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this will make your blood boil

As much as I hate wikipedia as a reliable source, I'll use it here.


The Kavkaz Center (KC) is an Internet publication that claims to be "a Chechen independent international Islamic internet agency".

The KC was founded in March 1999 in the city of Grozny, by the National Center for Strategic Research and Political Technologies, headed by Movladi Udugov, former Minister of Information of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria and current leader of a "national information service". [1] The self-proclaimed mission of the site is to provide news and commentary of interest to Muslims. Critics say that it serves largely to spread Chechen rebel propaganda and disinformation, and to promote Udugov's personal political aims.
It doesn't make my blood boil. It's a propaganda site that shows the level of deceit and the low standard that the enemy wishes to employ. It's a total fantasy, like CSI, or any other program we watch daily. Educated people know the difference. Unfortunately, there's lots of uneducated people out there

For them to stoop to this level, indicates to me, that we're winning.
Typical enemy propaganda, and tacky at that.

I do find it an interesting read, and I find it unsuprising on what he says, and how he warps the truth about the 'NATO invaders'. 

Almost a mirrored image of what we seen in Iraq.


i want to know who is actually stupid enough to believe that? 15 military vehicles. ya i believe that the news we get is filtered but if that really happened how come we didn't hear anything? and from another article 5 tanks? come on give me a brake
Most people will believe anything. For example, I've got in-laws in Calgary who are convinced that the CF wants to conscript their teenage kids to go fight in Iraq. PT Barnum was right... there IS a sucker born every minute.

Sites like this will certainly help the cause of the evil doers (It didn't help that I mentioned the whole history of conscription in Canada, they didn't care). Should these sites be shut down because they give 'aid and comfort to the enemy'? Certainly. Do we have the guts to do it? Now there's the big question....
As stated, typical biased bulls*&t coming from a less than reputable source, nothing more.

I came across a site that's canadian owned and operated a few years ago, jihadunspun.com, was in a very similar vein to the one posted above...currently offline but wait out for the latest and greatest news updates from jihad around the world. It definetly made my blood boil knowing that these arseholes are running their schtick out of Vancouver. My first reaction was why aren't these types of sites shut down, especially ones being hosted and controlled in our own backyard?? In hindsight, maybe more intel can be gained from tracking the types of visitors who frequently rely on these types of sites as a news source and staging platform for whatever their jihad flavour of the day happens to be.

The Enemy within....

Ya, that site is pure propaganda, but if you want to know what young muslims are really thinking here in Australia, and how they feel/who they support, go to www.islamicsydney.com , go to forums and brouse around.

I like the forum 'islam in the news' .....

All have unique views, and that scares me that people actually beleive and think in this fashion in my country, and not just a few of them either.

Glad I don't live in Sydney anymore.

Have a look and decide for yourself.


The argument is that Jews, Hindu's and Sikhs are races because of their distintive appearance and therefore protected. Muslims are not considered despite their distinctive appearance, harrassment and discrimination. Christians are protected under the blasphemy laws. So the only group that is excluded are Muslims??

Where are our lawyers???

a mod quote from the above site subpage
(Racist Blog Comments From The Daily Telegraph, Please post any racist comments here)
Wesley  Down Under said:
The Enemy within....

Ya, that site is pure propaganda, but if you want to know what young muslims are really thinking here in Australia, and how they feel/who they support, go to www.islamicsydney.com , go to forums and brouse around.

I like the forum 'islam in the news' .....

All have unique views, and that scares me that people actually beleive and think in this fashion in my country, and not just a few of them either.

Glad I don't live in Sydney anymore.

Have a look and decide for yourself.



....wow, your right Wes, scary how many topics/posts have such a twisted view of whats really happening in the world today. That site is like a bad car wreck, as disturbing as it is I still cant bring myslef to look away!

Know your enemy, both at home and abroad!
Sydney is theres now. 100's of thousands embedded, but life goes on.

Radical islam in on the rise in western Sydney and elsewhere in Australia, and now that there is a true powerbase, its a potential powder caig,a dn the fuse is already lit.

I am NOT stirring the pot here, just passing on the facts of life about how it is over here, and again, I am happy to be out of that mess in Sydney.


I'm glad i haven't seen any Muslims here in Guatemala not that they are all bad but you'll always have some extremist jihad people in the mix
Nice to see Baghdad Bod (Iraq Information Minister Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf) found himself a new job.  ^-^
Taliban Rejects NATO Claims About Mujahideen Casualties
Publication time: 10 September 2006, 20:10

Taliban Sunday, Sept. 10, said that only 14 Taliban fighters were martyred (Shahideen, insha Allah) during the eight-day long Medusa operation in Panjwai district of Kandahar province. While terming the ongoing Medusa operation in Kandahar a propaganda operation,

Uh huh... talk about a conservative estimate...

Mullah Dadullah Warns Media Against Publishing Lies
Umma » Events // 4 September 2006, 16:22

Wasn't this Mullah Dadullah guy on this business end of a JDAM not too long ago? Wait, no... A quick search releveals it was a bullet to the head...

Ya, we know who he is, but what dos he have to do with this thread.  I had heard he recently died.
Jeez, here on the West Coast we have our own home grown militants... http://apc.resist.ca/

Makes one pine for East central SK, where life is simple and ethnic difference means Pilsner or LL, eh Wes?