my previous post that I have a QGJM.  It isn't something that I always admit to, because of the controversy around it.  And the looks when I wear it are unbelievable.  I am usually proud of having it, because I honestly feel that I earned it.  I saw the letter that my CO wrote recommending me for it.  But I agree wholeheartedly with most of the comments here on how and why most members came to get it.  If it sounds like I am tooting my own horn, well, it's probably because I am.  However I will admit that I would much rather have a medal that I can stand proud to wear and not be as embarassed about.

Navy Mich, see my comments above.  Whether or not your CO "wrote a letter" nominating you for a QGJM had zero bearing on whether you were awarded one or not.  As Teddy Ruxpin correctly stated, it was based purely on a mathematical formula (# of medals divided by the number of personnel at each rank level (Reg and Res).  Each rank and component received their proportion and it was given to those who had the longest time served.  It was clearly articulated that these medals were being distributed and recipients would wear them on behalf of all members of the CF.  No merit entered into the equation at all.

If you don't believe me, check out the DHH website:

Selection is computer generated and distributed proportionally to Regular and Reserve members (including Cadet Instructors, Canadian Rangers and Honorary Positions) by component, rank, Military Occupation and years of service. CANFORGEN 024/02 CDS 017 refers.


Now, if your CO nominated you through the provincial awards committee and you were given one based on merit, well done to you.  I hope you received it on the basis of one of the criteria I mentioned above.

I got mine based on time in and rank level.  Lemme see, in 2002 I was a Lt with 16 years in.  ONLY 16 years and ALREADY a Lt.  Not a 2Lt either, but a full-blown Lieutenant!
So, in  my case, yes, a gimme.  Thankfully i have others to offset it (eg: it's not sitting there alone)
Well, a gimme for me then, almost 10 years as a LS.  I must have done something right since then at least though since I've gone up a couple of ranks.  As for something to offset it?  Yeah, my CD.  Two gimmes.  So, I'll just go away now..... :-\
Now now, no need for that.
At least wait until the bar to your CD

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