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To gain muscle and lose fat, drink milk

Yeah, but some of the people were given a soy drink with equivalent protein and energy, and the people drinking milk still had less fat and more muscle mass, 40 percent more muscle mass.
my girlfriend drinks a lot and it doesnt seem to work for her. :-(

She's been working in a sushi-bar for 3 months and she got 10$ of sushi everyday and lost around 15 pounds. But fish is getting expensive these time...
I have hear of this milk idea before. But I am thinking it may have to be skim milk (low calories style), because most other types are semi full of calories. Just something to watch before running off to the store.

If it would help then that's good and milk is good for you for many other reasons (so you should be drinking some already) but its not going to be a miracle drink. Losing fat or gaining muscle depends on your diet, your whole diet (+ exercise) and not just a few glasses of milk. Although, if all the circumstances are right and it does help build more muscle mass, than that's pretty interesting, but the studies not very clear or in depth nor did they compare protein shakes and the like. Interesting though.
Squats and Milk!

I wonder if the soy milk didn't work as well because soy is not a complete protein (like meat is...) Maybe real milk is more of a complete protein? Also, it's probably higher in fat then  soy milk and despite what a lot of people believe, you need to eat fat to keep a low fat body.
No surprise here, throwing a bunch of protein into your body post exercise will aide it in recovery. 500mL of milk is usually comparable to 2 scoops of protein shake in terms of protein content. I was surprised about the fat loss, could it be that sufficient protein replacement (milk) halts the body from 'eating' some of its muscle for energy?

On a personal note, I noticed impressive gains during a stretch last year where between hitting the gym and the library I would drink a 500mL milk. Usually just to tide my stomach over until I could get home for lunch. The gains were more impressive than usual, (ie. I found milk to be superior to a protein/water mix) and so this unintentional trial has become a part of my post workout routine. Now mix a little milk and protein together, now that's good stuff!

Hello my name is Adam and I'm a milkaholic.  ;D

edit: to correct spelling
Well i make my post workout protein shakes with milk and whey powder, it's too gross made with water. I found that chocolate milk and vanilla powder to be very tasty. (and chocolate milk is still milk, plus the added 'carbs' in it balance out the added protein from the whey powder)
FifthHorse said:
No surprise here, throwing a bunch of protein into your body post exercise will aide it in recovery. 500mL of milk is usually comparable to 2 scoops of protein shake in terms of protein content. I was surprised about the fat loss, could it be that sufficient protein replacement (milk) halts the body from 'eating' some of its muscle for energy?

From my understanding, that's the reason behind a post-work shake to begin with except the carbs play the bigger role. Your body uses up its glycogen reserves during exercise so when you stop the body thinks you might go at it again and starts breaking down muscle (since muscle is far easier than fat to break down for energy) to replenish its reserves. A post-workout protein/carb (dextrose or corn sugar) shake is suppose to replenish those reserves asap and thus the body doesn't need to break down muscle but could instead focus on recovering/repairing muscles (why the protein is important) and change its state from catobabolic to anabolic. Considering milk itself also contains sugar, it could act as that. But then again, soy milk also contains sugar. But cows milk contains naturally-occurring growth hormones (IGF-1) which are probably responsible for the extra muscle gain / fat lose while I think soy milk doesn't contain those hormones instead have plant estrogen or something.

