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The Way "Civilized" People Deal With Cartoons.... *VIDEO*

I am deeply offended by these horrible cartoons trying to tie islam with violence!

I support all the protestors burning down buildings and carrying signs that say "Kill kill denmark" and "behead anyone who offends islam!"

Suicide bombings in crowded markets, taking over a school full of children and then murdering them and sawing off peoples heads, HARDLY as offensive as a cartoon, lets destroy something!

Maybe these protesters should stop rioting and start going after their fellow islamic buddies who are giving the religion a bad name in the first place. Hey maybe then 'islam' wouldnt automatically make people think of suicide bombers.
Ghost778 said:
I am deeply offended by these horrible cartoons trying to tie islam with violence!

I support all the protestors burning down buildings and carrying signs that say "Kill kill denmark" and "behead anyone who offends islam!"

Suicide bombings in crowded markets, taking over a school full of children and then murdering them and sawing off peoples heads, HARDLY as offensive as a cartoon, lets destroy something!

Maybe these protesters should stop rioting and start going after their fellow islamic buddies who are giving the religion a bad name in the first place. Hey maybe then 'islam' wouldnt automatically make people think of suicide bombers.

word. :cheers: :akimbo:
+1 on ghost778's post....

as was stated in another similar thread, its interesting how many of these fundamentalists have this "one way street" view. they can bash western ideals, beliefs, and philosophys all they want, but if we say anything bad about Islam, or the way they do things, they scream bloody murder....

I think the Silent Majority of Peacefull Muslims (I hope that is the case) need to speak out against all this violence. since right now all i see is a bigger and bigger rift between the western world and Islam....

why does this all sounds like the beggining of the Crusades pt. 2???
So a cartoon comes out with the premise that Muslims are uncivilized extremists. What reaction should we expect?

Oh, wait maybe they will demonstrate to the best of their ability that they fit that stereotype...yes, that would be a good idea.

Cpl Thompson said:
umm... That would probably really be part 4.
So a cartoon comes out with the premise that Muslims are uncivilized extremists. What reaction should we expect?

Well the cartoons insinuated that they were violent.

The best way to debunk this stereo-type is to
a. proove them wrong by educating the masses about how peaceful islam can be
b. start riots which include killing people, breaking windows smashing properity and carrying signs saying death to all those who insult islam and behead anyone who insults muhummed.

Ya how dare they insinuate islam is anything but peaceful.
These people are a bunch of hypocrites who think they can say what ever they want about the west and our religions but the second someone does it to them they go crazy, their religion is not our religion therefore we do not have to follow the laws of their religion like not making pictures of their prophet, I don’t see them following the rules of Christianity… and I don’t expect them to because it’s not their religion, and they can make what ever cartoons they want about Jesus ect and I don’t think you would ever see any Christians acting this way, if you don’t like the pictures then don’t look at them no one is forcing you to, and if you live in one of these country’s and you are upset that we have the freedom to print this then get out there are plenty of county’s that you will feel more at home in. I would really like to meet one of these people face to face to debate them and see what there argument would be…
"We strongly denounce and condemn this horrific action,"

yup, sure you do...
Looks like the cartoon war is starting to spiral out of control.  If you have little ones looking over your shoulder, please do not subject them to these potential atrocities.  Innocence is too soon lost.

('jacked from  http://ace.mu.nu/archives/065783.php)

Top Ten Other Terrorist Threats
10. "If the UN does not immediately withdraw support for the US occupation of Iraq, the Jihad Brotherhood will cut off one of Papa Smurf's three fingers"

9. "We have captured Rainbow Brite, and we will hang her as an infidel at dawn"

8. "Al-Zarqawi is pleased to announce new reinforcements in his jihad-- COBRA Commander and Megatron of the Decepticons (also, we may get that completely useless robot who can turn into a fuckin' tape-recorder)"

7. "If the American infidels do not depart Iraq immediately, the streets will run black with the ink of a thousand Etch-a-Sketches"

6. "I swear to Allah, if you do not release our brave warriors held in captivity, by next week Garfield the cat will have a whole new reason to hate Mondays"

5. "You have no chance of defeating us in Iraq, in Afghanistan, or in high-stakes games of Hungry Hungry Hippos"

4. "We have Jarts and we're not afraid to use them"

3. "If our demands are not met immediately, we will begin pestering your female soldiers with our great stockpiles of Mr. Microphones; they will not be able to sleep, for our constant utterances of Hey good-looking, be back to pick you up later!"

2. "Deliver Donald Rumsfeld to us as a war criminal for trial or we will take our collection of Muppets and pose them in the most insidiously-sexual of manners; verily, your children will weep bitter tears when they witness Elmo being sodomized by the deviant Gonzo and his pansexual chickens"

... and the Number One Other New Terrorist Announcement...

