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Terror Attacks on London England - 07 Jul 05 & 21 Jul 05


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I did not know here to place this information, so I put it here. I hate to pass on such bad news.......

Such bad news here on a Thursday's winter night in Australia. It looks like its Londons turn. This cowardly attack is all over CNNI, Fox and Sky right now. It happened about 65 minutes ago. 1950h AEST

So far 2 killed, 90 injured, and they are saying these figures will sadly rise.

Right now large rescue ops are underway, a big op at Kings Cross Station.

www.foxnews.com www.cnn.com www.skynews.com.au www.bbc.co.uk

Beat me to it Wes.
It was saying on CNN a few moments ago a government source has confirmed 20 dead so far....

Blew up buses and subways during rush hour.


This goes to show NO ONE is say.  Bloody F**king cowards. There are reports that Brittish Military are patrolling the streets.  If this happened in Canada are there enough of us to do that? Of course 680 news here Toronto went down to Union Station to see if there is any extra security and to talk to people about what the they think.  We all know what everyone said, "too bad about London, but here in Lala-land er Toronto we are safe this could NEVER happen ::)"  When it finally happens here it will be chaos.  Watching it live coverage right now, they seem to have a fairly good grasp on the emergency response front/triaging and rescue.


The Associated Press
Thursday, July 7, 2005; 7:20 AM

LONDON -- Half a dozen explosions rocked the London subway and tore open a packed double-decker bus during the morning rush hour Thursday. The blasts killed at least two people and injured scores in what a shaken Prime Minister Tony Blair said was a series of "barbaric" terrorist attacks.

Blair said it was clear the attacks were designed to coincide with the opening of the G-8 summit in Gleneagles, Scotland. The prime minister said the meeting of world leaders would continue but that he would return to London.

"Whatever they do, it is our determination that they will never succeed in destroying what we hold dear in this country and in other civilized nations throughout the world," Blair said a day after London was awarded the 2012 Olympics.

Bloodied and bandaged witnesses reported panicked crowds fleeing the blast sites. A witness at the bus explosion said the entire top deck of the bus was destroyed.

Sir Ian Blair, London's police chief, said he was concerned the explosions were a coordinated attack but said he wouldn't speculate on who was responsible. He said officials had found indications of explosives at one of the sites.

A senior Israeli official said Scotland Yard told Israel minutes before the explosions that it had received warnings of possible terror attacks.

One witness, Darren Hall, said some passengers emerging from an evacuated subway station had soot and blood on their faces. He told BBC TV that he was evacuated along with others near the major King's Cross station and only afterward heard a blast.

Police confirmed an explosion destroyed a double-decker bus at Russell Square in central London. Dow Jones Newswires reported that police said there were explosions on two other buses.

"I was on the bus in front and heard an incredible bang, I turned round and half the double decker bus was in the air," Belinda Seabrook told Press Association, the British news agency.

She said the bus was packed with people. "It was a massive explosion and there were papers and half a bus flying through the air," she said.

Police said incidents were reported at the Aldgate station near the Liverpool Street railway terminal, Edgware Road and King's Cross in north London, Old Street in the financial district and Russell Square in central London, near the British Museum.

Bradley Anderson, a subway passenger, told Sky News that "there was some kind of explosion or something" as his train reached the Edgware Road station in northeast London.

"Everything went black and we collided into some kind of oncoming train," Anderson said.

Simon Corvett, 26, who was on an eastbound train from Edgware Road station, said: "All of sudden there was this massive huge bang."

"It was absolutely deafening and all the windows shattered," he said. "There were just loads of people screaming and the carriages filled with smoke.

"You could see the carriage opposite was completely gutted," he said. "There were some people in real trouble."

London's cell phone network was working after the explosions but was overloaded and spotty, limiting communication.

The explosions sent stocks plummeting in Europe, with several of the major indexes down 3 percent.
The enemy is much closer to home than the ignorant public wants to beleive.
No one outside of the RCMP, the CF or the government really seem to take this seriously or care too much.

the wake up call will be a loud one.
Quite frankly Lads, I am truly sickened by this whole yet unfolding event. In all honestly this could be any western city, and sadly its the innocents who have to pay.

In respect of those killed and injured, I will not comment any further for now.

All too soon we forget the effect of 911. The celebrations in the streets of our own city at the suffering of the U.S.

Our country is not what it once was and the wake up may not be a wake up at all but an act of vengenace (for them...our enemy!)

Its coming! Mark my words!

We need to be ready.

Got independent word, 7 blasts in London. Plus two in Brighton and in Swindon. Olympic party is cancelled. BBC.CO.UK is swamped.
Latest news as of now 739 EST 4 explsions, 3 underground, 1 bus, double digits of killed according to emergency services. Switching from resuce to recovery.
The PM and his gang are in Scotland right now for the G-8 summit. I hope that this shakes their boots a bit and gives them a wake up call to start taking this stuff seriously, and front the cash instead of just double talk.
But then Ann Maclellan will open her mouth. Jack Layton will want the money for some far out social plan. And the Consevatives will try to vote it down in non- confidence.
10 dead so far at Kings Cross, 160 wounded 758 EST, All "survivors" rescued from Kingscross, recovery of the dead just beginning.
Slim said:
All too soon we forget the effect of 911. The celebrations in the streets of our own city at the suffering of the U.S.

