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Vehicles in Gagetown


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So I'll be in Gagetown for the summer, and having been there before, I know what it's like to not have a vehicle. I can't drive mine out there, so I was hoping I could get some help with info about insurance and dealerships in the Oromocto area. What is insurance worth (not teenager with a clean driving record), and do I need to get a NB driver's license? What about motorcycles/scooters (lame yes, but it's still transportation)? And has anyone had good experience with any used-car dealerships in the area? I basically want to spend $1000 or two, and have weekend freedom. (Finding a girl with a vehicle like I did last time wouldn't go over too well with the significant other).. Thanks for the help.

Based on my experience buying a vehicle on course, no promises it will work this way for you because the differences between provinces-

I assume you are not posted there and only there for the summer.  Keep your BC licence.
If you own a vehicle in BC already, buy a new one in NB, phone up ICBC or your broker, get the new car added to your policy.
If you don't own a vehicle already, talk to ICBC or your broker before you go and see if you can arrange insurance over the phone.  AirCare may screw thing up.
Drive around Haneytown picking up chicks...

If you are posted there, Redwood Insurance on Restigouche Road did well by me for five years.  Others have said Personal through CANEX is good too.
Did you think of Renting?  I am sure that a long term or monthly rate can be found at most Rental agencies.  In the end, you keep your BC Lic; instead of a Loan a Credit Card Bill; and no Insurance payments, as there is Insurance on the Company policy that you probably will pay for anyway.  At the end of your course you turn the veh in at the airport and get on the big silver bird and fly home.
Renting is a good idea, I never would have thought of that.. Considering the hit you take on insurance and the money lost on selling a used car in a hurry, it might be worth the extra bucks.. Thanks for the suggestion.
AmmoTech90 said:
Drive around Haneytown picking up chicks...

Ewwwwwwwwww.  Whatever you do, DO NOT drive around Haneytown picking up chicks.  EWWWWWWWWW. :tsktsk: :tsktsk: 
Hey if you put them all together, you can have a full set of teeth!!
It's all about Geary... hew-ha... Or Swan Creek... hahaha... all come back now you hear...
Geeesh...he came on here asking about a viable option for transportation in Gagetown.

He didn't ask how to restock the gene pool of the locals....which by now must be at least ankle deep    ;D

I just bought a vehicle, crappy little '86 VW jetta.  For $1000 I got it new tires installed, reg'd and on the road. We are with ANderson Insurance in Oromocto.  Good rates and easy going...the personal was a pain to deal with...no local agent. And don't knock Haneytown, I live there.  And so do many other military peeps ...and their daughters >:(.
i'm at CFB Gagetown right now...just got here...so this may or may not be true, but we had a Master Corporal tell us that it is law here to switch over your licence and insurance to NB licence and insurance. But then we were told if you are here on restricted posting (which I am) that it does not apply.

Anyhow, he said that if you are posted to CFB Gagetown and you try to buy a vehicle here from a dealership they won't sell it to you without a NB driver's licence.

Again, I don't know how correct that info is, perhaps someone else could clarify...........


If I recall correctly, provincial legislation requires you to transfer your ownership to the new province of residence within 90 days if you you will be *ordinarally resident* (ie. have moved there intending to stay).  Transferring the registration will trigger the requirement to change your license and insurance.

There are a number of indices of intent to change your province of residence, including whether you come under a new provincial income tax regime, changing health systems, permanently changing addresses.  An example of someone who lives in a province but would not be considered ordinarilly resident is a university student.  They may live in one province for 8 to 10 months of the year but are not required to change their vehicle registrations as there is no real intent to reside in that province other than to attend school.

Most provinces simply require you to have a valid ownership permit from any province in order to purchase a vehicle but remember you only have a short time to register the vehicle after purchase.  If you wish to register it with NB you will have to get a NB ownership permit but you might want to look at how you can go about registering the vehicle from a distance in your home province.
bluecollared said:
i'm at CFB Gagetown right now...just got here...so this may or may not be true, but we had a Master Corporal tell us that it is law here to switch over your licence and insurance to NB licence and insurance. But then we were told if you are here on restricted posting (which I am) that it does not apply.

Anyhow, he said that if you are posted to CFB Gagetown and you try to buy a vehicle here from a dealership they won't sell it to you without a NB driver's licence.

Again, I don't know how correct that info is, perhaps someone else could clarify...........


As that is incorrect my friend. I was able to buy a Mitsubishi Lancer from Oromocto Auto Sales without a NB licence...I had a NS one.. Or may be I just understood your message.
Here is an easier way to do it, just make friends with someone who has a car. I did and i got to use their car all the time because they were too busy being a Panicky Pete the whole time. Viva la Gagetown and see all you suckers out there this summer...