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The Michael Moore Super Thread- Merged

Michael Moore

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K. Ash

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I was just wondering what you ladies and gents thought of this guy?
His documentry is intersting (Bowling for Columnbine). However my concern with him is that he may be doing it just to stir up controversy.

I dislike him, with an extreme passion. Some of his points are valid, such as the Bowling for Columnbine, walmart info. But in the end his views in regards to the men and women of the armed forces and his speech during the oscars last year absolutley made me sick
Originally posted by Cpl Thompson:
[qb] this is gonna be one controversial thread.......... i can see it now! :D [/qb]
Nothing wrong with a little controversey now and then. :D
It‘s obvious that the whole Bowling for Columbine was carefully edited to reinforce what he had to say.

I found Roger and Me good, but his ego has since become as big as his gut. Canadian Bacon was so bad you can‘t even find it in the bargain bin at Blockbuster. His TV series TV Nation had some good bits, but again he pushed his own holy than thou PC ego.

When Columbine opened at the Film Festival here in Toronto, he expected to be fawned over by the press and other film types. When it didn‘t happen he through a hissy fit and stormed out of town. Then there‘s his tacky little stunt at the Oscars last year.

This guys 15 minutes of fame were up long ago.

BTW "controversial topics" are ok, lets just keep it an adult level.
Who saw the 2004 intro to the Oscars?

- *Return of the King battle outside Minas Tirith*

Moore: Hobbits stop fighing! This is a fictitious war, with ficti-
*giant elephant squashes him with foot*

I agree with Danjanou. Compare the theatrical release with the DVD release...a lot of the ‘factual‘ information changes from one to the other, as well as the way that certain statistical information is relayed to the viewer.

When the film (columbine) first came out, I had a good deal of respect for Mr Moore... not so much now. Some points he makes are quite valid, but it seems he doesn‘t pay much attention to the validity of his arguments, only to how many people are listening to him.

Im glad the guild at the oscar‘s last year had the intelligence to ignore his attempt at a free plug.
He‘s a two bit, egotistical shyster. He would trample anyones rights and skew any arguement to get the spotlight and a platform for his PC rants. And we all know, or should that Political Correctness is the podium of the self righteous. That‘s my .002 and opinion, and when it comes to this pus bucket, I really don‘t care what anyone else thinks. That‘s your opinion.
I think he brings some important issues into the spotlight (well, more than they are already), but his rants are over the edge. His performance (Oscars or Golden Globe awards (?) last year) was unacceptable. I don‘t care who you are or where you‘re from, speaking like that about your nation‘s leader on (international) television is not necessary.

As I was saying before, he brings up some great points, but he (just like anyone else) has to know where -and when- to draw the line.
Originally posted by recceguy:
[qb] He‘s a two bit, egotistical shyster. He would trample anyones rights and skew any arguement to get the spotlight and a platform for his PC rants. And we all know, or should that Political Correctness is the podium of the self righteous. That‘s my .002 and opinion, and when it comes to this pus bucket, I really don‘t care what anyone else thinks. That‘s your opinion. [/qb]
HUA your **** right! :salute:
Just wait, according to the internet movie database, he is slated to make 2 more documentaries over the next 2 years. One called Farenheit 9/11 (guess what that will be about? - the tagline is - the temperature freedom burns :rolleyes: ) and another on the American medical system (more trips to Canada anyone?).

Controversy for its own sake? Or for money‘s?
Id say both.. his ability to cheeze people off has made him quite a bit of money.. but he sensationalizes far too much, and seems to tell alot of half truths. I did enjoy Bowling for columbine, and found it to be well done. but he sure as heck did overstep his bounds at the oscars.
(though this years oscars were great when he got skooshed by the giant elephant thing.)

all in all he has some really good points and does bring up some interesting questions, and valid argurements. BUT, he does get far too PC and self rightious at times. but thats my opinion. Do i like him? i like some of his points, but i dont care for him on a personal level.
Could there be a Moore if there were no Bush?

He may not be the best spokesperson for our cause, but he has the courage to speak out in a time where being ‘patriotic‘ means agreeing with your president.
He is a left wing extremist.

Simple as that, if you are already right wing oriented of course you‘re going to hate him.

Because he is an extremist, its natural that even some of the leftwingers (PC types as they‘re know around here) are going to feel that he crosses the line.

When someone goes to the extreme one way or another, most people get uncomfortable and when someone makes us uncomfortable we tend to dislike them, but we all need to realise that it‘s to our benefit that people like Moore (or whoever is the conservative equal to Moore) do what they do. They piss people off and draw attention (good or bad) to issues that need to be discussed. They spark healthy debate amoung people who would have never bothered to give these issues any real deep thought otherwise.

