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The Grip Strength Superthread- Read Here First

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I‘ve got a question about the grip strength test in the physical. It‘s something Ive never done before. How hard is it? The stuff I‘ve seen says 75kg. Is this for each and or is it a combined figure, like left + right = 75kg? Thks
It‘s left and right hand combined when I did it two years ago. Sounds more difficult than it sounds, nothing to worry about.
I just did it, and yes, it‘s not hard. It is the combined total of both hands, and you have two attempts on each hand to make 75.

Let me put it into perspective. I‘m not a particularly strong guy. On the first attempt with my right hand, I got 63. With this result, all I needed was 12 with my left hand to pass the test. Needless to say, I passed. :blotto:

Don‘t sweat it. All you need to do is make sure that the hand grip fits your hand. You‘ll be able to play with it. Make sure that it‘s not too low or you won‘t get enough leverage. You‘ll know what I mean when you see it. And when it‘s done, you‘ll think, holy $hit, that was easy! :D

Have fun!
Funny thing about the grip strength: A guy on one of my courses who wasn‘t particularly big (read: stong) got a really high score because he‘s a massage therapist. Another guy... big, weight-lifter type, just barely passed. I had no preparation when I got in, and passed it on the first try. Pretty simple stuff.
It‘s nothing to worry about. I‘ve had to do it three time, and the lowest I got was 93 kg.
Could you explain what it is and how you do it?

I don‘t understand hat it is.

What I think of when I hear it is one of those palm squeeze things that looks like a pair of pliers. Its hard to press it together. Is that what it is?
That‘s exactly what it is. You stand straight, with your arm out to the side. Actually, I think you start from the bottom and move your arm up squeezing the grip tester.

I‘m 10 pounds soaking wet and I got somewere in the 90‘s, no worries.
The thingy they use is a little gadget (it has a name, but I can‘t think of it now) that has a dial on it that indicates the force in Kg that you are sqeezing the handle mechanism. The dial is built so that the highest force is indicated after you let go so that the tester can see your score when you hand it over.

The technique is simple. Stand with your arm straight out from your body so that your hand is level with your shoulder. The palm side of your hand faces forward. Start gripping, and as you do, bring your arm down to your side, while turning your palm in to face your body. Do not touch your hand to your body in any way when you reach the end of the motion.

That simple.
Wow, I didn‘t expect so many replies this fast. It sounds like a breeze. Thanks everybody, I really appreciate it. :)
I didn‘t know that you were allowed to adjust that thing. For our test, it was set to the lowest
setting (i.e. closest together) and everyone did
the test that way.

Wasn‘t mentioned to us that we could adjust it.
This was in Toronto.
I am going for my fitness test next Monday and have a question about a post I saw earlier. The individual was saying the 75 you have to get to pass is a combined amount...does this the combined result of both hands gripping ?

I thought that it was 75 per single hand.

The 75 is for both hands together. You get two tries per hand and they take the best of each and add them together
lol, when i was talking to my recruiting officer, he was really bitter about it, the word pathetic came up alot. He got more than the minimum, just in the one hand.
Would you tell me what precisely the grip test is? Is it squeezing one of those hand exercise things with springs? Or something else?
Yes it‘s Squeezing a spring with a gauge on it that indicates how much pressure is being applied in kilograms. you get two tries to sqeeze as hard as you can on both hands and the combined pressure must equal 75 kilograms or greater. It‘s a simple test most people have enough grip strength to do. The military just has to make sure you can carry a water jug or your gear when you need too.
hey all, just wanted to know if anyone know where I can buy the grip test thing they used at the cfrc...and yes i asked the cfrc but all they kept telling me is go to a fitness store and buy a squeeze thing ...I have 2 of those plus a couple of stress balls...none of which have a gauge on it to let me know if im improving or not...i had tried all fitness store some rock climbing stores and all retail...like walmart zellers..etc... If anyone has come across any stores in the GTA or surrounding area pls let me know so i can go pick up 1..
thx in advance

"mr.martin thx for the choppers, now how about some urban or desrt camo"
Why arn't the squeeze balls good enough?  Just keep working on your grip and working out your forearm muscels; don't stress yourself over this.  If you really want to find out what your grip strength is, then just go to a Fitness depot or the YMCA or whatever have memberships and stuff to work out, they must have some there.
You might need to buy one off the internet. Search for dynamometer and there is tons of links to companies selling them.




I think amazon.com might even have some merchants selling them.

Hope I helped.
thx for the links...but damn those things are expensive... i guess its stress balls for me.. ;D and those sqeeze thingies
just as a quick followup since this thread is dead now...

para'  i'd suggest not making threads ALL in caps... it tends to hurt the eyes and piss off the regulars.

just a kindly canadian suggestion