Our country is not what it once was and the wake up may not be a wake up at all but an act of vengenace (for them...our enemy!)

Its coming! Mark my words!

We need to be ready.


I second that.
It seems the explosions occurred between station so it appeared as though there were more blasts than there actually were.

Home Secretary confirmed on BBC Parliament that there are 4 confirmed blasts, 3 between tube stations and one bus.
2 Confirmed dead so far, anything else would appear to be speculation.
Attacks are confined to London as far as I know, though I'm writing this at a cafe in Birmingham (the second city) so there's a bit of tension in the air because if it's going to be any other city, it's going to be Birmingham.

The Brits have been dealing with terrorists for years now, so even an "unprepared" London (and they were somewhat unprepared) was incredibly prepared for such an incident with tested emergency plans going into place instaneously.

Even watching the news the bystanders right at the square looking at the destruction, the people on the tube, all completely stonewalled any emotional reaction.

The stiff upper lip at work.
My grandfather called to see if I was alright and said something to the effect of "Britain has survived the blitz, World Wars at their doorstep and IRA attacks, they'll dance over this and life will go on, you watch."
Even as I speak people are going about business as usual, it's an amazing phenomenon to watch the mindset of the British when you consider how close everything is.

The tube and buses are all shut down indefinitely, sadly London is effectively paralysed which it seems was the intent of the attacks but it will not be for long I wager.

My only hope, and I'll echo Slim's sentiments, is that someone in Canada takes heed as even if they do prepare somewhat they will not deal with attacks on this scale as well as London did so they can only prepare and pray for a bit of luck.
I have two friends who both work in London.  I was thankfully able to confirm they were ok. My condolences to the others that were not as fortunate.

Is it ironic that this happened around 8:49? I don't think so.

Vigilant said:
Crap, what the heck would we do if something like this happened in Toronto?
Make that talk in the National Security board.   Leave this thread for Britain.   Our NATO ally has been hurt this morning.   Lets post our support.  People have died, lets not hide our condolences by making this about us.

Islamic group says it carried out attacks - http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20050707.wqaed0707/BNStory/International/

Terrorist blasts cripple London - http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20050707.wlondon0707/BNStory/Front/
Reports are all the same on BBC more or less, emergency services is about to hold a press conference.

There is no military presence, only the Met doing searches with dogs.

The BBC reported there was an additional controlled blast this morning, though I dont know how accurate those reports are.

Still only 2 confirmed dead as far as I can see, both at Aldgate.

Like I said before, you can really see the people handling this very well considering.
The fatalities are now 31+ (33 on BBC 31 on ITV) at king's cross.
Only cowards could have been able to carry out this attack. Heartless idiots with no regards to human life what so ever. It is reasons like this that I decided to join the P. Reserves until I'm old enough to join the regs. Ironically, I get sworn in tonight.

I hope they get the bastards..  What a horrible thing to wake up to.. Again.  My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families.
Sorry, it was in Radio Chatter before, I didn't see it get moved until now.

Islamic group says it carried out attacks
Associated Press

Cairo â ” A group calling itself â Å“The Secret Organization of al-Qaida in Europeâ ? has posted a statement of responsibility for the series of blasts in London, saying they were in retaliation for Britain's involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The statement, which also threatened attacks in Italy and Denmark, was published on a Web site popular with Islamic extremists, according to Elaph, a secular Arabic-language news Web site, and Der Spiegel magazine in Berlin.

â Å“Rejoice, Islamic nation. Rejoice, Arab world. The time has come for vengeance against the Zionist crusader government of Britain in response to the massacres Britain committed in Iraq and Afghanistan,â ? said the statement, translated by The Associated Press in Cairo.

The authenticity of the message could not be immediately confirmed. The Associated Press was unable to access the Web site where it was posted, which was closed quickly after the reports.

â Å“The heroic mujahedeen carried out a blessed attack in London, and now Britain is burning with fear and terror, from north to south, east to west,â ? the statement said.

â Å“We warned the British government repeated. We have carried out our promise and carried out a military attack in Britain after great efforts by the heroic mujahedeen over a long period to ensure its success.â ?

â Å“We continue to warn the governments of Denmark and Italy and all crusader governments that they will receive the same punishment if they do not withdraw their troops from Iraq and Afghanistan,â ? the statement went on.

It was signed: â Å“The Secret Organization of al-Qaida in Europe.â ?

The last major attack in Europe claimed by al-Qaeda was a string of bombs that hit commuter trains in Madrid in March 2004, killing 191 people.