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thinking of goin signal operator

big jake

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heyy all, i was initially gonna be a combat engineer, but the buddie at the reqruiting office just called and said my eyesite is not good enough with my glasses, maybe ill get laser eye in a while down the road, but for now he told me other jobs that are all office related (not my style at all)  and he said that signal operators are looking for new guys right now, i live in halifax, and that it resembles the combat arms, so the only one that really caught my attention was sig op, seeings how i cant go in any of the combat arms right now. i was just wondering how close this job can be to the combat arms, oh, and im not a computer- friendly type guy, tho i do like technical work to a point, how much of this job is in the field, and i really wanted to go overseas on opperations, how often would i get the chance? thanks for the help, i realize some of this shit probly was covered and re-covered but i want some fresh info and ANY info, any at all,  would be great, thankyou  :salute:
big jake said:
and im not a computer- friendly type guy,
Well, here's a computer tip for you then---check out the "search" function, it works really well for questions like these.

big jake said:
i realize some of this crap probly was covered and re-covered but i want some fresh info and ANY info, any at all,  would be great,
If you already think it is "crap", maybe you aren't as interested in it as you lead us to believe.  And yes, it has been covered and recovered, and there is still alot of "fresh info" out there.  As for the "any" info, lots of that too.  Like I said above, USE THE SEARCH FUNCTION.  It is really easy, in fact "sig op" pulled up 200 pages of links for me.  I'm sure there is something usefull there for you.  In fact, since I'm feeling nice for a minute, why don't you start with these ones:


Take your time, read through all relelvant information in your searches, and then see what kind of questions you might still have after that.
Big Jake,

There is also a Communications & Electronic's forum here.  Lots of current and "soon-to-be" Sig Ops on there who have the answers to Sig Op questions...link below.


Also, try the CF Recruiting Website, under Army, NCM jobs, Signals Operator.  They have a new video up on that trade.  Links below.



Hint #1.  Referring to someone's trade with words like "crap" will probably result in them ignoring your post.  Without meaning to, you could offend those tradespeople and not get the info you are seeking.  Sig Ops, like eveyone in the military, regardless of rank, trade etc do not like to hear what they do every day referred to as crap, unless, of course it IS crap and being called crap by a peer (who would actually know its crap). 

Hint #2.  "spell check"

And Hint #3...don't eat yellow snow.

Mud Man...out.   ;D
heyy, thanks ya'll for the 'tips' and the threads, but ive decided im gonna wait ti'll next year and get a job to help pay for laser eye surgery, hopefully breeze thru the process next year not like this year( nothing against the recruiters, they do there job well, but it seems like there out to slow me down any way they can)  then go in for combat engineer, i had my heart set on that one for a LONG time, no dis-respect on any guys that read my first post, no offence intended at all, hope to talk to ya'll again some time, thanks again, hopefully this stuff will be usefull to someone interested in sig op's that knows how to use the search function and not to eat yellow snow' eh mud man, that one made me laugh,      anyway, peace out fellas  :salute:   
Cool, so who's next on the list for us to dig out information for and them to turn around in less then 12 hours and change their minds?  Anyone?  ::)
Doesn't Army.ca pay us overtime for it...or...like a bonus at Christmas??  ;D
Mud Recce Man said:
Doesn't Army.ca pay us overtime for it...or...like a bonus at Christmas??   ;D

you would think so but after 2579 posts...i still havent gotten anything
Maybe that "how does MP NCM handle Officers" question you were looking at will make it all better  ;D
Mud Recce Man said:
Maybe that "how does MP NCM handle Officers" question you were looking at will make it all better   ;D

I've hit my "idiot" quota for the week....

Time for this thread to come to an end methinks
aesop081 said:
Time for this thread to come to an end methinks

Hmmm, more like PAST time, unless you 2 are still trying to find the magical number where you get the bonus at?  I've heard it's a random number that's different for each member.  Shhh, don't tell anyone, they'll think it's a conspiracy or something that's only talked about at secret meetings in Ottawa.