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The Real Reason for Dog and Pony Shows

3rd Herd

Army.ca Veteran
Reaction score
My apoligies to the mods but I could not take this serious enough but to sit it here.

"..............Only 26 percent of Canadians were in favour of stretching the mission deadline past then, "if that is necessary to complete our goals there."

As a result of this -- and in a vain attempt to boost popularity for the war -- the Canadian army has resorted to advertising itself among children. In fact, the army has gone so far as to bring an army tank to schoolyards, allow children to touch weaponry, and even show them how to use rifles in a perverse form of "show and tell". Admittedly, the army did draw a line somewhere -- they were the ones who pulled the trigger.

It goes without saying that many parents are outraged by this form of government show and tell. "It's almost unbelievable that they're showing this to Grade 4, 5, 6 [students]," remarked one concerned parent. "I don't feel it is the place. The school is a learning place, not a place to show military [equipment]. This is basically recruitment."

In addition to the army taking their subtle message to the schools, politicians in support of the war have done their best to create an appropriate atmosphere by putting up "support-our-troops" billboards. Antiwar activists have protested against this, saying such billboards sends the wrong message and is a cheap way to further an unpopular political agenda.

Despite these attempts to try and boost the popularity of the military and what it's doing, protest against Canada's involvement in Afghanistan has been gathering momentum. In many ways, the protests in Canada over Canadian soldiers serving in Afghanistan are reminiscent of the anti-war protests in the U.S. and elsewhere against the Vietnam War.

One of the most active of the myriad anti-war movements in Canada is the War on War Coalition, a group strongly against Canada's military involvement in Afghanistan. "We're not targeting the soldiers, we respect them as people," noted one activist. "But we are in total opposition with the Afghanistan mission and we want to show we represent the great part of the population that is opposed."

Within Canada, it's quite clear that the province of Quebec is the part of the country most opposed to the war in Afghanistan. Polls reveal that over 70 percent of people in the province don't agree with the mission. Recently, protesters carrying drums, banners and even mock coffins held an antiwar demonstration as soldiers set to deploy paraded through the streets of Quebec City."................

Full story: Facing Facts: Canada and War in Afghanistan http://english.ohmynews.com/articleview/article_view.asp?no=373645&rel_no=1
I was going to go off on the Author of this piece of journalism. That said after I typed up my first draft of the post I realized my emotions were driving it, I think I'll sit and think on this one overnight so I can make an educated response tommorrow. Thanks 3rd Herd for bringing this out. (no sarcasm, I really think its important what some folks think of us)
I don't understand why alot of people are surprised at this. There is a war in the Middle East and Canada is involved in it, letting people know more about it isn't going to hurt anyone. It's just a factual piece of reality that most don't want to accept.
Miss J said:
There is a war in the Middle East and Canada is involved in it,

Actually, we're involved in one in South-West Asia.
Miss J said:
I don't understand why alot of people are surprised at this. There is a war in the Middle East and Canada is involved in it, letting people know more about it isn't going to hurt anyone. It's just a factual piece of reality that most don't want to accept.


Why people are surprised at this?? I'm surprised at the article's dishonesty outright bold-faced lie.

It's not a factual piece of anything except the lefts ability to spin absolutely anything dishonestly to suit their needs.

I have no problem with anybody letting the actual story out. But bullshit like the article below, speaks for itself.

Perhaps I'll scan and upload some pics onto this site next time I get back to my home, of me visiting a school (that's right!!) and talking to students ... way back in 1998. Well before Afghanistan.

It's not just me either. Army guys were actually AT our careers day when I was in High School in the 80s. These left wing lies are NOT FACTS. No matter how much they want to spin them as such.

It's also too damn bad that the vast majority of the Canadian populace seems unable to find out the actual FACTS ... and, like you in this case, have somehow been misled to believe that bullshit like this is "just a factual piece of reality that most don't want to accept."

In actuality, it is a left-wing piece of propoganda. A fact made obvious by the bold faced lie that the article begins with - that's the hook they used to catch those too lazy to educate themselves with actual facts. But hey, now that they've drawn the attention of the unsuspecting and uniformed with that first BIG lie, it keeps the reader reading the rest of the article (I'm sure that every Prof stress' the importance of "catching them" with that first para!!) and digesting all the negatives ... and only the negatives.

Then, those too lazy to actually educate themselves ... can only think back to all those "bad" things they've heard about Afghanistan ... facts and honesty be damned.

Edited by me to add:

I didn't even click on the link for the article as the outright lie in para one was where I stopped reading the bull at, but it has now been pointed out to me!!