Personally I think it was lame to use the Oscars as a pulpit to spew his anti war propaganda, but I think it‘s right on that he exercised his right as an American to say whatever he felt like saying. Anyone who would tell him to shut up has a pretty screwy view of freedom. They have a right to never invite him again, and that was his and their choices to make respectively.
The very fact that he got up there and went off with his views demonstrates that he‘s not only into it for the money. Sucking up to the Oscar commitee and other Hollywood types is where the money is at. The money is not in pissing off the millions of people you impressed with your last movie.
Besides, is it really THAT bad that he would like to see those hundreds of thousands of youth be brought home out of the way of bullets and and bombs and the other horrors of war?
His view might be wrong in your opinion, but I at least, feel that he deserves some respect for putting himself out there to be cut down, insulted, hated, and ridiculed on those soldiers behalf (wether they agree with him or not). It‘s what he belives in, right or wrong, and he made his stand.

I personaly disagree with his full on anti war opinions. I belive that there will come a time when responsible governments in this world will need to make a definitive stand against dictatorship and eraticate not just one or two, but all of the brutal regimes that are the cause of so much human suffering.
It‘s not going to happen by sitting them down and making them watch Michael Moore movies.
They will need to be convinced in the language that they understand...

But there will always be a need for people like Moore who put resistance against the establishment, to question everything, to draw attention to the flaws, otherwise we could suddenly find ourselves under the total control of a power maddened government of our own.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely after all.
And that is what a political party would have (absolute power), if everyone just hushed up and politely accepted what happened around them so as to not make waves, or make people feel uncomforatable.

Ultimately I don‘t feel that liking Michael Moore or not liking him is what is important. I think it is his extreme leftist views that make him a worthwhile subject of conversation.
He gives balance to a country that has plenty of public right wing views that it throws out into the world everyday on the evening news (anti abortion, Christian president, traditional American family unit, no gay marriage, no stem cell research, etc, etc,).
I find that he presents himself to be be distinctly unlikeable in everything that he does. I don‘t think its by accident. He‘s not trying to win popularity contests. In the case of Bowling For Columbine, he‘s trying to not let you forget that 2 kids shot up their school, and schoolmates with nearly 1000 rounds of ammunition before they killed themselves. He‘s reaching out to his fellow countrymen/women to try and stop them from killing each other with guns.
I like Michael Moore, and I dont that is a suprise to anyone. In the world today most people are too afraid to speak out about what they see. He not only does it, but does it so much it annoys people.

Although all the right wing facists try to pick apart his documentary and bend its content around so much it makes you wonder if they even watched the same movie, he has taken the time to pick apart everything they said, provide explanations and show how silly these people seem.

I also like the fact he has a sense of humour about himself. As was stated, the 2004 Oscars ahd a moment where he made a parodie of his 2003 Oscar speech.

I do, by the way, believe he was quite right to make that speech. He won his Oscar, he had the opportunity, he did what took some major balls, and spoke his mind. I was expecting to see his obituary the next morning at the hands of the Bush gestapo. He got the attention he wanted, and he injected some spark into an otherwise boring show.
Well let see his first claim to fame was when he and a buddy made their way from Flint Michigan to Germany to protest and film Ronald Reagan laying a wreath to commemorate Germany‘s WWII war dead. Hey I would have gone over and protested that too. Sure alot of them were "just following orders" however explain that to my father, his brother and my father-inlaw.
As for his present day work. I‘ve spent the money and read all his books. One has to know both sides to understand any issue and alot of what he has done I agree with and support. Some I don‘t.
His Programs the "Awful Truth" & "TV Nation" were great. The episode where he had the all black choir singing "What the world needs now is love sweet love," outside of a KKK meeting was amazing.
Or how about the farewell tour of communism when he had a truck adorned with a hammer and sickle tour in the southern US, hilarious.
Sure he has a personal bias but who doesn‘t. Nme for me one individual who has an unbiased objective set of ethics.
BTW he said he does not support the War in Iraq this does not mean he does not support the soldiers risking their lives. Things have happened in the world that make the word "Patriot / Patriotic" convoluted from it‘s original meaning. The most patriotic act any one individual can do is question their government. We have that right in a democracy. That right is slowly being eroded by an imposed shame on that act. "How dare you question our leader." Any way this is just my opinion from the world‘s smallest visible minority. The individual. And if we cannot do that maybe we‘ll be having memorials for Nazi War dead here.
Tough to swallow isn‘t it? Hard to imagine too. However I hope it doesn‘t. I‘m sure I‘ll be flamed, perhaps even see my rating drop, but one must stand by their convictions or any ill wind will blow you over.
Originally posted by absent_element:
[qb] Interesting enough George Bush is second on that list. [/qb]
Bush used to be first on that list (put there by the left wing wackos), but the right wing wackos have gotten it changed.