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Training more than one weekend a month - confused.


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Alright, so I was denied the right [from my girlfriend] to join the regular forces. I joined the reserves and i'm waiting to get sworn in; asking the recruiter awhile back if we were allowed to show up more than one weekend a month and he said, and I quote, " Absolutely! It's completely up to you how often you want to show up."

During my interview, my interviewer asked if I had any questions and I asked if it was possible to participate in training more than one weekend a month and he said "usually units train one weekend a month, but every unit is different so you'll have to talk to them". So I thought to myself "maybe the Royal Westminster Regiment is one of those units since I asked the recruiter about this".

How often do you participate in training a month? (directed towards reservists)

If I can't be in the regular army, I want to make the best of the reserves.
well you should be have training every Wednesday and at least 2 Saturdays a month.Its like that in the LER.
Well first off, NEVER let a g/f dictate to you what you should do for a career, especially if it has been something you have wanted to do for a long time.

Second, res units typically only "require" you to train one weekend a month, but there are almost always extra duties that you can do or maybe even be able to do your BMQ over the weekends rather than being gone all summer. Your best bet is to call up the unit you are joining and ask them.

Good luck!!
Springroll said:
Well first off, NEVER let a g/f dictate to you what you should do for a career, especially if it has been something you have wanted to do for a long time.
don't be so hasty. If he doesn't have the spine to do what he feels is right, especially because of pressure from a tart, I don't want him backing me up in a firefight or a riot.
I bet this g/f isn't even going to be an issue for you in the future man, then you will regret not joining the regs, if that is what you really want to do. Stop being such a puppet  :P

Plus in the reserves after (and actually during your courses too) you come in during parade nights which are one day a week, for example every Thursday. These are the days you prepare for weekend exercises, get refreshed on weapons/equipment/training and do PT (but it seems to vary unit to unit).

There are usually a lot of extra duties that you can do throughout the month, just let yourself be known to the CQ so they can call you if they need any help (cleaning weapons or something).
paracowboy said:
don't be so hasty. If he doesn't have the spine to do what he feels is right, especially because of pressure from a tart, I don't want him backing me up in a firefight or a riot.

Good point!
ThatsLife said:
Alright, so I was denied the right [from my girlfriend] to join the regular forces

If you let your girlfriend dictate the path of your career I feel very sorry for you.

You do realize that you will probably have to participate in a few Exercises, some may last a few weeks. You going to tell them you can't go cause your girlfriend has a tight grip on that collar? Have fun with that.

If you want to join the Reg force and you know, actually do something, grow a pair already and join it. Don't wait till you're in the Reserves to go reg force cause component transfers take a stupidly long amount of time (trust me) with lots of paperwork. It's not worth it.
You are only 17.....you just might have 17 more girlfreinds in your future....do you realy want to sacrifice your dream for this one ?

If she cares, she will stick around.......if she doesnt, f*** her, someone else will come along !
ThatsLife, I'm not going to tell you to grow a pair, or anything...that happens on it's own, and hopefully you don't do everything because somebody tells you...I will tell you this.

I did the same thing...I originally applied reg force. GF at the time wanted to stay in the region to finish school, and then we would do a CT to the Regs. So if figured, ok, I'll go Res, and do a CT later.


get back from Res BMQ, lo and behold, 2 months later, no more GF. now I'm stuck here, in the perpetual CT cycle, and I wasted over a year...what do I have to show for it? an empty apartment..

IF you WANT to go Regs, talk it over with the GF, but you have to decide what's more important...I don't want to seem like I'm knocking the Res, but if its not what you really want to do, save yourself the trouble and go regs. Don't let the girl dictate your life, unless you plan on making the life with her
meni0n said:
Grow some balls.

And how many years did it take you??

17yr old being dictated to by the girlfriend,
don't worry, she'll dump you when you least expect it,
but you'll have the Army as comfort and family.
All part of growing up.

aesop081 said:
You are only 17.....you just might have 17 more girlfreinds in your future....do you realy want to sacrifice your dream for this one ?

If she cares, she will stick around.......if she doesnt, f*** her, someone else will come along !

My thoughts exactly...I too was "in love" at 17 and about 5 times after that!! I married the man who could handle me being in the military and away from home all the time. By far, I made the right choice!!

If your girlfriend can't support you in your choice of careers now...I guarantee she won't support you when you want to go have a beer with the boys after a night of training in the Reserves either!! The phone will be ringing behind the bar...It'll be her..."Is so and so there yada yada yada." It's just a matter of time.  :)
armyvern said:
The phone will be ringing behind the bar...It'll be her..."Is so and so there yada yada yada." It's just a matter of time.  :)

We must have been at the same Bar!
2332Piper said:
aesop081 the relationship counsellor, I love it.

Can you call some friends of mine, they get depressed everytime they remember I want to go overseas one day.  :P

It's not so much relationship counselling, it's jolting someone to Buck the F*** up!
2332Piper said:
aesop081 the relationship counsellor, I love it.

Can you call some friends of mine, they get depressed everytime they remember I want to go overseas one day.  :P

Dude, if i could find a girl who can put up with my outlook on life, put up with me being gone all the time, put up with my days "off" never realy being "off" and the never-ending string of postings.....
aesop081 said:
Dude, if i could find a girl who can put up with my outlook on life, put up with me being gone all the time, put up with my days "off" never realy being "off" and the never-ending string of postings.....

There's no life like it is there? I LOVE it!!
aesop081 said:
Dude, if i could find a girl who can put up with my outlook on life, put up with me being gone all the time, put up with my days "off" never realy being "off" and the never-ending string of postings.....

And how....almost have to chain her and never let her out of your sight
Old Ranger said:
And how many years did it take you??

17yr old being dictated to by the girlfriend,
don't worry, she'll dump you when you least expect it,
but you'll have the Army as comfort and family.
All part of growing up.


To tell you the truth I've never let a girl influence any of my decision making, but circumstances did. But I guess he's only 17, he still has alot to learn.

And to Sig_Des, hang in there. It took me 8 months to CT. You staying in trade?