Interestingly, that can be confirmed by visiting the link ... an obvious anti-NATO, Anti-everything, left-wing KOREAN web-site.

I actually don't like the article either. I should rephrase my original post:

I don't understand why the general public is surprised at the dubbed "Show and Tell" because it's part of life.
Miss J said:
I actually don't like the article either. I should rephrase my original post:

I don't understand why the general public is surprised at the dubbed "Show and Tell" because it's part of life.

OK, so we agree then. Seen, with your clarification above.

Left wing BS ... more of it; as always.

We recruited in the late 70s and early 80s for the SYEP program.we targeted Cadets,and 17-18 yr old High school students. Nothing new here about reaching out to young Canadians. In fact it is how I joined the Militia in 76
I would put this guy in the same league as all wannabe Polaris Group writers.  He has been submitting quite a bit to this Korean site.  His previous contributions to that site.

Seems he may be making a name for himself in obscure publications such as:  Telepolis (a German publication).  He has a list of published articles that for the most part are against Government actions to fight terrorism.  Seems John Horvath writes frequently from Eastern Europe:  http://www.towardfreedom.com/home/content/view/72/69/ 


I love these lunatics! They start my day like a good cup of coffee. I can't get mad at them, it's like getting angry with a child.
My 2 1/2 year old daughter loved climbing into the G-wagon and getting into the MG ring, couldn't get her out of the MLVW driver seat without a big crying session, I think she was also chatting up some of the younger soldiers  :o (Going to have to keep an eye on that girl!) This was in N. Van for July 1st and the young soldiers did a great job and there was a good amount of interest in their vehicles, the guys were from the BCR, Westies and Svc Battalion.
Colin P said:
...I think she was also chatting up some of the younger soldiers  :o (Going to have to keep an eye on that girl!) ...

I think she's showing excellent judgment for one so young. 

Start keeping an eye on her (and younger soldiers) about 15 years from now.  ;)
It all makes sense now.  CFB Halifax/MARLANT has DND Family Days...lots of rides for the kids, games, prizes.  August 4th, they had a rather large "Dog and Pony" show where the Base was basically open to the public, with LAV IIIs and a Griffen helamacopter and other hardware and displays.

And here it turns out to just be a recruiting drive aimed at Canadians in the infant-teenage group! 


This fellow proved one thing to me in his "cough" article "cough"....that there still are oxygen thieves amongst us.

Pardon my french but: What the fuck!?  Is the author of this article implying that Canadian forces have NEVER before visited schools prior to the war in Afghanistan?  I remember on many separate occasions, folks from the Army, Navy and Air Force coming to my school to discuss careers in the armed forces.  And what exactly do they think air shows are for?  What, because the military had an off day and figured "what the hell, lets expend millions of dollars flying our aircraft and showing off our stuff just because we don't have anything better to do today."  They've been doing it for years, appealing to young people...it's not like something some genius just thought of yesterday.  Holy man, I love how the media spins crap like this.  This is why I stopped watching the news and reading the newspaper.
I could have sworn that I had a recruiter in my school just before a-stan started up. hey it's what got me to join up
'you hand your parents first the mcdonalds application and then hand them the army forums and tell you don't want to flip burgers'
ahhhhhhhhh memories of a 17 year old.
  Indeed, this man's interpretation only seems to highlight the majority of the ill informed public's notion of what is 'factual' information as opposed to what is really going on and why.  Furthermore, who can't say that they didn't enjoy going to airshows/ the dog and ponies when they were younger.  Tell that to the crowds of our displays at the CNE, Super-X, Abbotsford, et al.  It is necessary that the government clarifies what we are doing if only to stop playing into these self interested/serving nutbars hands.  Lord knows that if they had their way, we'd pull out of Kandahar only to go to the Sudan and have them yell and scream about casualties there/ because we'd only be serving oh let's say China's interests there. (sarcasm meter off) I think I need to self medicate now...
Rant off.
Yeoman said:
I could have sworn that I had a recruiter in my school just before a-stan started up. hey it's what got me to join up
'you hand your parents first the mcdonalds application and then hand them the army forums and tell you don't want to flip burgers'
ahhhhhhhhh memories of a 17 year old.

Good thing you joined I don't know if you could handle the burger flipping
Yeoman said:
I could have sworn that I had a recruiter in my school just before a-stan started up. hey it's what got me to join up
'you hand your parents first the mcdonalds application and then hand them the army forums and tell you don't want to flip burgers'
ahhhhhhhhh memories of a 17 year old.
Paging Dr. Freud...