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The Package.


Jr. Member
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I am 4 days from swearing in and 6 days from taking off to Borden Ontario for my BMQ. I received "The Package" in the mail with my joining instructions, the pay structure, what to do once arrived at the airport, what I will be doing Saturday-Sunday before my course begins on Monday etc.. In the package there are two sections I am unsure of, the answer awaits not with the search function for I have tried and to be frank I could call the recruitment center on Monday, but I would rather get the papers out of the way SO.

In the package, I received a Security clearance form ( after already completing one with my application ) I know that it has to be refilled out, but I was wondering If it must be done prier to going to the swearing in ceremony, or during? Also, there is a form for a "Will" I know that it has to be filled out, but my question is on my on time before the swearing in process or during?

On the cover page of "The Package" it says to be brought to the swearing in ceremony..

Any information on this would be great, because I am going to be very busy over the next week.

Thanks again, before hand because I am sure that one of the many qualified answerers (excuse the slang) on the Forum has the info.

Future Infantry, RCR

Pte.James :salute:
Josh1r said:
but I would rather get the papers out of the way SO.

I strongly suggest that you fill out both documents and have them ready for your swearing in.  You have a few days now (CFRC won't be open on Monday as it is a holiday) and instead of having to rush through it either Tue when you call them, or during the ceremony, use a couple of hours now to work on them.  Since you have already filled out the security clearance before, it shouldn't take you as long this time (for future reference, always keep a copy of documents like these for your own records).
I agree with airmich,

Always request a copy of most document that you must sign (examples: Course Reports, PERs and Security Clearance forms). Later on for example, when you have to update your security clearance, life is much easier having the ealier copies on hand to fill out some of the questions.
airmich said:
I strongly suggest that you fill out both documents and have them ready for your swearing in.  You have a few days now (CFRC won't be open on Monday as it is a holiday) and instead of having to rush through it either Tue when you call them, or during the ceremony, use a couple of hours now to work on them.  Since you have already filled out the security clearance before, it shouldn't take you as long this time (for future reference, always keep a copy of documents like these for your own records).

Thank you for the Informative advice, I will take the time necessary to fill out the forms before the end of the night, I appreciate the quick responce.

I will take note Kratz :)

Sincerely, Pte.James in 4 days and counting

*Better CDN Aviator? ::)
Josh1r said:
*Better CDN Aviator? ::)

Just another friendly suggestion for you, stop and think a bit before you post.  The rolling eyes emoticon is taken as a bit of sarcasm or attitude and can often be misinterpreted out of context.  You don't want to push your luck too much with the mods.  Accept their (and others) comments, tuck their information under your hat for future reference and carry on.  :)
Fill out the forms before you go to the CFRC for the paperwork and enrolment.  The CFRC sends you the forms ahead of time so you can ask questions to get info you forgot - like what was your full street address in Oct 1998, and your parents current employer and employment address.  Aslo Also, if you fill out the forms now, if you have questions, you can note them to ask the CFRC staff.   ( and don't use the will to leave everything to your pet animal)

Edit spelling of Also
airmich said:
Accept their (and others) comments, tuck their information under your hat for future reference and carry on.  :)

Even though I'm not in the CF yet....This advice seems priceless, starting during BMQ and throughout your CF career.

The security forms are a pain (remembering 10 years of info) but I hear that this is just the start of paperwork while in the CF.. no worries
Ok i've heard of this secturity form that everyone has got to re-fill out. I never recieved a second one. And in my final package is just a copy of the one I already did.  I'm going to assume that they wouldn't send me off without the necessary papers........
Pte (r) Brat said:
Ok i've I've heard of this secturity security form that everyone has got to re-fill refill out. I never recieved received a second one. And in my final package is just a copy of the one I already did.  I'm going to assume that they wouldn't send me off without the necessary papers........

I notice by your profile that you are going to be an RMS clerk.  That is going to involve such things as spelling and grammar.  It is best to start now and use resources around you to help out.  For example, spell check on the site here is an amazing tool.  (The errors that I corrected above were all picked up by the spell check function)

As for your question: That is a good thing to assume, that they wouldn't send you off without the correct paperwork.  Hold onto the copy that they have given you.  As stated earlier in this thread, always keep a copy of such information for your own files.  This will save you time and hassle if you ever have to redo anything.
Ahh, paperwork...

I've been in Borden for a year now, and I've had to fill out the same security clearance 4 times now...  Every few months, I get an email saying, "Please come to the SOR to sign your new security clearance."  I checked yesterday, and it's "processing"  hehe, which means I'll be filling out another one...

Point to take from this?  Keep a copy of everything!

This is sent to you after you have been given your offer.

The paperwork is to be filled out for when you go to basic training, not to the recruiting center.
The security clearance is for you updated clearance once you are enrolled. The one you filled out when you applied was you giving them permission to do a background check and credit check on you.
The will - to be filled out but not signed.
Autobiography - do it, IAW the directions. If you can't follow directions that are in writing, how will you follow verbal orders? Show your future instructors that you aren't an idiot.

Good luck!