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VeCATS.ca advertising: Free Tickets [Merged]

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Looking for your assistance / Vous cherchez votre aide

We have a survey for our new company on www.vecats.com  the survey is on our main page as you come onto the website

Could you provide is the assistance of filling out a survey and also passing on the info to other serving members and also to recent veterans (out in the last 5-7 yrs).  This info will assist us in tailoring programs properly for your total transition program

Thank you for your understanding and support,

Nous avons une sondage pour notre nouvelle entreprise sur www.vecats.com  l'enquête est sur notre page principale que vous venez sur le site

Pourriez-vous donner est l'aide de remplir un sondage et de transmettre les informations aux autres membres de service et aussi aux anciens combattants récents ( dans le 5-7 dernières années) aussi . Cette information nous aidera à adapter les programmes correctement pour votre programme de transition totale

Merci de votre compréhension et de votre soutien,


Joe Blanchard, CD, MBA

Hi, first I want to thank you for attempting to assist veterans as they transition from Military to civilian life. It is a noble cause and a service that would be useful to many of us. I have had a chance to look at your website and explore it a bit. I hope you can take this constructive criticism because I do really want you to succeed.

First, your website is very, very basic. It does not look like it was professionally done. If I am looking for a service to assist me, I would expect a professional looking website that is in line with industry norms.

Second, there is a lack of information on your site. The resources page in particular is in need of work. Many of the resources need much more information to be useful. Each item should have a detailed synopsis of what it means. For example, what is ITIL V3 and why is it important.

Finally, while your Bio is great, I want to know more about VeCats as a company. When did you start, what are you successes, what is your mission and how do you plan to achieve it?

Again, thank you for taking on this task and I hope I provided some feedback which is valuable to you.
Although I personally like the simple web page design.
To me the statement "some people decide to show up with casual clothing for the interview.
We highly suggest a business attire is the most appropriate and for gentlemen, ensure that Tie kills the suit''. Tells me that your job placement and choices are more along the lines of management type positions as opposed to the average work placement that a Military member would be looking for.
One must dress for the job they are applying for. It might mean wearing a suit and tie, or it might mean wearing jeans and a polo shirt.  They also need to cater the resume for the job they are applying for. This is the hardest for Military Members to do. Because trying to translate their learned skills to the civilian side can be hard to make examples that a civilian can understand or want.

Right now there are to many companies/ agents out there trying to provide services to our Service Members under the guise that they will help them get the best job. (are you in contract with placement agencies)?

I can offer some advice for those transitioning to the Civilian path. Swallow your pride on your current position, realize most places will still start you at or near the bottom. This is where you will make the choice to excel or stay flat. Use your skills and leadership learned in the Military to exceed the lower level and get promoted up the ladder. Prove to them that your skills you have are valuable. Just don't tell them how great you are, show them. As you move up the ladder take the time to learn how they do things, then fit yourself into the fray. Dont try and bullhead your way and ideas into their system.
Thanks all for the feedback and suggestions, the site is VERY basic and I have used an older product to construct it.  I'm working to improve the site and its content, unfortunately, my laptop fried 3 weeks ago and i have another, loaded with CS 6 and will improve the site/content.  As for other comments, VeCATS is designed to take someone from the start of their transition, which is different for each soldier (Ill and Injured, Retiring) and we focus on this who need to fill the Skills Gap with what today's market place is looking for, so they can find and retain a job.  Training and Job Experience are the keys, I continue to work with Companies in Canada, Governments and the JPSU environment on bases/stations/dockyards to ensure we get the word out.  Yes, we have partnered with a National placement organization to ensure the soft-skills and job placement steps are taken care of also, after the job experience. 

Once i'm back up and operating, I will be adding all the information for skill-training programs.  When you take the excellent skills you have acquired in the Military, not all jobs on civie street are looking for them. Yes, you/we need to ensure those transferable skills are communicated in civilian terms, i know this personally and the other veterans we are working with can assist in translating and identifying the commonality to civilian positions.  VeCATS also looks at the leadership positions where there is minimal civilian training required to start.  I was speaking with a major company operating on the east coast yesterday and they value the senior leadership training and can train those individuals in the company's operations. 