I don't know but i've always just taken 50/50 protein shake/dextrose post-workout and more focused on my overall diet and exercise and always had good results gaining muscle or losing fat. I use to look into everything far too much but realised that unless your overall diet is good, you won't see the results. But then again if your seeing results why not try milk post-workout and see if you get better results. (Mind you they say that growth hormone in milk raises your risk for cancer but then again what doesn't nowadays)
To lose weight, you have to eat less and exercise more! There is no miracle food or supplement that will make up for exercise and smaller portions. And as far as protein shakes go, they are pretty much useless as our bodies can only metabolise a very low dose of protein, and if you are eating well, and eating eggs, meat and dairy, you don't need the supplements. All of these commercials on TV are aimed at obese and or lazy people who would rather take a pill than exercise. And the more muscle mas you have, the more fat you burn; it take alot of energy to maintain muscle - so core exercise like the squat and deadlifts are ESSENTIAL to gaining muscle size and releasing testosterone naturally. I recently rediscovered the deadlift, which you don't see people do too much anymore. After only a month I could feel that it had made me much stronger and my muscle size increased dramatically. I have felt that increasing my protein intake just slightly more than regular has been sufficient, and I haven't used powders in a long time. I really feel that they act as placebos. If you shell out 50 to 60 dollars for a product that is supposed to make you bigger, then you will likely work out harder to make those expected results happen. I am not an expert, but I have been working out and reading alot about it since I was ten, and things change frequently in people's attitudes and training, but the essential never change.
OberstSteiner said:
To lose weight, you have to eat less and exercise more!
I believe that is wrong. You should just watch your calorie intake. Read the Canadian Food Guide. And be active.

There is no miracle food or supplement that will make up for exercise and smaller portions. And as far as protein shakes go, they are pretty much useless as our bodies can only metabolise a very low dose of protein, and if you are eating well, and eating eggs, meat and dairy, you don't need the supplements.
The protein part is true. You may only need one scoop of protein power drink once a day. As long as you have good healthy meals, you should be fine. Today I just figured out my new protein intake. I guess I was over doesing myself.

so core exercise like the squat and deadlifts are ESSENTIAL to gaining muscle size and releasing testosterone naturally. I recently rediscovered the deadlift, which you don't see people do too much anymore. After only a month I could feel that it had made me much stronger and my muscle size increased dramatically.
Okay I powerlift myself. But it don't keep me in shape, I find. What I prefere is some good old cardio training and some free weights. Powerlifting was for me to blow off a lot of steam. And that was it.

It is a good post. Don't get me wrong. I just finished talking to a SME on this today. Currently since supper, I have been attempting a Soy diet.
So far so good.  :crybaby:

Also a fat lose tip... stay away from pop, period. That was a weakness of mine.

Anywho I am off now,
Big cake calling me.  ;)

Soy isn't complete proteins like meat. Your body synthesizes some, you need to eat the rest, meat has all the rest, soy doesn't. Take that how you will I guess.

As for power lifting only for blowing off steam? Incorrect, you should do deadlifts and squats and the like along with Cardiovascular efforts in order to build up strength as well as the hormonal and neurological gains. You need both, not one or the other.

Question at the gym: "How do I get a better (insert anything here)?"

Answer: Deadlift

To lose weight, you have to eat less and exercise more!
TN2IC said:
I believe that is wrong. You should just watch your calorie intake. Read the Canadian Food Guide. And be active.

OberstSteiner I agree with TN21C , you have to be carful with the statement of eat less and exercise more. If you are working out allot and cutting cals you can end up over training and holding on to you fat stores. you body goes into starvation mode

I sugest to everyone to go on the top fuel for top performance course run by PSP, this gives you all the calculations you need to figure out cals vs cals burned
I never said to stop eating, or to eat ridiculously small portion! All I said was to lose weight one must eat less and exercise more! You cannot continue on a 5000 calorie diet and expect to lose weight unless you spend the entire day jogging. Watching your calorie intake does nothing if you don't actually do anything about it! Sure, what I said was rather simplistic, but it is correct.
Munxcub said:
Soy isn't complete proteins like meat. Your body synthesizes some, you need to eat the rest, meat has all the rest, soy doesn't. Take that how you will I guess.

As for power lifting only for blowing off steam? Incorrect, you should do deadlifts and squats and the like along with Cardiovascular efforts in order to build up strength as well as the hormonal and neurological gains. You need both, not one or the other.

Question at the gym: "How do I get a better (insert anything here)?"

Answer: Deadlift


Oh don't get me wrong. Deadlifts are great. I'm an ex-powerlifter. I did a contest or two. Powerlifting did great stuff for me. Just not for me now. My goals have changed a tad.

As for Soy protein, I know you are right there. I just had my SME brain wash me for the next little bit on the soy deal. I want to see how it is. ;D

