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Three Block War


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Hi, I did a search and didn't find much so I just wanted to ask, considering I have zero military experience.

What exactly is a 'Three Block War'? I've heard it used in training videos and such but I've never been able to find out exactly what it was. I'm pretty sure I managed to figure out that it involves three blocks. :P

If someone could explain it to me it would be a great help, thanks alot in advance.

Edit: I don't know if this is in the right topic but I wouldn't know where else I would put this sorry If I did.
Edit2: Oh poop, I thought I put this in 'Canadian Army'. I feel like an idiot. Sorry.
It talks about the complex situations that the men and women in our armed forces find themselves in on the battlefield and how they are required to be more than "just" warriors.

Basically on one block you have a full scale conflict, blackhawk down and all it's special effects included, on the next a low intensity peace support mission, and on the last you're delivering aid and setting up a clinic - the lesson being that you may be required to fulfill all three roles simultaneously.

*edit* Link Time: http://www.au.af.mil/au/awc/awcgate/usmc/strategic_corporal.htm

*edit again* ClaytonD is probably right that this should be moved, thanks in advance

A few more links:


CAVEAT:  This was a bit of a one-off for a friend Idid almost a year ago, so I don't know if every single link still works. 

there ya go, moved.
And couch-boy pretty well summed it up. Any further questions?
Stars and Stripes article that gives you a real time view of three block war.

3BW is a useful descriptor but can be misleading if one does not understand its full implications.  I've heard both staff and commanders talk about training for 'block one' only.  At a presentation I heard one of our 3D partners talk about getting involved in 'block three' operations only.  They are missing the point.  I prefer the definition for 3BW as 'the compression in both time and space of the full range of military operations.'  You have to be prepared to do all, not just a select slice of that range.  Non-participation in non-desirable blocks is not an option - invariably the enemy will force you there.
Figured I might add in that the "Three Block War" is also referred to now as Full Spectrum Operations.

Tomahawk, good article.