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The Reality of Compassionate Travel Assistance


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I recently lost my father and used the CF CTA benefits to arrange my travel from NS to AB.  I found out that there many ambiguities of knowledge within admin support system.  I have discovered the realities, and I share this to assist folks who suffer a loss of a family member in the future.

The governing document is the CBI (Compensation Benefit Instruction) 209.51 CTA.  This CBI rightfully came about because we as service members got dicked after the loss of the regular 707 service flights across the country.  For a time, if a loved one passed away you were expected to make your own way home to take care of your family obligations.  Thanks to pissed off servicemembers and families presenting their grievances to SCONDVA, we are now entitled to financial assistance.  If you are approved for Compassionate Lve IAW with CFAO 16-1, then your are entitled to CTA. 

The wake up call is that your CTA has been deemed taxable by Revenue Canada.  To further complicate your refund, because it is refunded through the pay system, CPP & EI are taken off also.  There is a 20% top up to your CTA but in reality that is reduced because it doesn't apply to the taxes you may have paid.  If you are a WO or Capt you are paying close to a 40% income tax rate.  What you put on your VISA card or drew from your savings is only a little over half covered. 

I attempt to inform you and for those who deem this as an "oh well that's the cost of joining", I remind you we had a functional CF airline when I was younger and we had BLUEBARK, that got you home immediately.  We enjoyed some progresss from SCONDVA, but we have a way to go the reinstate proper treatment of all CF members.

I will attempt to keep this post updated on any progress I make to ensure fair treatment.



Just stumbled across this old thread.... Wondering if anybody can shed light on whether or not Comp claims are still taxed? Isn't that a form of double dipping by the government? IE, you've already paid taxes on the income you earned, then were taxed for the the travel expenses, followed by the compassionate claim being taxed again when you receive it? Is the 20% top up still included, as I was told it no longer is allowed? Also is anybody able to give me an idea how long a claim should take to hit the bank after its been filled?
HULK_011 said:
Also is anybody able to give me an idea how long a claim should take to hit the bank after its been filled?

Will depend on when a clerk actualy gets to look at it and work on it. That could take any given amount of time depending on the workload. Once the clerk is done and you have signed your finalized claim, the clerk puts into the system for payment and once thats done, the moeny shows up within 7-10 working days.
HULK_011 said:
Just stumbled across this old thread.... Wondering if anybody can shed light on whether or not Comp claims are still taxed? Isn't that a form of double dipping by the government? IE, you've already paid taxes on the income you earned, then were taxed for the the travel expenses, followed by the compassionate claim being taxed again when you receive it? Is the 20% top up still included, as I was told it no longer is allowed? Also is anybody able to give me an idea how long a claim should take to hit the bank after its been filled?

Yes - they are still taxed. I'm of the opinion that every little bit helps and still grateful that the benefit is there. I know of one member who travelled on his own dime to see his Mom - NL all the way to AB - prior to her passing. She passed a few days into his visit home. DND wouldn't cover the flight, as she was alive when he left. Sad. I lost my father this summer - he was only 3 hours away, but DND paid me $65 (after taxes and deductions). I guess it was better than a kick in the teeth. Which I had already gotten once that month.
BinRat:  That their mother was alive as nothing to do with whether or not DND will pay - their chain of command did not approve compassionate leave; that's why it was refused.  I know of one instance where a member went to see their father, on his deathbed - but he recovered - DND paid the comapssionate travel claim, and then a second one when ther father passed away a few months later.

Part of this is an education process for the chain of command - in some circles there's a great reluctance to approve compassionate leave.
dapaterson said:
BinRat:  That their mother was alive as nothing to do with whether or not DND will pay - their chain of command did not approve compassionate leave; that's why it was refused. 

That's a shame  :(

dapaterson said:
Part of this is an education process for the chain of command - in some circles there's a great reluctance to approve compassionate leave.

This is quite true. We should include something like that into our PD package for supervisors...
CDN Aviator said:
Will depend on when a clerk actualy gets to look at it and work on it. That could take any given amount of time depending on the workload. Once the clerk is done and you have signed your finalized claim, the clerk puts into the system for payment and once thats done, the moeny shows up within 7-10 working days.

When dealing claims such as those used for TD you are correct.  However, with CTA, because it is taxable, it is paid through CCPS.  Therefore, once input into CCPS the benefit will got to your account with next pay run. So depending on when in the month it was entered into CCPS that will determine which pay it will be deposited with.  For example if it is input on the 7th it well got to your bank with the 30th pay, because the 15th pay run would have already been done. 
When dealing claims such as those used for TD you are correct.  However, with CTA, because it is taxable, it is paid through CCPS.  Therefore, once input into CCPS the benefit will got to your account with next pay run. So depending on when in the month it was entered into CCPS that will determine which pay it will be deposited with.  For example if it is input on the 7th it well got to your bank with the 30th pay, because the 15th pay run would have already been done.   

Interesting - I signed a claim and was given the cash right away...
dapaterson said:
Given cash, but it was later processed against your pay.

What goes on behind the scenes in RMS world literally confuses the hell outta me, so I generally stay out of it!! There wasn't an entry on my pay statement?
We had to make use of the CTA this month. Read the references and thought we knew the information and were ready to travel should it be needed. Got the call on a Friday afternoon about the death and the service would be on Monday. Just a note at this point that many offices are are at minimum manning on a Friday afternoon. Discovered that part about it coming from your pay and since the RPSR is not linked to CCPS, Reserves have to get approval from their headquarters (note: when nobody is in the office).  Thankfully, the unit stepped up and found a means to ensure we were there on time and the paperwork will follow.

It is reassuring the CTA is available. Just remember to get ahold of the death certificate or the Doctor's letter if you are traveling to be with the family member for "medically necessary" reasons. Keep the receipt(s) for those two items for the claim as well.