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The 'What If Canada Gets Attacked' Superthread


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It's Just a question, I don't need a political hack telling me it won't happen. Because of the rhetoric that were great neighbours in my opinion is BUNK! As far as I'm concerned the US is running out of resources and we are the closest shop and if means a invasion from the US so be it! Last 10 years all of the anti Canadian crap comming from the media in the states and if the Neo-Cons elect Sahra Palin we are on Her target list. so are you willing to fight for Canada or lay down like a lamb.
skater021 said:
Last 10 years all of the anti Canadian crap comming from the media in the states

Anti-Canadian crap like what NBC Senior Reporter Tom Brokaw said about Canada before the 2010 Olympics?

You posted in the wrong forum. This is neither current affairs nor news.

You should have posted here:

It would be cool to have a band of guys and gals running around the woods.  I always wanted to yell out "Wolverines".....

Can we make special uniforms and hats too?



Why wouldn't I fight?  JTF2 ninjasnipers do what we're ordered to.

I'll Airsoft the hell out of them until they run on home.
skater021 said:
...and if the Neo-Cons elect Sahra Palin we are on Her target list.

I didn't realize She had replaced God.  Also She is 1 'a' removed from being a desert.

EDIT: Corrected a typo in order to better reflect her new status as a deity.
the 48th regulator said:
It would be cool to have a band of guys and gals running around the woods.  I always wanted to yell out "Wolverines".....

Can we make special uniforms and hats too?



The red dawn remake is supposed to be out this fall
the 48th regulator said:
It would be cool to have a band of guys and gals running around the woods.  I always wanted to yell out "Wolverines".....

Can we make special uniforms and hats too?


1)  I'll fight on whatever side Lea Thompson or Jennifer Grey is on.

2)  If I die, please remember to ....

AVENGE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Radio Free Canada Announcers:

It's 11:59 on Radio Free Canada; this is Bob & Doug McKenzie, with music, and the truth until dawn. Right now we've got a few words for some of our brothers and sisters in the occupied zone: "the chair is against the wall, eh. the chair is against the wall, eh", "john has a long mustache, hoser. john has a long mustache, hoser". It's twelve o'clock, Hoser time, another day closer to victory. And for all of you out there, on, or behind the line, this is your song.


apologies to Red Dawn ;)
recceguy said:
Radio Free Canada Announcers:

It's 11:59 on Radio Free Canada; this is Bob & Doug McKenzie, with music, and the truth until dawn. Right now we've got a few words for some of our brothers and sisters in the occupied zone: "the chair is against the wall, eh. the chair is against the wall, eh", "john has a long mustache, hoser. john has a long mustache, hoser". It's twelve o'clock, Hoser time, another day closer to victory. And for all of you out there, on, or behind the line, this is your song.


apologies to Red Dawn ;)

Bruce has run out of Scotch......Bruce has run out of Scotch. :P
We should probably develop a CONPLAN to deal with a US invasion now that the Green party is in parliament and, Gawd help us all, has the remote possibility of forming a government  :crybaby:
So, we just need to blow the dust off that Staff College exercise one from the '30s that the media got their panties all twisted over a few years ago, right?

Didn't Old Sweat help write that one?    >:D
They'd probably succeed if they leave the hockey rinks/arenas and the Tim Horton's alone.

They should also avoid invading during the playoff season.

God help them if they mess with our Hockey!  :threat:
Thucydides said:
Better dust off this

Defense Scheme No 1 is the staff plan created in 1921 for the preemptive invasion of the United States in a series of spoiling attacks designed to sow confusion and buy time for the UK to come to our aid and American politicians to change their minds about invading.

It obviously didn't have the intended effect, since the United States produced "War Plan Red" in 1930 to cover the Canadian theater of operations for a much larger series of global warplans directed against the British Empire. The feindish plans worked, as there is no more British Empire today...... >:D

Who thinks these things up???  ::)

Any proper member of the CF will tell you that they don't care what their orders are, and that they will follow them.  But who honestly thinks this is an actual threat???  Doesn't the US have something more pressing to worry about???  Like, say, their economy???  Can they fund a war witth Canada???  I doubt Obama wants to try to take us to task...  This is right up there with the 2nd amendment, which states:  "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."  I'll ask this again...  Who actually thinks this is an issue???  If you do, well...  :salute:  :facepalm:

'Nuff said.


:cdn:  :yellow:
NavyHopeful said:
Any proper member of the CF will tell you that they don't care what their orders are,

Says the guy with zero time in  ::)

I do care what my orders are. If i did not care, i would be unable to avoid the ones that are manifestly illegal. I care what my orders are because that is how i figure out how to best execute them. I quite assure you that i am a proper member of the CF.

Any proper member of the CF does indeed care about what his/her orders are.

This is right up there with the 2nd amendment, which states:  "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." 

Other that quoting for the heel of it, WTF does it have to do with the subject ?
Ex-Dragoon said:
Bruce has run out of Scotch......Bruce has run out of Scotch. :P

I had to stop buying it after all the internet grief I got for mentioning that it's only worth drinking mixed with diet root beer.....
Bruce Monkhouse said:
I had to stop buying it after all the internet grief I got for mentioning that it's only worth drinking mixed with diet root beer.....

... >:(