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Victoria Army.ca Meet - 1 Dec 06


Army.ca Veteran
Reaction score
I figure that before I leave this great city, that I should organize a meet and greet here.

In talking offline with a few people, Fri 1 Dec seems to work well.  About 1900ish somewhere for something to eat and some drinks and then moving on from there.

Who's in?  Any ideas for places?
I should be able to make it, but closer to 20:00, if that's cool.  :)  Um, as for locales, Irish Times, 4 mile pub (always cheap wings), Spinnaker's, I'm pretty easy.  And, I'll buy the first pitcher or 2.

For old times sake, Start at the Carlton Club....if it's still there.
The CC is still there.  Wouldn't be the same without it.  And old times sake is ending the night there.  Or so I've heard, because I've never been there.....
navymich said:
so I've heard, because I've never been there.....

Never once have I stepped foot in there, never participated in the tricycle races, barstool races, or the horizontal bungy jumping, I have heard that it is quite an upscale establishment.

From Vancouver... not in yet, just waiting on the call.  Are we letting those playing "the waiting game" visit? Might be worth coming out and atleast meeting some people! ... Hopefully the black and red eye and stitches are all gone by then... (Gotta love it when you get into a bar fight and you the BARTENDER!)
All are welcome ThainC....reg, reserve, civy, wannabe.  You might have to buy the first round though.... ;)
navymich said:
All are welcome ThainC....reg, reserve, civy, wannabe.  You might have to buy the first round though.... ;)

More like...first, second, third, fourth and last.......

wannabe price of admission
Maybe they'll let me behind the bar and start mixing some drinks? ;) Next time we'll have to have a meet at MY bar, where I can promise a 2 for 1... 3 for 1... oh hell, I'll just slam the bottle on the counter and turn my back ;)

So December 1st... I'll have to make sure to catch a ferry.  Maybe I can find a cheap hotel, or just a place to park my truck and crash in the back ;)

Thanks for the invite, I'll be there.
Frankie said:
Never once have I stepped foot in there, never participated in the tricycle races, barstool races, or the horizontal bungy jumping, I have heard that it is quite an upscale establishment.


Or , heaven forbid, go to Popeyes  (that's what the CC used to be called back in the day)for a quick pint during a wet T shirt night or so I hear.  Or maybe the monday movie nights or the after hrs.......  >:D
When you come to the mainland, we could always hit up a country bar that does topless bull riding... never ending amounts of fun there... though... I was kicked out last time I was there for saying something not so polite after having a bit too much to drink... maybe not a good idea afterall...  >:D
ThainC said:
Maybe they'll let me behind the bar and start mixing some drinks? ;) Next time we'll have to have a meet at MY bar, where I can promise a 2 for 1... 3 for 1... oh hell, I'll just slam the bottle on the counter and turn my back ;)

Well now...I think this meet should be moved over to Vancouver.  >:D
I'm actually kind of up for a trip to the Island.  If anyone wants to come along, we could car pool.  I'm drivin' my truck now (Too damn wet out for the motorcycle), so am willing to take a few people over.
ThainC said:
I'm actually kind of up for a trip to the Island.  If anyone wants to come along, we could car pool.  I'm drivin' my truck now (Too damn wet out for the motorcycle), so am willing to take a few people over.

Care to stop in Edmonton, on the way?
I think someone needs some geography lessons.  Since when is Edmonton on the way to anything.... ;D
navymich said:
I think someone needs some geography lessons.  Since when is Edmonton on the way to anything.... ;D

You're right...Edmonton is the Center of Fun! (if ya'll would just come out here for once and realize that...)
No problem... lemme see... lemme just go in REVERSE for a good section of that drive ;) How about you drive to Vancouver, and I'll be the generous individual I am and drive you the rest of the way to Victoria?  :P

Center... of... fun... *hrms* I've been there a few times.  I did have "fun" when I was there, so I guess I'll have to agree to some degree ;)
Ah well, I guess my Western friends will have to wait. I'm aiming for the next eastern meet right now. (gotta save the pennies!)  ;D
navymich said:
I think someone needs some geography lessons.  Since when is Edmonton on the way to anything.... ;D

Well... It is on the way to Cold Lake but that is completely irrelevant at the moment.