1. "A thousand explosive Chia Pets will thunder in the streets of Bagh... oh, fuck it, we're a bunch of buffoonish wankers everybody knows it"

8. "Al-Zarqawi is pleased to announce new reinforcements in his jihad-- COBRA Commander and Megatron of the Decepticons (also, we may get that completely useless robot who can turn into a fuckin' tape-recorder)"


My god! I know exactly what you're talking about!

a couple of Canadian Newspapers have printed the cartoons in the last couple of days. I dont recall their names but one is from Calgary called the Western something and a Jewish paper also has released the cartoons as well and several others that i cant rember.

they are taking alot of flak over their decison to print them. The Islamic council of Canada or whatever it is called is taking action againt the papers and are atempting to sue them.

The a spokesman from the Calgary paper said that they have every right to print the cartoons if they choose to. We have freedom of the press and free speach and we intend to uphold those rights and will not be intimidated by outside opion. thats not a quote but thats basically what they said.

All I have to say about this is it's about bloody time and it's nice to see some journalists and Papers with some balls and to uphold the rights in which we have and not let a bunch of terrorists dictate what we can and cannot print.
zipperhead_cop said:
Looks like the cartoon war is starting to spiral out of control.  If you have little ones looking over your shoulder, please do not subject them to these potential atrocities.  Innocence is too soon lost.

('jacked from  http://ace.mu.nu/archives/065783.php)

Top Ten Other Terrorist Threats
10. "If the UN does not immediately withdraw support for the US occupation of Iraq, the Jihad Brotherhood will cut off one of Papa Smurf's three fingers"

9. "We have captured Rainbow Brite, and we will hang her as an infidel at dawn"

8. "Al-Zarqawi is pleased to announce new reinforcements in his jihad-- COBRA Commander and Megatron of the Decepticons (also, we may get that completely useless robot who can turn into a fuckin' tape-recorder)"

7. "If the American infidels do not depart Iraq immediately, the streets will run black with the ink of a thousand Etch-a-Sketches"

6. "I swear to Allah, if you do not release our brave warriors held in captivity, by next week Garfield the cat will have a whole new reason to hate Mondays"

5. "You have no chance of defeating us in Iraq, in Afghanistan, or in high-stakes games of Hungry Hungry Hippos"

4. "We have Jarts and we're not afraid to use them"

3. "If our demands are not met immediately, we will begin pestering your female soldiers with our great stockpiles of Mr. Microphones; they will not be able to sleep, for our constant utterances of Hey good-looking, be back to pick you up later!"

2. "Deliver Donald Rumsfeld to us as a war criminal for trial or we will take our collection of Muppets and pose them in the most insidiously-sexual of manners; verily, your children will weep bitter tears when they witness Elmo being sodomized by the deviant Gonzo and his pansexual chickens"

... and the Number One Other New Terrorist Announcement...

1. "A thousand explosive Chia Pets will thunder in the streets of Bagh... oh, frig it, we're a bunch of buffoonish wankers everybody knows it"
Zipperhead I never laugh at stuff in forums. Except this time
ChopperHead said:
The a spokesman from the Calgary paper said that they have every right to print the cartoons if they choose to. We have freedom of the press and free speach and we intend to uphold those rights and will not be intimidated by outside opion. thats not a quote but thats basically what they said.

All I have to say about this is it's about bloody time and it's nice to see some journalists and Papers with some balls and to uphold the rights in which we have and not let a bunch of terrorists dictate what we can and cannot print.

Just because they have the right to print them doesn't mean they should.  And not out of intimidation, but because THE CARTOONS ARE STUPID!  They aren't even particularly poignant.  If the press wants to "push the pocket" of the freedom of speech, then print pictures of Israeli morticians with a salad bowl of children parts and partial kids lined up on a big tarp trying to figure out whose is what.  Show pictures of a woman stoned to death because the had the gall to drive a car, or pick up a book.  Get the tapes from whatever casino the 9-11 murderers were in before they waxed themselves and show them for the hypocrites that they are.
If the world wants to rally around a CARTOON cause, then lets have them band together to get rid of Family Circus.  I want to smash Jeffy and his stupid family every time I see them wasting ink. :rage: :threat:
A question being asked this morning on Talk Radio (CFRA in Ottawa) is the accuracy of the Muslim complaint about the Cartoons in question.  It appears that any pictorial idology being against their religious beliefs, may in fact not be in the Koran, nor a belief of the majority of Muslims.  In fact many Muslims carry pictures of Mohamed in their wallets for good luck.  The extreme fundamentalist sects against the use of pictures to depict any form of idology are in fact small in size.  In their views pictures of people and animals are also tabu.  How they explain the existence of portraits of Saudi Princes, etc. is another story.  Perhaps the West is being suckered by extremists. 

In any case these Cartoons, and any Cartoons of any religious figure, of any religious faith, are usually done in poor taste.
Megatron, and Cobra Commander... priceless.

Although I have heard that Destro is becoming an informant after Al Qaida would not allow his girlfriend "The Baroness" to become a member. 

Concur with all above... Islam cannot legitimize itself when there is not swift and strong opposition from peaceful Muslim groups to the violence.  As said above, many people, if asked what the first word is that pops into their head when you say Islam is Terrorist.

There's a reason for that.
MMMM Baroness...fighting in a muddy swamp with Lady Jane....clothes rip, hair is pulled....hm, oh, what?  Right!  Secular violence is bad!  Cartoons are good!