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The Sgt. Paisley Merged Thread

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Thai leaders downplay threat of missing Canadian explosives expert

Canadian Press

BANGKOK (AP) - Thai leaders, who have thrown a tight security cordon around an Asia-Pacific summit, say they aren‘t at all worried about a Canadian explosives expert gone missing in Bangkok.

Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra downplayed any threat, and his ministers said Montgomery Paisley, a 40-year-old former military man, was mentally unbalanced and not a terrorist. "He is not a dangerous person," Thaksin said Sunday. However, Thai authorities say they would try to find Paisley, whose visa to Thailand has expired. Leaders of 21 countries began a summit here Monday of the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation forum.

Prime Minister Jean Chretien is representing Canada at the talks.

© Copyright 2003 The Canadian Press
Military can't solve missing man riddle


An intensive 19-month search that took military investigators to Asia has failed to turn up a highly trained Canadian explosives expert gone AWOL. Canadian Forces have called off the search for Sgt. Montgomery Paisley and kicked him out of the military.

The military's National Investigation Service report on Paisley, obtained under the Access to Information Act, was almost entirely censored by the Defence Department.

But information was included about NIS investigators' search of Paisley's home and their frequent contact with his family in New Brunswick and his girlfriend - all of whom claim not to have heard from Paisley since he left for Thailand in July 2003.


Published reports say Paisley emptied his bank account and tidied up his affairs before his trip.

The 16-year veteran of the Canadian Forces was working as an explosives expert with the secretive Joint Task Force 2 anti-terrorism force at the time.

Investigators failed to find an explanation of Paisley's disappearance or his final destination.

In July 2004, a full year after launching the probe, the NIS put Paisley's case on ice.

NIS spokesman Cpt. Mark Giles said a "quite extensive" probe to locate Paisley, which took military investigators to Thailand, came up empty.

"They've exhausted every avenue they have," Giles said.

Giles said investigators have ruled out foul play, and don't believe Paisley has joined one of the many mercenary groups working in and around Thailand.


"There was no indication that he left the Forces and left Canada to become part of some unsavoury activity," he said.

Giles said no proof has been found to determine whether Paisley is dead or alive, and his passport has not been used since his disappearance.

"It's an extremely strange situation," Giles said.

"It's one of those rare occurrences."

If Paisley surfaces, it will be up to his JTF 2 commanding officer to decide whether to press charges.

He could be tried in a military court martial and could face up to two years in jail.

You don't have to be Magnum PI to figure out that this was planned, he probably got nailed in the Dec 26 Tsunami!!!

Too Poor
If Pais is still as huge as he used to be, they better have an elephant tranq gun and looots of guys to take him down.  If he ever shows up, o'course....

In July 2004, a full year after launching the probe, the NIS put Paisley's case on ice.

He was missing long before July 04 or the Tsunami.  
big bad john said:
Military can't solve missing man riddle

The military's National Investigation Service report on Paisley, obtained under the Access to Information Act, was almost entirely censored by the Defence Department.

In July 2004, a full year after launching the probe, the NIS put Paisley's case on ice.

NIS spokesman Cpt. Mark Giles said a "quite extensive" probe to locate Paisley, which took military investigators to Thailand, came up empty.

Does anyone know who and what this NIS team or investigators was made up of.

:rage:        This guy is a traitor ! that piss me off . WIth his special training from JTF-2 you know he has probably gone into some MErc group down there to the highest bitter . It show where this scum's true loyalty's are  money only. To hell with him  sorry for the rant .
karl28 said:
:rage:        This guy is a traitor ! that piss me off . WIth his special training from JTF-2 you know he has probably gone into some MErc group down there to the highest bitter . It show where this scum's true loyalty's are  money only. To heck with him  sorry for the rant .

Just to stir the pot a little...  I know Monty Paisley personally, and have a hard time believing this to be true of him.  Any number of other things could have led to this, including some form of mental meltdown or personal tragedy.  Bottom line is, we'll never know until he is found one way or another.  Traitor is a dirty word, and needs to be applied judiciously, IMHO....

karl28 said:
:rage:        This guy is a traitor !

Whoa.....that's a pretty bold statement!   :o

Let the powers that be place that label on him. I'm sure that there are a lot of people on this site who know him personally...and know what he's like.

Let the investigators sort out what he is or isn't....even if it takes a few years.

Sorry that is the JAG department.

The NIS prob sent some Sgt and Cpl from WR as it would be thier AOR Unless they came from CR.

Not to many hoties in the MP world.  As far as the ninja/fighter pilot/sniper/and really good cook who's dad was downed in Vietnam

na no mps fit that, all though some think they are.

I don't know about traitor but it is kinda fishy.

tied up allot of loose ends before he left and no trasable credit card purchases hmm would seem to be a planned exit.  Unless he is in trouble somewhere. 

I will let this game play itself out for a bit before jumping on the traitor ship......
Wizard of OZ said:
tied up allot of loose ends before he left and no trasable credit card purchases hmm would seem to be a planned exit.  Unless he is in trouble somewhere. 
Many suicides clear up personal affairs before they act, in order to not leave a mess for those left behind to clear up.  As part of my work, I travel to other countries regularly, I therefore keep my ducks in a row, as bad things happen to nice people all the time.  Interesting that one guy goes missing, he's a traitor, successive Prime Ministers have sold this countries security down the river.......nuff sed...

Wizard of OZ wrote : "The NIS prob sent some Sgt and Cpl from WR as it would be thier AOR Unless they came from CR."

I would imagine that the investigation team was from NIS (SI).  The regions do not handle international investigations unless specifically tasked.  Furthermore, the member's unit falls under the AOR of NIS (CR) not NIS (WR).
Kat Stevens said:
Just to stir the pot a little...   I know Monty Paisley personally, and have a hard time believing this to be true of him.   Any number of other things could have led to this, including some form of mental meltdown or personal tragedy.   Bottom line is, we'll never know until he is found one way or another.   Traitor is a dirty word, and needs to be applied judiciously, IMHO....


I agree Kat, those who don't know him should keep their opinions of him to themselves and not talk out of their a**, eh karl28!



You may or may not be an idiot, but IMHO, you most definitely are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Money??? Motivated by money???? He was in the Military for gods sake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry for offending I  read the post got angry but your right it could be for other reason I should give the benefit of the doubt but you here people doing things like this in other countries hope that it  would never happen her . Once again my apologise to any one that I offended .
Would everybody please refrain from using the "T" word ... it is just totally inappropriate, whether the subject is MIA's or the PMO the allegation is too heavy handed and out of place until such time as tangible evidence to the contrary arises. 
People do odd things because they are people.

Unless he is willfully acting against Canada and our national interests he is not a traitor. I can think of a great number of PQ politicians who should wear that title long before any Canadian soldier.

Is there any proof that he has gone AWOL or is he just missing.  Anyway calling him a traitor maybe a bit premature and inappropriate.

In the 80's, a Pte from 3 RCR in Germany went missing with his vehicle.  The COC called him everything from traitor to deserter but when his vehicle and body turned up a month later in the Rhine River, the COC regretted jumping to conclusions. 

Ever consider the possibly that maybe Monty is missing from somewhere else (Iraq, Afghanistan, take a pick) and this is all just smoke and mirrors?  This is JTF2 were are talking about.
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