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Toronto ETF take out Gunman

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Tach9 said:
Couldn't the police have seen that the gun wasn't working and had a couple of cops tackle him or something? Seems like they just wanted to shoot the guy rather than try and work it out! I mean the cop marksman must have been looking at the guy through a scope, right?


Hey Sunshine

Wake up and smell reality! The police had NO WAY OF KNOWING the weapon was jammed! Judging by your comments you know nothing about firearms, less talk more reading!

The police wanted to shoot the guy? Well maybe. Who do you think the police would rather be shot. A psycho with a gun, an innocent woman or maybe one of their officers or a child running by. My bet is the psycho with the gun to someones head.

Couldn't police tell the gun wasn't working?   No.

I'll tell you what mike, if someone sticks a gun to your head and you start hearing CLICK CLICK because thats them trying to paint the sidewalk with your brains you'll be pretty thankful a sniper kills the psycho and doesn't dick around with trying to wrestle him to the ground. Hero shit like that is how good people die.
Tach9 said:
Couldn't the police have seen that the gun wasn't working and had a couple of cops tackle him or something? Seems like they just wanted to shoot the guy rather than try and work it out! I mean the cop marksman must have been looking at the guy through a scope, right?


One day I hope computers will be able to record voice recordings  on message boards like this one. Then you can hear how much I'm laughing AT you!
It was a tragic situation but in reality the estranged wife moved for a valid reason. Some men just cant handle it when their wives decide to leave them. The state of mind of the man in question shows he intened on killing his estranged wife. It is not an easy decision for the police to make when there is a hostage situation. For the Males what if the hostage had been your wife, girlfriend, sister etc
Hey, they're just questions! No one has to yell.

Does anyone suppose they would have handled it different if the victem had not been a woman?
Or an old person, or somrthing else equally as sensative?

I have a hard time believing that there was no other way to resolve that situation. There are plenty of things the cops can do to get someone to give up their gun and surrender. It just seems like no one wanted to take the time to explore other options. Maybe because it made them look good after all the bad press they have been under lately.

Or yelling "Hey bud, why don't you point that weapon in a safe direction and try to clear it while we wait"

As for that comment, why don't you all calm down a bit. I wasn't being sarcastic. No need for anyone else to be either.

Yelling online is indicated by capitals...

If you read the posts above and watched the news reports everything was done to get the man to surrender he chose not to and put the hostage life in danger, but the police and any bystanders in the area and beyond.

i think it was your insinuation that the police wanted to blow away this guy has everyone up in arms...choose your words more carefully next time and perhaps you might get a better reaction.
There are plenty of things the cops can do to get someone to give up their gun and surrender.

Like what?

If i have a gun pointing to your head, i have my mind made up that I want to kill you and then kill myself, what are some of the options the police can do?
Right, the police do not know the state this guy was in BUT is it worth risking that girls life?
your opinion will be different than mine. I say no. He put a gun to someone elses head. Some people do it just for attention and other people do it to make a statement. I say tough shit. He made the decision to put someone elses life at risk so he paid the price.

What are some other options you think the cops have at their disposal?

And wether you intended to or not you came across like the police were trigger happy gunmen, which is why people responded to your post like they did.
Maybe because you think the gun was jammed you are not taking in how serious this matter was. A live firarm, wether jammed or not, was pointed at someones head. Let that sink into you head. Have you ever fired a gun? If you have, I'm sure you would know that it is more than a little difficult to "see" if it is jammed. Another thing, after all the options the police used have been exhausted, what would you do? I'm guessing you are highly trained in this sort of thing so what would you have done?
Tach9, since you are completely oblivious as to what happened that day, and seem fixated that the police were determined to blow this guy's head off, (cause you know all about police tactics, specifically those regarding the ETF ::)) here are a few links to enlighten you. I highly suggest you read them before you shout you mouth off again.








Hello again

Look guys. I didn't mean to upset anyone. I was trying to suggest that there may have been a different course of action. If I chose my words uncarefully I apologize. Upsetting anyone was not what I had intended.

That being said I feel that several of you could have excesized some patience and understanding with someone who is new to the forum and not wise to the ways of the military or the police.

I am going to send a couple of you some personal messeges in order to try and sort out whatever problems may exist between us.

Once again no dissrespect intended. Please accept my apology.

That being said I feel that several of you could have excesized some patience and understanding with someone who is new to the forum and not wise to the ways of the military or the police.

Then you were in no position to suggest that there were "lots of other ways" they could have dealt with it.

New members learn more by reading than typing. Until a topic comes up that encompasses your particular areas of expertise, then you should read more and say less....
Another page is about to be written in the LOEI book  ::)

Fair enough tach9, i don't think you need to PM anyone as i doubt they will hold it agianst you.
Honestly it looked like you were questioning the police officers professionalisim in one of your origional posts.

Questioning something is one thing, accusing is another.  Just a miscommunication.

You also never answered the questions posed to you. Since you feel there were alternitive methods that the police had, what do you think they are?
Well, could there be anything onthe weapon that would indicate that it wasn't working?
Is tackling from behind an option, maybe if another officer attracts, then holds, the gunman's attention?
Was there time to have a family member reached and spoken to so, perhaps they could talk the guy down or something?

Just some stuff I thought about.

Tach9 said:
Well, could there be anything onthe weapon that would indicate that it wasn't working?
Is tackling from behind an option, maybe if another officer attracts, then holds, the gunman's attention?
Was there time to have a family member reached and spoken to so, perhaps they could talk the guy down or something?

Just some stuff I thought about.


Im not even going to give these thoughts any consideration. Have one officer dance around in front of an armed man who wants to kill someone? His note left at home stated he wasnt going to be coming back. Why should we put others in jeopardy because he was a green tag? The cops went home the bad guy didnt and he didnt take anyone with him. Mission accomplished.
Tach9 said:
Was there time to have a family member reached and spoken to so, perhaps they could talk the guy down or something?

Just some stuff I thought about.


He wanted to kill his family.......
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