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The Departed and Flyboys


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DNiner and I rented some movies last night. Both of these were pretty entertaining. More so, The Departed. The Boston accents kinda made me homesick for that corner of the country  :-\
I actually really liked the departed...Hell of an ending!
I recently watched "The Guardian" starring Kevin Costner.  I thought that was really good and would recommend it.

Has anybody seen the new Eddy Murphy movie yet.  It looks kinda funny from the trailers I've seen?


I loved "The Guardian" as well. I need to purchase that one. I haven't watched "The Departed" yet, but I see the roomie bought it yesterday so I think I'll have a watch today.
Yes, good ending in ''The departed'' and good questions also :
to whom does your loyalty belong ?
The Departed is a great movie,I also liked Flyboys different war movie. The Guardian was o.k. Kevin Costner played a good part, Ashton Kitcher sucked.He tried to hard, to me he's Kelso .
Guardian was good if not a bit contrived to end it.  Departed was great.  We watched Babel last night, it was good.  Just be patient with it, as it takes a while to stop appearing choppy. I loved Flags of Our Fathers.  Man of the Year was classic Robin Williams.  The last few Chop Saki flicks with Jet Li were awesome.  Stranger than Fiction was saved only by Emma Thompson.  The Prestige rocked. 
Watched "Stranger than Fiction" last night and loved it, much better than I thought it would be.
Also watched "Delirious" haven't seen that in more than 10 years, I laughed so hard I had tears in my eyes.
The wife didn't think it was that funny.

I have the Departed on DVD and have to say it was the best movie of 2006 and in my opinion the best movie Scorsese has done in a long while.
Though KunDun rocked!!! ;D
Sig_Des said:
What, Batman and Wolverine fighting each other with magic?

Uhh, ya.. that's exactly it..  ;)

It was a movie that kept my interest, which is hard to do!
I think Pea just liked the scenery in the movie, perhaps ummm the leading men hd somehting to do with it........  ;)
HitorMiss said:
I think Pea just liked the scenery in the movie, perhaps ummm the leading men hd somehting to do with it........  ;)

Nah.. that was a bonus of "The Guardian" though!  >:D
Did any else find Flyboys really amatuarish? I mean, great dogfights and all that but the saluting, especially the RFC guys doing it (I could have sworn RFC/RAF was open hand but apparently not) and just other bits and pieces left me feeling totally underwhelmed. I thought it was a great idea that died during production. I was really disappointed in it. Anyone else know what i mean?
I'd have to agree with Hale.  The premise of the story was good and if done properly would have made a pretty interesting movie.  I just couldn't get into it.  Apart from the dogfighting scenes it just felt really amateurish and stilted. 
On the other hand I thoroughly enjoyed The Departed.
Well its 3am and I'm wasting time on here instead of working on my paper, ah the internet.

I have one question about the Departed, when  Mat Damom's character got in the car after his police graduation ceremony, what did Jack Nickelson (spelling?) give him (what was inside the black box)?
Recently saw The  Last King Of Scotland.  Thought it was pretty good.  It was quite something.
HitorMiss said:
Pffffft Trucker and some old guy HA!

I happen to think Kevin Costner is one very attractive "old guy"!