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Unacceptable Political Advertising: Liberals Attacking the CF

North Star

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I saw a political ad today that I view as unacceptable to members of the CF. Far from being quiet, I've fired off the letter below to the major political parties and major news outlets.

To Whom It May Concern,

I have been a military officer for 11 years now, and as such have made numerous sacrifices for Canada. Until now, I always thought those in power had at the very least a degree of respect for those sacrifices as well as the high degree of professionalism my fellow soldiers and I demonstrate on a daily basis.

This evening, I saw an election advertisement by a political party that shattered this illusion. The advertisement, which critiques another’s promise to enhance a military presence in Canada’s large urban centres, implies that the Canadian Forces and its members would willingly consent to abuse the position of trust granted to it by the Canadian people. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Far from being an automaton with a gun, I am a thinking citizen of this country and would never consent to be a part of some kind of overthrow of Canadian democracy. I can say with full confidence that all of my peers feel the same way. To imply otherwise as did the advertisement in question is not only deeply insulting to me as someone who has contributed a great deal of their life to defend Canada, but to previous generations of Canadian who did the same.

Tomorrow morning, I have to provide leadership to soldiers who were hurt by this ad. I will stand in front of the men and women who serve under me and reassure them that their sacrifices are appreciated – that what they do is held in esteem by Canadians. I will try my best to have them put their self-doubt aside, and carry on with the task at hand. However, as one of their leaders it would be negligent of me to not make known the terrible damage caused by this advertisement to the morale and welfare of the soldiers, sailor and airmen who protect this country’s interests. As one of their leaders it would be negligent of me to lie down and accept the perpetuation of a negative stereotype that dogs the Canadian Forces for the sake of a few cheap political points. As one of their leaders it would not be honest of me to hide the feeling shared by many in uniform that this is yet another example of an unfounded suspicion of the military held by a portion of the political elites of this country, and that this suspicion is yet another weight on the backs of all service personnel.

Accordingly, as a private citizen, I ask that the leader of the party that broadcasted this advertisement apologize to the men and women of the Canadian Forces, and publicly acknowledge that they were wronged by this attempt to attack one of the opposition parties.

Although I do not feel as if I have violated, in my capacity as a military officer, the requirement to maintain political neutrality, I understand that some may have a different interpretation. From my perspective, I am writing this letter as a private citizen who also happens to serve in the Canadian Forces. I accept the consequences of anyone, including my superiors, feeling differently.


Andrew James Duncan
Is there anywhere that the ad can be viewed still? As far as I know it's nowhere to be seen... cbc has a link to it that won't work for me, and the liberal party website has yanked it.
North Star:

IF you receive any replies to your letter, would you be so kind as to post them here?
You can see all the attack ads here:


Note this isn't a standard HTTP link so it may not work for everyone. Ignore the tennis match at the beginning, the ads will start shortly.
Thanks for the link, Mike. Although after watching it, I feel kind of upset.

I shouldn't, because the ads are not going to be played, few people are going to see them, and I've had a few members of this forum essentially tell me that I'm a nobody civvie, and that I'm not a member of the military yet,  but is this what people think of the military and it's members? Is this what the government thinks of me?

Don't mind me,
I'm just disconcerted...

We are discussing this in two other threads ( http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/36886/post-319925.html#msg319925 and  http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/36924/post-319941.html#msg319941 ) and there is discussion on the TV and Radio today of this Attack Ad being Aired in Quebec on the French Networks.
According to CPAC, the french version is still playing in Quebec.  Can anyone confirm?
CTV has a site where Canadians are placing their comments and views on the Liberal Attack Ads.


You will find links to other blogs, included in some of the comments from posters.


Man, I know that the libs have never hesitated to attack other leaders, parties, beliefs and so on, these new breed of attack ads lower an already low standard for the libs.

I hope that these ads blow right up in their faces.  Negative ads can be tricky......
George Wallace said:
........ and there is discussion on the TV and Radio today of this Attack Ad being Aired in Quebec on the French Networks.
The Original Ad in French, slightly different from the English ad in context, is being aired in Quebec on RDI.

As reported in Montreal:  http://www.940news.com/nouvelles.php?cat=23&id=11111
I don't think these ads will have much traction.  There are people of all political stripes in the CF, and we are all slagged by this ad.  As I see it, there's a certain irony to the Liberals claiming the Conservatives will put 'Canadian Soldiers...with guns' on the streets of Canadian cities in that to my knowledge, in the history of this country the Liberals are the only ones who have ever done that.  Examples that jump to mind are the Winnipeg General Strike, the October Crisis, the Ice Storm, the Manitoba floods, and that big snowstorm in Toronto. 
The ad is still airing on Radio-Canada as of yesterday evening.
"6. Military

Stephen Harper actually announced he wants to increase military presence in our cities. Canadian cities. Soldiers with guns. In our cities. In Canada. We did not make this up. Choose your Canada"

Didnt the liberals say they were going to increase the size of the canadian forces and increase their funding as well? or did they back down on this?.