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Videos and clips featuring the Army

What's with all the stupid videos?  This one is some guy peeling potatoes, two gomers on defaulters parade, and some driving around Wainwright.  God, the American's release some sexy videos of combat footage from Fallujah and we think that we can make equally cool videos of CF garrison life by putting some metal tune to it?

Until there is a video of us blowing them up, quit trying to make day-to-day life seem so hardcore - it's just lame.
Saosin....one thing you should read before you post is the Conduct Guidelines....had you have read it you would have seen that multiple profiles are not allowed. Your new one is banned and your orifinal is on Verbal.
Once the Khandar missions start up, we may get some combat/action vids like the US Army an Marines, untill then we got these.

Atleast this video is better than the last one I saw, a bunch of Reservists doing a live fire; basically 5 mins of them shooting into bushes.
Contrary to Infanteer's dissenting voice, I actually liked it. From a recruiting point of view (minus some of the extra footage of missile strikes and the MGS), it was fairly representative of current garrison and field life. It showed  weapons training, maintenance being carried out (might seem foreign to Mech Inf guys  >:D ) sports, PT (which might seem foreign to Armd guys - see, I'm an equal opportunity slammer), parades, Mounted Troop, Historical Tp, historical footage (though it could have been from any unit). Overall I was fairly impressed, although the quality was somewhat lacking, but trying to jam 4:30 mins into 11MB will do that to the best quality video. I'm not a big fan of using metal tunes (but that's what the "kids" listen to, and most US vids that I have seen have done likewise), but it is a far sight better than using 'classic' rock tunes by aging Canadian dinosaurs ('The Boys are Back in Town', 'Boys in the Bright White Sports Car', etc), or Muzak.

I think it is more important to sell what we are, rather than what we would like to be (yes, I'm talking about the quota filling CF recruiting videos where a civvy would assume that 1/3rd of the CF is a black male, another third  females, and the odd white guy thrown in for flavour). The fact that somebody took the time to do this (probably on their own, as there wasn't a whole lot of the "upper floor" pers front and center, other than the RSM and a quick shot of the CO taking over the Regt at Change of Command) shows that there are soldiers who actually give a shit about what they do, which has been lacking in the not so distant past (and still exists). I give it two thumbs up for effort and showing what it's like to be a Soldier of the West.

Videos certainly are a touchy subject around here,
I liked this one, though I found the music didn't match most of what was shown.
I think it would have been nice to have seen more of the horses.

The only video my unit has produced so far is a 15 or 20 minute DVD of us doing urban warfare training with blanks in the Calgary Police kill house.
I mainly like it because you can see our troops getting better as the video progresses, and no, we don't have a hardcore rock sound track. We left in the original audio with swears edited out.

Hopefully we can produce a better quality DVD representing highlights of this years training: Winter survival with the Rangers, Ice climbing (Adventure Trg), Ex Desert Grizzly and whatever else we can weasel ourselves into.
Yeah, I liked it too.  Was nice to see the snippets of historical footage towards the end, and the shots of the ceremonial troop and vehicle restoration projects.
I have to agree with Al. (now hell will freeze over)

The video, less the missle strike footage, was a pretty good indicator of what Armour regimental life is like. Increase the quality and you'd have a pretty decent recruiting/orientation video.

Infanteer said:
Until there is a video of us blowing Hadji up, quit trying to make day-to-day life seem so hardcore - it's just lame.

As for making training and everyday life seem interesting, nothing wrong with that. Might actually entice someone to come try it....our livelihood isn't all flash and bang.
There never will be video or pictures of us blowing Haji up, not if we are smart....
It could be used as evidence later.
Ref the missile strikes, I do remember that this Regt now has a E Coy, wearing Black berets and a PPCLI cap badge stooting TUA's.
The video was cool and for sure better than some of the others that I've seen. LOST the music thou.
Piper were you apart of the production of this video why u seem ok p--- off?
Atleast this video is better than the last one I saw, a bunch of Reservists doing a live fire; basically 5 mins of them shooting into bushes.

Aww christ, that was the stupidest thing I've ever seen too. Was it a live fire though, or blanks?
Well, that's four minutes and eighteen seconds I'll never get back in my life.

TCBF said:
Well, that's four minutes and eighteen seconds I'll never get back in my life.


It wasn't all that bad - if you want pure dreck, click the links in this one:

I liked it, I'm surprised they were allowed to film the defaulters though.
That first video (which indeed did make me throw up in my mouth a little bit) was filmed at Dension Armoury in Toronto - it appears to be one or several CSS courses, I am going to guess wpns tech & MSE Op.  So 25 Svc Bn would seem to be correct as the guilty unit.  Period would be during the 04-05 trg year, given the events it shows. 
An object lesson in why you should never steal your 15 year old sister's break up mix tape to provide the soundtrack to army stuff...

The Ranger video was not a Unit effort - credit goes solely to Tpr Lui who came up with the idea, filmed and edited it.  An article describing the second ROGERS CHALLENGE (2004) can be found here.  The Ex this year was essentially the same.
The guy who made the Memories video is a Weapon Tech in 25 SVC, he posts on a few forums I'm on. An yea, it is mostly of in-house training, FTXs an Stalwart Guardian.
flashman said:
...An object lesson in why you should never steal your 15 year old sister's break up mix tape to provide the soundtrack to army stuff...

Shitem flashman...I had a mouthful of Coke when I read that  :rofl: ...now I have to clean my keyboard again...
The first movie seriously needs a new soundtrack but the last clip was good. I agree that the metal soundtracks get old after a while and it seems more people are opting for hip-hop soundtracks, the only downside being that they use mainstream hip-hop that absolutely sucks. Still, it's better than the touchy-feely tripe in the fist one.

Infanteer said:
Until there is a video of us blowing Hadji up, quit trying to make day-to-day life seem so hardcore - it's just lame.

haj·i or haj·ji also hadj·i (hăj'ē)
n. Islam., pl. haj·is or haj·jis also hadj·is.
1. One who has made a pilgrimage to Mecca.
2. Often used as a form of address for one who has made such a pilgrimage.

::) Inappropriate to say the least.
Glorified Ape said:
haj·i or haj·ji also hadj·i (hăj'ē)
n. Islam., pl. haj·is or haj·jis also hadj·is.
1. One who has made a pilgrimage to Mecca.
2. Often used as a form of address for one who has made such a pilgrimage.

::) Inappropriate to say the least.

See, and I thought Hadji was a town/village/city, like Fallujah. You learn something new every day. I suppose I should start making comments like this (blowing up the Hadji), as there seems to be a vacancy in the DS world ::) With my track record, I stand about the same chance as PM, the PM, getting 100% of the military vote after the little "Canadian soldiers. In our cities......" advertising faux pas...... But I am willing to be more intolerant, if that's what it takes (Harold Ramis' character in Stripes: "[W]e're not homosexuals, but we are willing to learn.")
