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Tim Hortons in Theatre Merged Thread (in AFG, no plans to preposition)

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If you really want to show your support you can email Tim Hortons at  customer_service@timhortons.com .
I think it would be nice to have a Tim Hortons over there. A taste of home might go a long way when it comes to boosting morale.
Actually I can't see any problem.  Perhaps the wrong people at Tim Horton's are being approached.  As most know, the Tim Horton chain was bought up by the Wendy's organization.  Their Corporate Headquarters is in Columbus Ohio.  If the following quote is true, then there should be no qualms with opening up a Tim's overseas for Operations: 
The idea of a Tim Hortons in Kandahar arose when the first Canadians arrived at the air field and were greeted by a row of American fast-food franchises along a "boardwalk" near the centre of the base, Mr. Cleyson said. "The American military has standing offers with these corporations so you'll see their franchises wherever American soldiers are deployed," he said.
After all, it is an American owned Chain now, in competition with these other American Chains.  Perhaps the Corporate Heads in Columbus should be the target of your campaign.  Use the "Get American soldiers hooked on Tim's and then that will help promote your American franchises." approach.

It is our way to World Domination.........................Peaceful overthrow of all World Governments...................Operation Double Double...... ;D
My Response on the Petition site:

Agreed, tim's should open up shop.

I think that they need to forget about Corporate Image here, and realize the service they would be doing to many a homesick canadian.

perhaps the spokesperson doesnt realize that all these soldiers deployed to Kandahar, all have freinds, family, etc... left behind in canada. they are missing their childs first steps, birthdays, graduations. these soldiers are making extreme sacrifices, in the hope that they can bring peace to a destabilized region that has known only war for decades... I hardly think that it would be a difficult decision to bring a small piece of home to them. being a member of the CF I can say that even training in canada, on field operations, when you have a little piece of home with you (ie: care package, Tim's Coffee brought into the training area, anything) its a huge boost for morale, and really helps you feel appreciated.

quit stalling Tim's.... Open the shop.

Josh, Dundas, Ontaio

Ive never been deployed... the hardest time i ever had was going to ottawa for three months. and i still got to go home roughly twice a month. that was still a little difficult at times, there was some isolation, and you get a little bummed out being 500kms from home... I can only imagine the difficulty a soldier must face when he's 1000's of Km from home, an dgone for the better part of a year..

if tims hortons corporate had any kind of soul they could appreciate just how much something small like putting a TH in camp would mean to the candians over there... i can only imagine the homesickness they must feel at times.. they are afterall human. the least we can do Is make it a little more like home for them.


All the bad press, but if you read into some of the articles Tim Horton's already donates care packages to the CF in camps all over the world.  I would argue that having a Tim's in camp may lead to the wrong mind-set in the military soldiers that are there.
Sorry troops, my feel of it is that there is no good reason to have a Tim's in Theater with us. Just because we can...nope. Will it make our QOL any better over there...nope. Will it cause more problems then its worth...yep.

We already have the coffee. They can ship over cups, and we have in the past. You will not be able to ship the Tims cream all the way across the pond. And trust me, our soldiers are not dying over there from lack of food, so no need for donuts.

The logistics of this is gigantic. Sure it would be great to have a trailer in KAF, but what good if its only open 1 day every 2 weeks because all the supplies have run out. Who is going to use if...Oh yes, all the NSE and NCE who are back in the big camp....having an outlet so that the majority of troops can get a coffee once or twice a month?

Leave it at home, where it can remain as one of the first three things you look forward to do once you get home:

Get reaquainted with wife,
sleep in own bed,
go out for Timmies.
"Get reaquainted with wife,
sleep in own bed,
go out for Timmies. "

But if they did...more time for number 1 and 2!!!!!!!
considering the first point on the list usually takes only about 30 secs....

