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The Michael Moore Super Thread- Merged

Michael Moore

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So the Right always lies, but the Left is always honest... ??  Roll Eyes Get real...

Well, they certainly ARE better at it, and sweeping generalizations, too.  ;)
Well I just may lean a little to the left myself in some respects, but I am tired of Moore's sophistry and his tendancy to grandstand and sensationalize everything which he covers as 'fact.' Especially as he preaches the anti-establishment, anti-cooperation drivel to the masses (while apparently collecting same-said dividedend cheques in his rather large bank account).

Fact is, most of his die-hard fans tend to treat him like he is some sort of political saviour of their country. Probably about to bring down the Republican Regime single handedly, because they can't seem to vote them out of office down there, no matter what 'documentary' Mr. Moore tends to come up with, or which anti-war protest rally he is supporting on that given day.

Documentaries are factual, but in his case seem to expose the Entertainer he is. As comic relief, I find his 'docs' hilarious as to being 'factual docs??' This fan has seen better. This fan has smelled the Sanka and hopes that others will too.

Britney Spears said:
Little vague, isn't it? What's the name of the foundation? It should be easy to look up the SEC filings to verify the article's validity, or is it just another right wing lie?  

I love Michael Moore, only because he makes conservatives squirm. Ownership of Halliburton stock is just smart investing, and it's nice to able to sit in on shareholder meetings and make informatrion requests, considering what he does.   Certainly, he of all people, won't have any conflicts of interest. Unlike, say, the Vice President of the United States, or the Secretary of Defence.   Somehow conservatives never get wound up about THAT.

It's a sad fact that the right wing lie machine has poisoned political discourse to the extent that we need to fight fire with fire, but why hold back when your opponent won't?   :)

Wow... you have far larger testes than I do to say that on this site. Incidentally, I agree completely. I'd rather have Michael Moore than Ann Coulter any day - at least he's funny, all she has going for her are her looks and I'd truly love to ruin them for her with a mallet... muttering twit.

Moore has to be taken with a grain of salt much of the time, though people too often love to dismiss everything he says as BS, which is unfortunate since he does make some genuinely logical and substantiated points. In a world where people are stupid and ignorant enough to watch Fox News seriously, you NEED people like Moore to even the scales, though I'm not sure that even he is capable of leaning far enough left and spinning sufficient amounts of rhetoric to counter Fox News' (and their ilk, like Coulter's) contribution to the stupidity level of humanity.
Glorified Ape said:
Moore has to be taken with a grain of salt much of the time,

The problem isn't that you and I don't believe the fat b@stard its that the unwashed masses do.

Perception, more and more, is everything these days.

Wow, Mr Ape. Strong views.

Two questions:

Do you actually receive FOX news, or are you just parroting beliefs from others of your ilk that hold your same views?

Have you ever voiced similar concerns over Canada's taxpayer funded Liberal propaganda machine, the CBC?

kcdist said:
Wow, Mr Ape. Strong views.

Have you ever voiced similar concerns over Canada's taxpayer funded Liberal propaganda machine, the CBC?

CBC =  >:D
I think the honourable conservatives amongst us must realize one thing, that THE BUSH/NEOCONS DOWN SOUTH ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS! Witness Coulter et al. spewing hate in ALL directions. You can be a good conservative and still be opposed to the kind of dishonest fear mongering attack politics that is Karl Rove's signature. There are plenty of honorable conservatives down south too (John McCaine), but of course, they'll always be marganalized by the current cabal. I'd HATE for this kind of discourse to spread and become the norm up here too. The recent Sharia Law debacle is a great example of hysteria triumphing over 6th grade reading/comprehension.
Britney Spears said:
I'd HATE for this kind of discourse to spread and become the norm up here too.

Did you read all the posts in this thread?

The recent Sharia Law debacle is a great example of hysteria triumphing over 6th grade reading/comprehension.

Well said.  It's disturbing that so many posters in this very thread equated Moore's weight and personal grooming habits with his intelligence and abilities.  That's generally the last resort of someone with nothing significant to say themselves.  It certainly adds nothing to the idea of serious debate, unless one was debating weight control or good personal grooming. ;)
Michael Moore makes these controversial documentaries to shock people and make money. That is all.
I highly doubt he really beleives much of anything he preaches... How could he when he owns hundreds of thousands of dollars in stocks in companys he claims to hate and are "destroying america".

