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Time Off


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This hasn't happened yet...but just in case it does I need to know...

I'll more then likely be joining the QOR (or at least putting in my application) in January to hopefully be a reservist for the end of hockey season (March - April)...but because I live at home with my parents it's their way or the highway, and my dad says that if my marks drop from December to March or March to June (June = exam time) he wants me to stop going to the reserve until either my marks improve or until I pass all my exams (the punishment will depend on if and when my marks drop)...

So would the QOR (or any reserve for that matter) look down on me or kick me off for having to take some time off of the reserve in order to fix my marks for school, or will they understand because of whats at stake if I don't take a few weeks - a month off?  I am aware that if this happened during my weekend BMQ / SQ training I'd have to do it again once the course came back around...
I'm pretty sure that it's every weekend if your doing your BMQ and SQ...but since you said that one weekend a month does sound familiar...but I think it only applies if you've done all your training (or at least all the training you can do at that time) and you must show up one weekend a month because you are a member of that reserve...correct me if I'm wrong...
skura said:
my dad says that if my marks drop from December to March or March to June (June = exam time) he wants me to stop going to the reserve until either my marks improve or until I pass all my exams (the punishment will depend on if and when my marks drop)...

Your Father sounds like he has your best intrested in heart. Crack the books, get good marks. I fever you want to get into University it isn't your reserve service that'll get you there...its your school marks.
I know...and I understand exactly where he's coming, but after college I'll be transferring to Regular Force, which is why I want to join the QOR as soon as I can, go through training, learn my trade, get experience so I don't go in to the Regular Force completely clueless...I do know that there is a possibility of me having to redo my BMQ and SQ when I transfer, but at least I'll know what to expect and be prepared for it...

School does come first...but it'll be army life right after school, so I have two things to prepare for, school is most important right now though, which is the reason for my first post in this thread...
If you are worried about school so much, then it may not be in the best interest to join the reserves just yet.  If your marks are fine and in the A/B range, then go for it, but if not, it may be best to just focus on school right now.  If you decide to join the reserves and then start failing in school, then that will not get you any farther ahead.
I am an A - B guy...which is why he's letting me join in December...

Enough about me though...does anyone know the answer to my question?
(Keep in mind I am not in the reserves yet.)

From what I understand, re: Thursday night parade and weekend ex, your unit should have no problem giving you time off for school.  However, take too much time off and there can be trouble.  As for the situation if you're in BMQ, I'm not sure if you'd be able to miss any time.

This is what I've gathered from reading the posts on this forum.
That's what I thought the deal was going to be...

I'll be calling a recruiter with the QOR in a few weeks and I wanted to know as much as I could before giving him a ring...but what ever I'm unsure or don't know yet he'll be able to answer all my questions...I guess I'll know for sure in a few weeks then and update this topic with whatever information is still unknown...

Thanks to those who responded...
If your dad is still holding your hand you are to damn young.

and about time off during BMQ... thats dumb... you need to be there and not to busy thinking about exams.  I suggest you wait untill you are able to make your own descisions before joining.  Cause daddy wont be holding your hand once you get there.  Just a screaming ranting swearing Warrant.

Then again, its funny watching people cry... especially after the warrant crushes their dreams lol.
I mentioned the BMQ...I never asked if it was do-able to take time off during it because I know you can't and if I was in the middle of it I wouldn't ask for the time off, I'd finish it then take the time off, I asked if I could take time off of the reserve as in I don't show up for a few weekends because of school...

Daddy holding your hand...daddy holding your hand...thanks for your help dick
Skura has asked a perfectly reasonable question so if you have nothing constructive to say, Private Jimbo, shut up.  You're not funny.

Just a heads up relating to the original question, some units have a mentoring program so if an individual is having trouble in a certain subject in school there may be someone in the unit that can offer some help/is an expert in the subject.  They will give you time with your mentor during parade nights if your unit participates in the program.