Besides most get thier Tims on the way home, so really is the first thing most of us do.
Besides, they already have Mr. Greenbeans, which is kinda like Second Cup... so it's not a critical issue.
Although I love a good cup of Timmies as much as the next guy, I won't hammer them for not opening a shop over here.  They already donate 1000's (10,000's) of dollars worth of coffee each year to the troops.  Beside's it just gives me one more thing (on the many I already have) to be thankful for with regard to Canada. ;D

FDL :cdn:
There are TWO Green Beans Coffee shops on KAF, one near the PX and the other at MWR, across the street from the South DFAC.  Green Beans Coffee shops are concessionaires of the US Army & Air Force Exchange Service.  There are Green Beans at just about every American base in the Middle East and Central Asia.

Rather than bring heat on Tim Horton's, why not just get them talking to Green Beans?
I'll agree with Armymedic here - the last thing the CF needs is more logistical 'tail'. The troops have coffee. They have Tim's coffee. Why the need for a coffee shop? The headaches from such a thing far outweigh any potential 'quality of life' gain. The concept now is reducing the support elements, focusing on combat operations, and moving away from the 'super-camp' mentality - adding coffee shops furthers none of these aims.
Who is going to operate this outlet? Where would the money go? Highly unikely Tim Hortens would send employees over for tours, so there it rests on PSP to operate it.
These other outlet usually have LEPs or employees from Pakistan, Nepal, etc working at them. No Canadian will come to KAF to operate a fast food outlet.
And where does it stop. One in KAF...then one in the next camp, and the next? Well, they did it last time...
No doubt CFPSA is all over it, the revenue would be superb.

It will be a bigger pain then its worth.
Enfield said:
I'll agree with Armymedic here - the last thing the CF needs is more logistical 'tail'. 

Right, the mail already takes long enough to get here without having to compete with fat pills for cargo space!
A follow up article was published today about the backlash Timmies is getting.

Do you guys need to be reminded that when you deploy on operation, you are on an operation????????????????????? Timmy's.........come on, get a grip people! It's bad enough when chicks cake on the makeup and perfume...........nothing worse than smelling that shit when you are in the meal line and haven't been on HLTA for 3 months!!!!!!!!!

I think most of the people know this.....hence the jokes!!!! ;D :dontpanic:
Might be time to start an Email campaign towards getting Tims to change their mind and support our troops in Afghanistan.

This is their email address.  customer_service@timhortons.com


:cdn: :salute:
stoker8 said:
Might be time to start an Email campaign towards getting Tims to change their mind and support our troops in Afghanistan.

Did you not read anything above?

getting Tims to change their mind and support our troops
Good god man, there is not a single privately owned corporation who gives the CF as much support as Tim Hortons does. Don't change thier minds, encourage them to keep up the support they have been giving.

Anyone who has been overseas (esp in Camp Julien in Kabul) sees literally piles of free Tim Hortons ground coffee (also able to buy it a Canex for greatly reduced price). Not to mention the extra goodies they throw into the OP Santa parcels every Christmas, I personally got a free can of coffee, and a mug a couple yrs ago.

This is not like they are going to build an outlet like what you see in any Canadian city in Kandahar airport...

2023 said:
It's bad enough when chicks cake on the makeup and perfume...........nothing worse than smelling that crap when you are in the meal line and haven't been on HLTA for 3 months!!!!!!!!!
HLTA?  What's that? ;-)  Only say that cause though I've been to A'stan and Haiti, all within 12 months, no HLTA for vonGarvin! 
Tim's in theatre?  The coffee?  YES!  The franchise?  NO!  DEFINATE NO!  And have PSP go get stuffed and stay home for frig's sake.  They do nothing but cause trouble IMHO.
"Hi, I'm your PSP rep.  Is there anything you want in the Canex?"
"Yeah, chew"
"Well, I don't know about chewing tobacco: it's not good for you.  Porn?  I don't think so!"
"Well, excuse me!  You sell it in the CANEX in Gagetown, why not here?  Am I good enough to be suicide bombed, but too good to make my rocket trips a bit more exciting?  Get the Frig outta here!"
(paraphrasing a conversation I had in Julien in 03)