Again, thanks for the feedback, I will be taking your comments and constructive criticism, they will be very useful.

All,  Subject: Appreciation week at Eagle Creek

On behalf of Eagle Creek Golf Club wishes to invite the Military and First Responders of Ottawa Region the opportunity to play Eagle Creek Golf Club recently voted, “top 100 golf courses in Canada”. We will be offering two appreciation weeks in October please see attachment. If you could pass this document along to all the bulletin boards in Ottawa Region and they can simply email us and set up tee times at half price. I hope they come on out and feel like our members and enjoy one of the best golf courses in our region.

Kind regards

Ryan Little PGA, Director of Operations, Eagle Creek Golf Club
ClubLink One Membership More Golf®
109 Royal Troon, Lane, R.R. #1, Dunrobin, Ontario, K0A 1T0
Tel: 613-832-3804 ext. 2224 | Fax: 613-832-2955
E-mail: rlittle@clublink.ca| Website:www.EagleCreek.clublink.ca
As we now have opened our new office in Ottawa, we want to start building up our awareness for Soldiers, RCMP, Vets and their families. Our first Ottawa Sens Ticket giveaway is for two 100 level tickets to the Nov 3, "Military Appreciation Night" against the Detroit Red Wings.  This draw is two tickets for "Soldiers in Uniform" and is open to anyone able to attend the game

Maintenant que nous avons ouvert notre nouveau bureau, nous voulons commencer à sensibiliser les soldats, la GRC, les Veterans, et leurs familles. Notre premier billet de Sens à Ottawa est pour deux billets de 100 places pour la «nuit d'appréciation militaire» du 3 novembre contre les Red Wings de Detroit.  Ce tirage est deux billets pour "Soldats en Uniforme" et est ouvert à toute personne capable d'aller au jeu

If I may offer some feedback, pay the modest amount of money to get a professionally done website. I also wouldn’t be listing staff members as “dependent” on a business website under the ‘about us’. That’s just... I don’t even know what it is, but it doesn’t ring well.

Last months draw winner was Charlene Kendell from Ottawa, thank you to all the entries from Kingston, Borden, Winnipeg, Petawawa, Ottawa, NorthBay, Montreal and Trenton.  As we now have opened our new office in Ottawa, we want to start building up our awareness for Soldiers, RCMP, Vets and their families. Our monthly Ottawa Sens Ticket Giveaway is for two 100 level tickets to the Dec 29th game when the Sens take on Columbus on 29 Dec 2017.  follow the link below for your entry and check out our services

Please pass on this information to everyone to all Soldiers, Vets, RCMP to enter our draw, thank you,,,,

La gagnante du tirage du mois dernier était Charlene Kendell d'Ottawa, Merci à tous les participants de Kingston, Borden, Winnipeg, Petawawa, Ottawa, North Bay, Montréal, et Trenton.  Maintenant que nous avons ouvert notre nouveau bureau à Ottawa, nous voulons commencer à sensibiliser les soldats, la GRC, les anciens combattant et leurs familles. Notre tirage mensuel des billets d'Ottawa Sens est pour deux billets de 100 niveaux pour le match du 29 décembre lorsque les Sénateurs affronteront Columbus le 29 décembre 2017. suivez le lien ci-dessous pour votre entrée et consultez nos services

S'il vous plaît transmettre cette information à tous les soldats, les Anciens Combattants, la GRC pour participer à notre tirage, merci ,,,,


Joe Blanchard, CD
:brit poppy:
VeCATS will be giving away two tickets to Soldiers who register below.  The game will be an Ottawa game on Jan 18th, 2018. This draw is open to Soldiers, RCMP, and Veterans who are able to attend the game. There is one Lot 4 Parking pass.  You may enter once for this event ..... Good luck!

VeCATS donnera deux billets aux soldats qui s'inscrivent ci-dessous. Le jeu sera un match de Ottawa le 18 janvier 2018. Ce tirage est deux billets pour Soldats, Veterans, GRC capable d'aller au jeu. Il y a une passe de stationnement Lot 4 aussi.  Bonne chance!

Perhaps you could quickly explain why you need someone's service number to enter the contest? I'm sure its nothing nefarious but it is Protected information.