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The Way "Civilized" People Deal With Cartoons.... *VIDEO*

Like that idiot Salman Rushdie, they will now all fear for their lives and request 24hr police protection at taxpayer's expense.

Check this one out.  Leave it to Canada to come up with the huggy feely side of this (although nice to hear that there can be a peaceful protest for this donkey show, it is of course the left coast)

Hundreds gather in Vancouver for peaceful protest against Muhammad cartoons JEREMY HAINSWORTH
Sat Feb 18, 8:33 PM ET

VANCOUVER (CP) - Downtown Vancouver was filled with the sound of Islamic chanting on Saturday as hundreds gathered to peacefully protest Danish newspaper cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad as a terrorist.

Speaker after speaker said the cartoons - first printed last September in the Jyllands-Posten newspaper - were designed to belittle and insult Muslims.

Many were angered that defenders of the cartoons were citing freedom of the press as a justification for their continued distribution, both in Canada and abroad.

"We agree in a democratic society such as ours we should have freedom of the press," emcee Mohamed Shafiq told the crowd. "However, we should respect the rights of others. There should be a responsibility to manage those rights judiciously."

The event was organized by the group Mobilization Against War and Occupation.

"This is not a matter of freedom of speech," said group spokeswoman Shannon Bundock. "It is a matter of dignity."

Vancouver peace activist Dr. Aziz Khakhi agreed.

"We are protesting because we are hurt," said Khakhi, a member of the Committee for Racial Justice. "We have been insulted. Our dignity has been lowered down. Freedom of the press does not include the right to insult religious sentiments."

Moslem cleric Tauheed Tufail said it was important to protest against the cartoons calmly to send a message of peace to the rest of the world.

A series of violent and occasionally deadly protests have broken out over the cartoons around the world. Nigerian Muslims protesting against caricatures attacked Christians and burned churches on Saturday in violence that left at least 15 people dead, police and residents said.

Tufail called such violent protests "very narrow-minded."

But he added that Muhammad is one of many prophets of God and should be respected in the same way as Abraham or Christ.

"Defamation of a prophet is a sin," he said. "These are people who don't really understand what they're doing."

The Vancouver protest was one of many around the world on Saturday, including a peaceful but angry demonstration in London.

Apart from the Danish newspaper, other western publications, mostly in Europe, have reprinted the cartoons, asserting their news value and the right to freedom of expression.

In Canada, the Western Standard, an Alberta-based newsmagazine, has run them and so has the Calgary-based Jewish Free Press.

In Canada, the Western Standard, an Alberta-based newsmagazine, has run them and so has the Calgary-based Jewish Free Press.

Well if WW1 started over an assasination of a petty Duke, and WW2 started over a former artist being greedy for land whey not start WW3 over a cartoon...?!

People need to grow a sense of preportion. If you whine about something in the press, then of course they're gonna reprint it a hundred times just to show everyone that they can. The best way to amek it go away is to ignore it.

Slim said:
Well if WW1 started over an assasination of a petty Duke, and WW2 started over a former artist being greedy for land whey not start WW3 over a cartoon...?!

WW3 was the cold war wasn't it?

Slim said:
People need to grow a sense of preportion. If you whine about something in the press, then of course they're gonna reprint it a hundred times just to show everyone that they can. The best way to amek it go away is to ignore it.


"In Canada, the Western Standard, an Alberta-based newsmagazine, has run them and so has the Calgary-based Jewish Free Press."

Don't forget Charlottetown's UPEI student newspaper!
Blackhorse7 said:
"Protesters set fire to the Italian consulate in Benghazi, Libya, and clashed with police hours after an Islamic cleric in Pakistan offered a $1 million reward for killing one of the cartoonists."

And in other news, The Pope called for the execution of movie producers for the use of the terms "Jesus Christ!", and using the Lord's name in vain.  This move by the Vatican was swiftly condemned by Disneyland as inciting further violence in the world of religion.  Mickey Mouse was quoted as saying "Can't we all just get along?"

This is getting both sillier and scarier by the minute.

This whole thing will be taken much more seriously when we have our first Presbyterian suicide bomber.  The bottom line is this - Islam is the enemy of the west.  The sooner that we realize that the better off we'll be...

When looking at "radical" Muslims in the U.S., consider this fact.  Only about 5% of Muslims in the United States are considered to be radical or actively supportive of radical Islam.  Now consider that there are between 6 and 8 million Muslims in the U.S. and that figure begins to really mean something - 250-400 thousand!!!  How many organized and carried out the atrocities on 9/11??  I think that this put the entire situation in context.

mudgunner49 said:
This whole thing will be taken much more seriously when we have our first Presbyterian suicide bomber.  The bottom line is this - Islam is the enemy of the west.  The sooner that we realize that the better off we'll be...

When looking at "radical" Muslims in the U.S., consider this fact.  Only about 5% of Muslims in the United States are considered to be radical or actively supportive of radical Islam.  Now consider that there are between 6 and 8 million Muslims in the U.S. and that figure begins to really mean something - 250-400 thousand!!!  How many organized and carried out the atrocities on 9/11??  I think that this put the entire situation in context.

So aren't you glad we live in a society where we have to wait until there are body parts spraying around before we can do anything about it?  Coming soon to a cube van near you.....
I do not agree that Islam as a whole is an enemy of the west, despite the fact that their religion demands that they work ceaselessly until the whole world is Islamic.  I think it will calm down over time when they (collectively) realize that the violence only alienates people and is counter productive.  Eventually, they will have to settle with a kind of always-persevere-and-promote-Allah doctrine.  Maybe they will bump the Jehovah's Witnesses from door to door canvasses...

**BING BONG**-door opens
"As sala'amu alaikum, madame.  Have you invited the Prophet Mohammad as your personal saviour....uh....I see you are not covering your head...um,  could you cover your infidel head so I can talk to you...jeez, that ankle is pretty racy too.....eh, hrmmm....Shafiq, get the stones!!!"
Ghost778 said:

I think this quote from Ghost778 on page 3 says it all.  If the "silent majority" of islam believers would get off their a$$ and condemn the extremists, that might help.  Not just a few sproadic comments here and there either.  For a group of people that apparently hold the majority in the world on religion they sure as hell aren't doing much about all the violence.  Because of that I get the impression that most of them quietly approve.