He's just smarter than your average Bea-- .. Cheney!
Britney Spears said:
Little vague, isn't it? What's the name of the foundation? It should be easy to look up the SEC filings to verify the article's validity, or is it just another right wing lie? 

I love Michael Moore, only because he makes conservatives squirm. Ownership of Halliburton stock is just smart investing, and it's nice to able to sit in on shareholder meetings and make informatrion requests, considering what he does.  Certainly, he of all people, won't have any conflicts of interest. Unlike, say, the Vice President of the United States, or the Secretary of Defence.  Somehow conservatives never get wound up about THAT.

It's a sad fact that the right wing lie machine has poisoned political discourse to the extent that we need to fight fire with fire, but why hold back when your opponent won't?  :)

Lovely post.
And regarding the news services deal, ignore Fox, ignore the CBC (especially the CBC, I cannot stress that enough), ignore CNN (unless its a breaking story, they are excellent at picking those up, they just take it too far by analysing the s*** out of it) and ignore most other TV news services. I've found that CTV Newsnet is about as unbaised as you can get in Canada, and the BBC is decent at getting you world news/current events. Although they can be decidedly anti-American in the way they present some things, it's generally fairly good.

You know what I learned after a year in university? People who decide to IGNORE everything they don't like, and who dislike "analyzing the **** out of it",  to use your choice of terms, tend to be much less informed than their peers, and are prone to making fools of themselves when commenting on issues they don't understand.  George W. Bush didn't succeed BECAUSE of this attitude, but in spite of it.

See, where would you be now if I just decided to ignore all the NRO garbage that gets posted here, instead of debunking it? I know, ignorance is bliss and all that....
kcdist said:
Wow, Mr Ape. Strong views.

Two questions:

Do you actually receive FOX news, or are you just parroting beliefs from others of your ilk that hold your same views?

Have you ever voiced similar concerns over Canada's taxpayer funded Liberal propaganda machine, the CBC?

Receive it presently, absolutely not. I received it steadily in years past so yes, I do have a frame of reference for Fox News' tripe. I quite enjoyed watching O'Reilly and imagining all the toothless yahoos polishing their store-bought assault rifles in preparation for the coming apocalypse, stocking up on Bud Light, and nodding in complete agreement with everything he, Coulter, and other Fox pundidiots had to say.

As for the CBC, I can't say I get a chance to see alot of it but just today I watched its coverage of a rescued muskox but failed to find the pro-liberal slant in it. I failed similarly watching the story on the Chinese quasi-Amazing-Race episode being filmed up north. Their coverage of the impending NDP-Lib split in the same broadcast didn't seem particularly pro-liberal either, though coverage did focus on the PM's response to Layton, as opposed to on Layton's statement itself.

I agree with much of what Canadian conservatives have to say, though I likely disagree with more. I can respect what anyone has to say, assuming it has some basis in reason and fact and isn't being reinforced with painfully sappy patriotism and knee-jerk jingoist rhetoric. What I can't stand are the happily ignorant, hate/fear spewing neo-con gits that seem to be the staple of US media. Combine that with the "new morality" they're constantly dribbling from their backsides, apparently at Christian-Right prodding, and I find it nothing short of frightfully mindless and McCarthyistic. The democrats are similarly obnoxious - Clinton was no saint - but presently their political incompetence makes them far less worrying since they're not in a position of power. I turn on the television and whether it's Fox, CNN, or NBC, they have a steady diet of "WILL SEAGULLS DESTROY OUR NATION?!?!"/"AVIAN FLU HARBINGER OF JUDGEMENT DAY!!"/"DISPEPSIA - FIFTH HORSEMAN OF THE APOCALYPSE!!!" and similar idiocy.

I share Britney's fear that such stupidity will, through some sad osmosis, become our standard as well.
2332Piper said:
So I should watch the garbage news channels to become more...informed? Sorry, I fail to see where your logic is leading.

And if you like watching CNN spend hours upon hours covering the escape of a prisoner from a Texas jail and recounting his capture minute by minute, well, I have better things to do with my news watching time. Thats called analysing the s*** out of everything.

