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Translation in the Army?


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Well, before I start, just wanted to say that I have been wanting to go to a Recruiting Centre to get these questions answered, but the one in Ottawa closes at 4pm, and I work 9-5 full time. So here I am.

I'm going to soon be starting my 2nd year in University, studying Translation. I would like to join the Forces upon graduation, but I can't find any information about what I would be doing with my degree. I want to be a translator/interpreter, so where exactly will I "belong"?

Also... (this may come across as a stupid question). Tuition is a pain in the butt to say the least, I've been working 65+ hour weeks all summer to save up for my tuition, and I'm barely making it. Is there a way that I can like... sign my life away to the forces, and they in turn can subsidize my tuition? Anyone know how that works?

fyi: I'm fluent in English, French, and Arabic. Don't know if that makes a difference.
Rana said:
Also... (this may come across as a stupid question). Tuition is a pain in the butt to say the least, I've been working 65+ hour weeks all summer to save up for my tuition, and I'm barely making it. Is there a way that I can like... sign my life away to the forces, and they in turn can subsidize my tuition? Anyone know how that works?

I'll leave your first question for the people who know what they're talking about, but as for the CF subsidizing your University, you should look into ROTP (the Regular Officer Training Plan.) Very generally, the CF will subsidize your education in exchange for a certain length of service performed as a Commissioned Officer post-graduation.

Perform a search for that on the forum, that should get you started :)
I'm going to soon be starting my 2nd year in University, studying Translation. I would like to join the Forces upon graduation, but I can't find any information about what I would be doing with my degree. I want to be a translator/interpreter, so where exactly will I "belong"?

The CF doesn't have an occupation for translator/interpreter.  You would have to join another occupation.  After you are trained in that occupation, you would be able to volunteer for tasks/postings where your language abilities would be used.

I'm fluent in English, French, and Arabic

The first two languages will be very helpful, as the CF is a bilingual organization, and needs people fluent in both languages.  Arabic is also useful, and the CF has been looking to serving personnel almost every year to identify those who have abilities in languages other than the two official languages.

I have been wanting to go to a Recruiting Centre to get these questions answered, but the one in Ottawa closes at 4pm, and I work 9-5 full time. So here I am.

I know it can be frustrating.  However, at the Recruiting website, (www.forces.ca) there is a capability to send in questions by e-mail and get a response. There is a chat function, but the current hours seem to be during the daytime.  Another alternative is to phone during your lunch break.
I knew I had seen something in Routine Orders not long ago.


It may not be of much use to you now, but if you were to get into the Reserves, it would be potential full-time employment for you next summer, assuming the pool is still ongoing.
You should contact Director of Official Languages to give you some guidance
Robodad said:
You should contact Director of Official Languages to give you some guidance

I don't know if this interests you, but there are some relevant jobs with the Department of National Defence. Maybe not specifically for translators, but there are language related jobs such as 'Language Quality Advisor.' You can check out all the DND jobs here:

Just a thought!
After my interview, or near the end, I was asked if I knew any languages that would be useful to them... 'like Arabic'.
I have been employed as a "Class A Linguistic Quality Advisor" as a CIC officer...............the people at the translation bureau translate and I get to make sure the terms fit with the CF and Cadet Program common usage.

    Please PM me with your location i.e. City. I've got some information for you.
MedTech said:

    Please PM me with your location i.e. City. I've got some information for you.

Rana said:
Well, before I start, just wanted to say that I have been wanting to go to a Recruiting Centre to get these questions answered, but the one in Ottawa closes at 4pm, and I work 9-5 full time. So here I am.
Although "Translator" is not a military occupation, we certainly have use for people with language skills other than French or English.  Intelligence is an occupation that immediately comes to mind, but anyone operating in any occupation in an area where they know the local language would be very welcome to the chain of command.  As for subsidizing your tuition, ROTP would likely be your best bet.  Furthermore, if you're in a program of study that is acceptable for commissioning (not all university programs are), there is a possibility that the CF will leave you at your current school and simply start paying your tuition.  Plus, they will provide you with lots of fun things to do between terms (eg basic training)!  Take some time off work and get thee to a Recruiting Centre!
I did not suggest Intelligence or even put that in in the first place because people usually have a grandiose idea of what Int does.

I was actually going to suggest to Rana that she consider MP as an NCM in the PRes world in the first place. The reason why I say this is because it would give her a chance to deploy overseas and gain operational experience, and then if she so wishes to apply for certain opportunities within the Branch to utilize her skills. She can eventually consider a cross-train or VOT/CT to RegF is she desires, and attempt her hand in the Int world. If she gets into the MPs and enters the opportunity that should arise for her, then she can see if Int is for her.
ROTP is a good way to go. However, only if you have more than 18 month left in your program. There are several officer occupations that don't require a specific degree. Operational occupations, IE; Infantry, Artillery, Armoured, Pilot, MARS to name but a few. The reason we ask if you have any other language skills is for operational reasons. If you speak Arabic, Russian, etc could be a benefit to the CF during operations or even talking to family members of injured soldiers.