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U.S. Politics 2017 (split fm US Election: 2016)

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Rifleman62 said:
The sky just started to fall. ;D

We need a new thread El President Trump 1st 100 Days. 4 year term or Bust!

Lets see wall street in the next few weeks. [:'(

It rained on Trumps Parade a reflection on the gloom and doom too come...according too this morning sources, Trump in showmanship while taking his victory lap, will stop the car and sign an executive order on the fly, has this unfolded?

Chispa said:
It rained on Trumps Parade a reflection on the gloom and doom too come...according too this morning sources, Trump in showmanship while taking his victory lap, will stop the car and sign an executive order on the fly, has this unfolded?

Well of course. It is still winter and you expect a bit of gloom. But don't worry, in about 2 weeks the groundhog will tell us if there will be an early end to winter. If there is going to be a longer winter it is great for the skiers, they bring a lot of money to the economy.

Merry Trumpmas to All, and to All a Good Night!!!

And Ivanka has eight years of apprenticeship before succeeding him.
Chispa said:
It rained on Trumps Parade a reflection on the gloom and doom too come...according too this morning sources, Trump in showmanship while taking his victory lap, will stop the car and sign an executive order on the fly, has this unfolded?


I was there.  The rain was light even though the forecast was for substantial rain.
Rain in Washington on a day in January?  Odds are about 1:3. If that's the best people can come up with as a sign of the apocalypse, imagine how they'd react if Toronto won the Stanley Cup...
dapaterson said:
Rain in Washington on a day in January?  Odds are about 1:3. If that's the best people can come up with as a sign of the apocalypse, imagine how they'd will react if when Toronto won the Stanley Cup...

There, fixed it for you.... ;D
Loachman said:
And Ivanka has eight years of apprenticeship before succeeding him.

The 2020 thread here in Radio Chatter is already a couple of pages. Should we just skip it and start a 2024 thread?
Or, will that not be necessary either? After Ivanka does her 8 years, it will be Barron's turn in 2032. That will take us till at least 2040...  :)

Looking at the protests that have been going on for the last year and 218 days ( and counting ) over the 2016 election,

makes me very thankful to be a Canadian.  :)

Jarnhamar said:
How are you holding up Mariomike?


Fine. I don't follow party politics in my our country, let alone theirs. I did my celebrating when Mayor Tory won our election. It's the only one I voted in.

Very thankful to be living in Canada after watching all these riots for so many months. Seems to be no end in sight.

I imagine sufferers of Obama Derangement Syndrome ( ODS ) must find watching the inauguration very therapeutic. Jackie Evancho!  :)

mariomike said:
I imagine sufferers of Obama Derangement Syndrome ( ODS ) must find watching the inauguration very therapeutic.  :)

I know for me personally, watching/listening to those Trump haters having meltdowns, still, is very therapeutic for me.  An endless source of amusement and glee, as a matter of fact.  Both here in Canada and abroad.
jollyjacktar said:
I know for me personally, watching/listening to those Trump haters having meltdowns, still, is very therapeutic for me.  An endless source of amusement and glee, as a matter of fact.  Both here in Canada and abroad.

I wonder how much police overtime there is to keep the traffic moving?

Hard to tell if this is a movie or a preview of tonight in Washington DC.?

DC EMS staging for a busy night. I hope they have a safe shift.


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How are you holding up Mariomike?

Judging by some of the past posts, I hope we don't have to go through this again with when Kathleen Wynne is booted out by the sane. :rofl:
Rifleman62 said:
Judging by some of the past posts, I hope we don't have to go through this again with when Kathleen Wynne is booted out by the sane. :rofl:

I don't vote in federal or provincial elections. At least, I try not to make a habit of it.

Personally, I don't give a f%$# which party wins in Washington. It's just the months of riots in this 2016 election that are hard to ignore. And there seems to be no end in sight.

"The only difference between the Democrats and the Republicans is that the Democrats allow the poor to be corrupt, too." < Joke.
Oscar Levant.

I'm not an American, so I would not know. I'm sure he was just kidding.
What do you guys think of The Rock challenging the incumbent President Trump for the GOP nomination in 2020?

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