But hey, whatever floats your boat. I prefer watching unbaised (as much as possible), credible and informative news sources (like CTV Newsnet and the BBC, sort of).

I have to agree that CNN is ridiculous in their coverage sometimes. 5 minutes after the event happens, they have 10 psychologists, a political analyst, and some idiot professional-turned-commentator providing in-depth analysis of how a piece of human feces ended up on the white house lawn and what repercussions it will have on the safety of the nation.
Britney Spears said:
You know what I learned after a year in university? People who decide to IGNORE everything they don't like, and who dislike "analyzing the **** out of it",   to use your choice of terms, tend to be much less informed than their peers, and are prone to making fools of themselves when commenting on issues they don't understand.   George W. Bush didn't succeed BECAUSE of this attitude, but in spite of it.

See, where would you be now if I just decided to ignore all the NRO garbage that gets posted here, instead of debunking it? I know, ignorance is bliss and all that....

You know what I learned after going to university? Young people with little or no life experience who go to university, aren't as smart or as informed as they think they are.

The "enlightened and educated" have posted as much garbage concerning Bush/Conservatives as have the "great unwashed masses" posted about Michael Moore. By the way if Michael Moore does own stock in Halliburton, that doesn't make him a smart investor or a guy who can get the inside goods on the company as you alluded to, it makes him a hypocrite.
So I should watch the garbage news channels to become more...informed?

Yes. You learn as much by watching things you don't agree with and analysing them as you do by watching things you agree with and analysing them, if not more since you're probably very familiar with the analytical process behind things you like and agree with.

You learn about how the other side breaks down an argument, you gain a broad knowledge base of points and counterpoints based on your analysis of arguments that you do not personally espouse.

Try and look at it from a university-type standpoint as broadening your knowledge base, giving you a liberal (not the dirty word liberal, but the all-encompassing term) database of news.

Finally if you're not convinced, you wouldn't go into a battle, you wouldn't go into a sports game, and you wouldn't go into a debate without breaking down your opponent piece by piece until you know them inside, outside, as well as you know your own forces/team whathaveyou so take a look at the otherside for yourself if only to know their tactics and ploys.
Okay you're still completely missing it.

If you're looking for simple facts and reporting then there's wire sources, I use them for my job when getting sports news all the time, but if this is all your looking for than I'm sure you're in the know enough (I know you are) to see fact reporting and bias spin, otherwise we wouldn't be having this discussion.

Where at any point did I tell you to get your opinions from these news sources?
Answer, I didn't.
Re-Read my post please, I think it's straight forward but if you think I told you to get opinions from overtly opinionated news sources then maybe it's not.

And I hope that last bit about watching al-jazeera wasn't meant seriously, when I said "the enemy" I didn't mean the enemy-enemy (I thought the inclusion of sports and debate would have made that clear) I meant opponent...actually I said opponent.
Thank you , but no thank you , as by marrying a non-Canadian, we becoming financially responsible for the person for 10 years or so...


Filmmaker urges Canadians to marry 'Sickos' / CTV.ca News Staff

Michael Moore is so impressed with Canadian health care, he's urging Americans to hook up with a Canuck just for the free access.

The documentary hit-maker created a tongue-in-cheek website, www.hook-a-canuck.com, to make a point about deficiencies in the health care system in the United States. It also promotes Moore's new movie, "Sicko", which at one point, compares America's for-profit arrangement to Canada's universal system.

"I know you have your flaws and your problems with your system but the point of my movie was to show even with your problems, compared to what we have, I couldn't find a Canadian willing to give up their national health insurance card and trade it for one of our HMO cards in this country," Moore said Thursday in an interview with CTV Newsnet.

Moore has turned to Canada more than once in his famed documentaries. In his Oscar-winning film about gun culture, "Bowling for Columbine," Moore visited Canada and mused about our low crime rates and trustworthy nature. In the controversial film, "Fahrenheit 9/11", he praised our country for refusing to join the Iraq invasion.

"I think Americans would benefit by trying to be a little more Canadian-like," he said.
I've been rooked!  I don't have a National Health Insurance Card either.  Keeping the good perks from the immigrant again, huh?  Friggin' Britophobes.
I was hoping he would have run out of idea's for making movies by now, from what I have read here... about this next film, looks like he's willing to grasp at anything.
