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Translating Military Skills into Civilian Terms


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Folks here is a table I have poached from another thread on this site. Some of you that have posted questions on this thread about police interviews ect and how to utilize your military service in the experience related interview questions.

It is a an outstanding tool to assist you in preparing for your Force interview. It will assist in developing your military experience into "Civvie Speak". Here is the link:


I would go through each point, and come up with examples from your own service which relate to the individual military skills. i would also consider looking at at least one rank above and below your present rank in order to flush out other possible examples.

noneck, great link for resume purposes after retirement/release.
Cheers, BYTD    :)

edited after reading post #4:  It caught my eye here, so I gave noneck the credit.
Regards, BYTD

Looking at DP3A this Summer and 3B next Summer. That should ease me back into the stream...or kill me!

You guys stand to gain some good guys for B Coy. Both Paul H and Eddie A are looking at jumping back in as Subalterns (Equivalencies Willing Inshallah). Theres also a couple of troopies in there as well.

Brian M is up to speed as far as the amendment, he is driving things from the recruiting point of view at Bde.

The CANFORGEN should be out within a week or two, however the Commanders Intent is pretty clear on the issue.

P.M Sent on other matter
BYT Driver-

No worries, I can't take credit I poached it from another board member who found it on the CFLS site.

Yeah, I noticed that infanteers, armoured and recce crewmen, as well as armoured, armoured recce and artillery officers) according to the CF Liaison Council, don't seem to have transferable skills useful in civilian employment  >:(

When I was changing jobs, I did a bit of an inventory of my Primary Reserve experience, and came up with this:

Here's what my resume looks like, with my military experience translated:

Feel free to draw from it as required.
I hate to be negative but the table is not very good.  It certainly doesnt match my trade, and it definately doesnt agree with other tables used in the CF.
GM - In my experience, never saw other tables, so I did it off the top of my head, and true enough about it being specific to me.

PM me with any other references you may have - thanks.

It's not very accurate at all is it?

I ran the Sup tech...and they tend to forget all about our hazmat quals etc...and those specialized ones like that which we have...and those are where the big bucks are for us on civvy street.

Why the heck am I still in anyway??  :-\ 

It must be the love of the relish suit.
The Librarian said:
Why the heck am I still in anyway??  :-\ 

And here I thought it was to be sure to still have some fans mail in PM  ;) !
Yrys said:
And here I thought it was to be sure to still have some fans mail in PM  ;) !


You must be getting the fan mail meant for me then....

I've totally missed it.  ;)
The Librarian said:
It's not very accurate at all is it?

I ran the Sup tech...and they tend to forget all about our hazmat quals etc...and those specialized ones like that which we have...and those are where the big bucks are for us on civvy street.

Don't feel too bad, Vern, my trade isn't there at all!!!!!  :crybaby:
milnewstbay said:
PM me with any other references you may have - thanks.

My reference check for this was the CF's own recruiting site at http://www.recruiting.forces.gc.ca/.

For example, the definitions for trade Int Op 111 from our brilliant http://www.cflc.forces.gc.ca/pubs/programs/reservist/skills_e.asp site:
Records clerk
Publication clerk

Now the realtictic equivalents listed for Int Op 111 by the CF's own recruiting site at http://www.recruiting.forces.gc.ca/.
Intelligence Analyst or Operator
Imagery Specialist
Information Management Specialist
Information Technology Security Consultant
Private Investigator
Security Consultant

Theres a big difference between 'clerk' and 'specialist/consultant' ...
