One thing our western media fails to report is that quite often, Russia either scrambles or launches aircraft to what it perceives as American aircraft flying too close for comfort.
With a border that close, and airspace that close, both sides launch & scramble aircraft on a regular basis. We scramble to intercept them, which regularly are routine flights, training & familiarity flights, etc etc by Russian air forces. They do the same, when our aircraft are in the air first. Two sides of the same coin.
And while the US has every interest and right to be suspicious of Russian intentions, the Russians feel the same way about the US. So the game continues...
**I do have to wonder, however. With the limited number of combat coded F-22's in the inventory, and a brawl against China coming up most likely, is scrambling them on a regular basis to intercept slow moving bombers and surveillance planes the best use of that resource? I'd imagine F-15's, with all of their upgraded wizardry, would be more than capable?