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U.S. Marine faces jail for allegedly faking injuries


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SABILLASVILLE, Md. - On a sultry day in July 2008, U.S. Marine Sgt. David W. Budwah strode in his battle fatigues to the front of a picnic pavilion to tell three dozen young boys what he did during the war.

With his clear gaze, rigid posture and muscled, tattooed arms, Budwah looked every inch the hero he claimed to be. He said he was on his second tour of duty in Afghanistan when a homemade grenade exploded, wounding his face and arm when he dove to shield a buddy from the blast.

He urged the boys, ages 9-12, to take pride in themselves, their country and its warriors.

"We're here to make sure of the freedom you have every day," Budwah told his audience at Camp West Mar, a wooded American Legion compound about 60 miles northwest of Washington.

Spencer Shoemaker, then 10, was so impressed he had his picture taken with Budwah and kept a treasured newspaper clipping about the visit.

"What he said made me feel like I wanted to join the Marines," Spencer said.

But the Marines say Budwah is a liar, a fraud and a thief. They are court-martialing the 34-year-old Springhill, Louisiana, native, alleging he was never in Afghanistan, wasn't wounded and didn't earn the combat medals he wore - or the many privileges he enjoyed.

He faces charges including making false official statements, malingering, misconduct and larceny. Budwah faces up to 31 1/2 years in prison and a dishonourable discharge if convicted on all eight counts at a trial set for Oct. 20.

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I like the final paragraph of the article:

"I tell reporters that when you've got a guy who's vocal - 'Let me tell you how I won my Silver Star' - your antenna should go up," Burkett said. "The real guys typically don't talk about it."
This from a SERVING Marine senior NCO?  Bad enough hearing this sort of thing from civilian posers, but this?  Ouch...


I wanted to see what this guy looked like.... there he is..
Christ, I can't imagine what would make someone do that.  I won't even put a Vet's plate on my car, let alone go out in public and pull one off like he has/did.

As an aside, I am curious why he *didn't* serve overseas.  Tip of the iceberg showing here?
He won the Silver Star?  WOW !!!    Can I get him to autograph this book before he leaves on his next "deployment" ?:

Shec said:

Does he even have a wife or GF to "Snap" him out of his daydreaming  HA HA HA what a phony loser.
From the Associated Press, courtesy of Canoe...


Hard to believe someone would stoop to this.  I wonder how he expected to keep it from catching up with him?
I believe there is already a thread regarding him.

Man pleads guilty in fake heroism case

A Marine sergeant charged with faking battle injuries to get freebies intended for wounded warriors will plead guilty, a Marine Corps spokeswoman said Monday.

Sgt. David W. Budwah, 34, of Springhill, La., will enter the plea at a court-martial hearing Wednesday at the Marine Corps Base in Quantico, Va., 1st Lt. Joy Crabaugh wrote in an e-mail.

Crabaugh wouldn’t say what offenses Budwah will acknowledge. “That will all be addressed Wednesday,” she wrote.

Budwah faces eight counts, including making false official statements, malingering, misconduct and larceny. They carry combined penalties of up to 311/2 years in prison and a dishonorable discharge.

Prosecutor Marine Capt. Thomas Liu declined to disclose terms of the plea agreement.

Neither Budwah nor his lawyer, Marine Capt. Kelly Repair, returned calls from The Associated Press.

Budwah is accused of bluffing his way into 33 events last year, including six rock concerts, two Washington Nationals baseball games, a Washington Redskins football game and a World Wrestling Entertainment “Monday Night Raw” show. Sponsored by various civilian groups, the events often included special recognition of injured service members in attendance.

Budwah also is alleged to have worn eight unearned medals and decorations on his uniform, including bronze-star campaign medals from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Other unauthorized decorations included a humanitarian service medal denoting work on the 2004 tsunami relief effort, the government has said.

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So there is.  Funny, didn't show up for me when I ran a search.  ???