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Think i screwed up

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So last week on Wednesday I got a call from a recruiter at CFRC in Vancouver and they told me that I was scheduled to go to Prince George the following Monday to do my CFAT/Medical/Interview. I couldn't make it because it was to short of notice to take time off work (plus I was on call for after hours) so I could not make it. They told me that next time they come up they well give me a call then hung up. I think I just screwed up my chances of getting in now because of this. I can't stop thinking about why I just didn't go.
Anyone else tell them you wont be able to make it and everything was still good? I have applied for infantry over a year ago and have been waiting along time just to do the CFAT.
Here's a tip.

Quit being such a pussy and just call them back.
Just give them a call. Tell them what you just explain. They will set another time for you. You won't be the first nor the last one that says they can't make it to a appointment.
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